Like skin: types, pros and cons, photos

One of the most popular materials by designers and fashion designers is like. It is impossible not to love products made of husk leather. After all, they are distinguished by a special elegance, subtlety, tenderness, charm of a special drapery.

What Like

like skin species

What animal like skin? The recipe for such a magical treatment of the skin of newly born kids was invented a long time ago, supposedly by Mediterranean tanners. Leather made using a special "test", which included alum, eggs, flour, animal fat, was affordable only to the most affluent people. Over time, in order to make huskies, the skin of newborn lambs began to be used.

Having learned the secret of husk skin and from which animals it is made, Europeans mastered its production. At first it was the trendsetters - the French, and soon after them the masters of the rest of Europe.

Products made of the finest leather, the perfect glossy surface of which shone, became a real value for fashionistas and fashionistas. Initially, the material was used only for sewing such an important and indispensable attribute as gloves.

Types of husk skin: modern treatment

bag of huskies

Modern masters, of course, use some tricks of the tanners of previous generations, but the technology for processing the skin of lambs and kids is now much changed. This dictates the time, the achievements of the chemical industry, the requirements of fashion, its developers and manufacturers of leather products.

Today, husk skin is represented by several types:

  • Aluminum tanning (aluminum salts are used) can give it a special softness. It turns out to be light, soft and very smooth.
  • Chrome tanning (chrome fat, mineral elements are used) promotes skin elasticity.
  • Zirconium tanning (based on alkaline crystals) allows you to get a particularly light, even white skin of the highest quality in elasticity.

Tanned leather is a high quality material. And quite expensive.

Pros and cons

like gloves

The advantages of such a skin, without exaggeration, have long been admired to this day. It:

  • The beauty and elegance of things.
  • Comfortable delicate material, pleasant to the touch.
  • The ability to fit the body as much as possible, emphasizing its bends.
  • Elasticity, which allows you to unleash the imagination of the designer.

Of the minuses, perhaps the most important is the soiledness of products made of husk leather and the difficulty of cleaning them.

The second serious minus is the flip side of the main advantage. Laika is very thin, and therefore good mainly for use in the manufacture of gloves, it is rarely used in the manufacture of shoes and accessories.

Leather products

husk shoes

It should immediately be noted that raincoats, coats, wraps, vests and jackets made of husk leather are not quite practical. Rather, they serve as accessories, rather than the main outerwear. Like leather is afraid of water (due to a special tanning method). When wet, it loses its appearance, and after drying it coarsens.

As a rule, such things are bought, as they say, "exit". Elegant and very comfortable, they can not be used for everyday wear. In addition, very thin skin can easily tear.

Outerwear and trousers, given the particular elasticity of the skin, huskies will stretch out on the elbows, knees and in other places if you sit and actively move in it.

Ladies handbags and clutches are very beautiful and pleasant to the touch. Fashionistas with pleasure wear luxurious husky belts and jewelry.

In a word, like skin can be used in the production of any clothes and shoes. But you need to handle it very carefully. And it should not be a thing of everyday wear.

Like gloves

leather gloves

Leather gloves are the most popular and common products. Yes, and with a great story. And it should be noted that today this accessory is no less popular than several centuries ago. The only difference is that it has become more accessible. The price of husky gloves is still not very low, but democratic is already quite possible.

Fashion houses, designers and mass manufacturers today offer women and men like gloves in such a variety that it is sometimes not easy to choose one.

First of all, it should be noted that modern gloves made of husk leather are not necessarily a piece of clothing for fall or spring. Not at all! Today warmed like gloves are made. They are worn with coats and fur coats. Given the modern fashion for shortened sleeves of outerwear, you can choose gloves from huskies with insulated lining of any length.

Features of the material dictate the wearing of such products, primarily as a very elegant accessory. The finest white husk gloves are very popular with brides. This is really a very beautiful addition to a romantic look.

Theatrical, concert, official attire also always adorn such thin gloves. And they are now produced in a variety of colors and styles. For low-necked dresses and with short sleeves, gloves up to the elbow and above are well suited.

The trade offers models of husky gloves for young people, which will help to create a modern look and style in combination with jeans, “leather jackets”, and sports shoes.

Like skin: care

husky shorts

In bright colors, she, of course, is very effective, but it is also very difficult to wear and care. The smallest spot on white skin can turn into a problem. Therefore, gloves and other products made of such material are usually worn in special cases. For everyday wear, it’s more practical to choose a husk of darker tones.

Wearing dyed leather gloves for the first time, you can sprinkle them from the inside with talcum powder, which you need to shake out after a while. This will help to avoid the transfer of paint on hand. In any case, she can cross only at the very beginning of the sock.

If leather products are wet, they should never be dried by heating appliances, in stoves or microwave ovens. They will dry out and deteriorate. Things should be wiped dry, straightened and laid out to dry at normal room temperature. Then it is easy to wipe with glycerin or castor oil (pure matter).

In no case do not experiment and do not follow the advice to clean the like with gasoline, kerosene, alcohol. You can wipe thin skin with a mixture of milk and turpentine. You should first try on an inconspicuous piece from the inside.

If you really need to iron a leather product, you must also do this with caution. Not with a hot iron, through the fabric and from the inside.

How to store things from likes

things from likes

No leather items, including husk leather, can be stored off-season in polyethylene. The lack of access to air in such a package has a very bad effect on natural skin, which should “breathe”. Items should be stored in dark cabinets, in cases or packages made of natural fabrics (chintz, linen). Jackets and other clothes must be hung on wide shoulders so that they do not deform.


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