Tomato Fatima: variety description, characteristics, cultivation features

Fatima tomato is popular with vegetable growers. And this is due to the fact that the plant is unpretentious in care and is able to bring a large crop. But as in the case with any country fertile culture, you should familiarize yourself with the features of its cultivation. All the subtleties of caring for the presented tomato will be discussed later.

Description and characteristic

In 2013, gardeners and gardeners shared on the Internet and social networks positive impressions of the bushes of tomato plants of Fatima. The reviews said that the culture has been grown for more than one year. Summer residents remain delighted with this plant. This variety is not new. Seeds are delivered to Russia from Ukraine. It is worth noting that this variety is not listed in the State Register of Plants.

This tomato can be attributed to the early varieties. He feels good in unprotected soil. The bushes are spreading, the maximum growth of the plant is up to sixty centimeters.

Tomato Fatima

The tomato variety Fatima is hybrid, has an analogue with the name F1. It belongs to mid-early varieties of tomatoes. It is also grown in greenhouses. This plant has good immunity, which protects it from many diseases, such as late blight. The fertility of the bushes is quite high. Fruits are large in size, have a pink tint and a heart-shaped shape. The weight of one tomato can reach 400 grams. The tomato has a good meatiness and a sweetish flavor.

There are few partitions in tomato, dry matter is present in small quantities. Ripe fruits can be stored for a sufficiently long period. They are used for salads, and they also make tomato pasta, sauces, juices and make homemade preparations.

Pros and cons

Among the advantages of this variety can be noted:

  • large size ripe fruits;
  • pleasant sweet taste;
  • wide range of applications;
  • disease resistance;
  • good fertility.

Summer residents and gardeners have no minuses in tomato Fatima, thanks to this the product has established itself as one of the leaders among analogues in the beds of domestic summer residents. Three months is enough to harvest after planting seeds. Tomato is a thermophilic plant, so you should provide it with sufficient sunlight.

Sowing rules

Fatima tomatoes are suitable for cultivation in any region of Russia. Sowing seeds should be done in March. Before performing this procedure, it is recommended to treat the planting material with a one percent manganese solution. If the seeds are stored for more than a year, you should soak them in warm water for a couple of hours before processing.

Purchased planting material in packages should not be processed, otherwise it may harm their germination.

Fatima tomato variety

For planting, it is necessary to prepare the appropriate soil composition. For this, land is taken from the garden. It contains bacteria and various types of parasites. To get rid of them, you should steam the soil and thereby disinfect it. The soil is placed in a colander, then fixed over boiling water for fifteen minutes.

Already cultivated land is placed in landing tanks and small furrows are made in them. A pair of seeds is laid in the hole, maintaining a distance of two centimeters. After the procedure is completed, the furrows are covered with soil. After that, they must be watered. Most gardeners for the convenience of germination install an automatic watering system, but if you wish, you can do without it.


This procedure should be carried out in early May. And if the cultivation will take place in warm conditions, the seedlings are transferred to the open ground in the middle of spring.

You can also treat seedlings with special stimulating solutions before transplanting. It can be "Immunocytophyte" or "Epin." The use of such compounds helps to accelerate the maturation of young bushes.

Large-fruited varieties of tomatoes for open ground must be planted in the ground with nutrients. Therefore, it is necessary to treat all beds with mineral substances before transplanting. Often, potassium humus is used for this.

Seedlings of tomato Fatima

It is also worthwhile to plow the ground fifteen centimeters in advance. This will help get rid of a dense crust on the surface. Then the seedlings are transferred to prepared wells. Landing is by the method of 40 × 50. Deepening should be done at right angles. If the bushes are already tall enough, then support pegs for garter should be fitted next to them.

Care process

Like any fertile plant, tomato needs proper care. Bushes can grow poorly in dry soil. Therefore, it is recommended to install an automatic watering system. It will provide a comfortable development of culture. On cloudy days, you can restrict yourself to watering once a week. On sunny days, it is necessary to irrigate the soil every other day.

Fatima tomato reviews

It is recommended to feed plants with minerals during the growing season for a good harvest. This procedure should be carried out one and a half weeks after transplantation. Special solutions made on the basis of manure are used for this procedure.

The soil near the bushes should be periodically loosened. Such a procedure will provide access to the roots of a sufficient amount of oxygen. It also contributes to the removal of weeds.

Prevention and Disease

Summer residents and gardeners argue that late blight of tomato Fatima is not terrible. And thanks to its immunity to other diseases, this variety perfectly resists. And this is an inherent positive moment in the cultivation of the presented culture.

But even if a disease began to develop on the plant, it is recommended to treat it with a fungicidal solution. Alternatively, another suitable insecticidal preparation may be used.

Harvest and storage

According to the description, tomato Fatima with proper care and favorable conditions brings a good harvest. It reaches 10 kg with 1 m 2 . Harvesting, as a rule, should be done in late July or early August. The fruits are harvested gradually during their ripening.

Auto Watering System

Fresh tomatoes are stored for a very long time due to their properties. The fruit has a strong shell, which allows it to not crack during transportation.


Gardeners claim that this variety of tomatoes can be grown not only by a professional, but also by a beginner. But before you engage in this process, you should carefully study the features of planting and care. Otherwise, the harvest will not be as plentiful as stated.

Tomato Fatima Description

Reviews about the tomato Fatima are positive, since, subject to the relevant requirements and recommendations, this variety will reward the summer resident in full. The plant will please a good harvest. Many people like the pleasant sweetish flavor of tomatoes.

Fruits can also be used for implementation. Your customers will be satisfied with the quality of the presented vegetable. The plant is unpretentious in care, therefore, in the process of growing special difficulties do not arise.


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