Monument to Ilya Muromets in Russia

Ilya Muromets is a famous epic hero who embodied the power and Russian spirit. But according to legend, which, according to historians, is true, Ilya, until the age of 30, could not even walk on his own. The cause of this was childhood meningitis and, as a result, paralysis of the legs and arms.

Miraculous healing

According to legend, the elders, having come to the house where Ilya lived, asked him to drink water. The young man replied that he had been sitting for 30 years and could not fulfill their request.

Then the elders again asked to bring them water. In response, Ilya gets up, pours water and brings it to those who ask. They tell him to drink himself, he agrees. After the third sip, Ilya Muromets felt an unimaginable power in his body.

The elders, who gave miraculous healing, tell the young man to enter the service of Grand Duke Vladimir. But following the path, the path to Kiev, he must visit a stone unbearable.

Monument to Ilya Muromets
Having fulfilled the order, Ilya Muromets finds a horse and armor under a stone. Arriving at the place, he studied under Svyatogor, who at death blew on him, and Ilya received even more strength.

Why is Ilya Muromsky?

Russian historians tend to think that the famous hero comes from Karacharov, which is not far from Murom. If you read old legends, you can see that most of them begin with the words: “From that city of Murom, but the village of Karacharova ...”

Monument to Ilya Muromets photo
In the village of Karacharov there is even a memorial plaque on which the name of the famous Russian hero is immortalized. This board is nailed to the house where Ilya Muromets is believed to have lived. And in the local temple you can bow to his holy relics.

where is the monument to Ilya Muromets

Murom - the birthplace of a hero

On the banks of the Oka River, in the glorious city of Murom, stands a monument to Ilya Muromets. It was installed in 1999 and is considered very young. The author of the creation was the famous sculptor Klykov V.M. He became famous for such works as the pedestal to Alexander Nevsky, installed in Kursk, and the monument to Zhukov on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow.

As soon as the sculptor presented the monument to Ilya Muromets, his brainchild immediately became very popular. Not only visiting tourists, but also local residents like to come to admire and take a photo as a keepsake.

Monument to Ilya Muromets in Murom
The monument to Ilya Muromets in Murom became especially popular with local newlyweds. As soon as the pedestal was opened, brides and grooms began to come there and take pictures with the great epic hero.

Monument to the hero in Murom - the embodiment of strength and spirituality

Speaking directly about the monument, the sculptor Klykov sought to embody the image of a hero-monk in his creation.

The author dressed his hero in battle chain, under which you can see the peeking monastic robes. On the hero’s head is a traditional military helmet. In the left hand of Ilya Muromets, an Orthodox cross is clamped, and the right hand triumphantly raises the sword, to intimidate all enemies.

In the old days, along the Oka River, there was a border separating Russian lands. The monument to Ilya Muromets looks towards Oka and the hero as if looks around the border of his homeland, avoiding enemies.

The height of the monument, if you count from the tip of the sword to the pedestal on which it is mounted, is almost 21 meters. It is noteworthy that near the base there are symbols of victory and power - griffins. Terrible birds rest with their left paws on swords.

Despite the youth of the monument, it has already become a symbol and hallmark of the city. It is interesting that only after the installation of the monument, many local residents were surprised to learn that the epic hero was not at all an invention of the people, he really lived and fought for the good of the homeland.

Ilya Muromets in Vladivostok

At the very edge of Russia, a new pedestal-patron of the border guards was opened. It became a monument to Ilya Muromets in Vladivostok. And it is not for nothing that this particular hero was chosen as a symbol of the defense of the Russian borders. Indeed, in Russia, the Russian warriors were the main guardians of peace and inviolability. It was they who guarded the peace of the inhabitants and defended the borders of the state, their role now belongs to the border guards.

The monument to Ilya Muromets in Vladivostok is a gift from the Krasnoyarsk organization. The author of the monument was also a resident of Krasnoyarsk - sculptor K. Zinich.

The symbolic date of the opening of the monument is on the day of the border guard, which is celebrated on May 28. The opening ceremony was attended by the mayor of Vladivostok, I. Pushkarev and N. Gusev, the head of the FSB of Russia (border department in the Primorsky Territory). Sponsors - the company "Stimeks" from Krasnoyarsk also paid attention to such a cultural event in the life of the city.

The appearance of the monument to the hero in Vladivostok

A monument was erected to the Russian hero on the embankment of Vladivostok in Admiral's Square. It is a kind of symbol that meets all foreign tourists and, as it were, says that this is already Russian land.

The monument to Ilya Muromets organically fit into the already existing memorial complex of the Battle Glory of the Pacific Fleet. Nearby are a chapel and a triumphal arch, which combine modernity and epics.

Ilya Muromets is presented in the guise of a monk and is dressed in a monastic robe. The left hand holds a sword, but not raising it above his head, as on a statue in Murom. The monument in Vladivostok is presented in a peaceful version, when the sword is lowered, and the Russian hero makes a blessing gesture with his right hand.

Against the background of the installation of the monument, local residents had a lot of controversy. Many were not satisfied with the project sponsor. Others did not like the idea of ​​installing a monument at the memorial complex. Some even began to propose ideas for installing a pedestal. So, a young man suggested installing a monument to Ilya Muromets, whose photo is slightly lower, on Skrypleva island.

Monument to Ilya Muromets in Vladivostok
It was proposed that this would be our response to the American statue of Liberty.

Where else is a monument erected to the Russian hero of Murom

Asking the question, where is the monument to Ilya Muromets, you can immediately remember the hero’s homeland, the city of Murom. Of course, the monument to the hero is there. There is a monument on the banks of the Oka River, in a beautiful and cozy city park.

It is noteworthy that the symbol of the Russian silushka and the defender of the Russian borders, Ilya of Murom, is immortalized both in the center of Russia, in Murom, and on the borders of Russia, in cities located thousands of kilometers from each other.

So, the monument to the hero flaunts in Vladivostok, on the Ship Embankment. The exact installation location is Admiral Square.

And also there is a monument to Ilya Muromets in Yekaterinburg. The pedestal was installed in Tagansky Park, in the central square. Some believe that the local monument surpassed in beauty and power the monument erected in Murom.

Monument to Ilya Muromets in Yekaterinburg
The monument is made of bronze and represents the hero of Murom at a crossroads in front of a stone, riding a horse.

In addition to the main monuments erected in Murom, Vladivostok and Yekaterinburg, there is a monument to the Russian hero in Izhevsk, in the central park. And also at the entrance to the glorious city of Murom, a stone with the face of Ilya was installed. In Ukraine, in the city of Chernigov, there is a wooden statue of Ilya Muromets.

Everywhere where the pedestals are set to the epic hero Ilya Muromets, there are always full of tourists and just locals peacefully strolling through cozy squares.


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