Tsikas: leaves turn yellow, how to help the plant

Tsikas is an amazing plant that belongs to the Cygnus family. Translated from Greek, the name "Kykas" means "palm." The plant received such a name for its external similarity with this beautiful giant.

Palm cicada came to us from Australia and Southeast Asia - countries where it grows in the wild. Despite its unusual resemblance to palm trees, cicada is a slowly growing fern, characterized by a small, pineapple-like trunk and beautiful fan-shaped leathery leaves collected in a rosette. Young leaves of the Cycas are born twisted into small spirals. As it grows, the sheet straightens and reaches a length of up to 50 cm.

Before buying a plant, you need to make sure its health. Carefully examine the trunk, as well as the leaves and buds of the plant. Even the presence of minor damage in the future can lead to the death of the flower. The best option to buy is a plant that has more than 3 full grown leaves.

How to care for cicas. Basic rules for plant maintenance

Tsikas is a very fastidious, demanding plant that needs careful daily care. The flower prefers bright, but not too sunny rooms, as direct sunlight can damage its leaves. The abundant watering regimen used in spring and summer is significantly reduced for the winter period. Excessive watering, as well as stagnation of moisture or its contact with leaf buds can lead to decay of the plant. Therefore, it is best to pour water into the pan, in which there is a pot of cicus.

The cicus needs periodic fertilizing of the soil. Plant nutrition is carried out once every two weeks, using special additives designed for Cycas, which should not contain magnesium or calcium salts.

Young plants are transplanted annually until they reach the age of five. After this age, cicas can be transplanted much less often - once every 5 years. When transplanting, it is very important to bury the plant not too deep. It is necessary to make sure that the pine cone is not too deeply immersed in the soil.

This bizarre plant propagates by the children that form on its trunk. In order for the baby-tsikus to take root well, it is carefully separated from the parent and a slice of crushed charcoal or sulfur is sprinkled on it. After the baby dries up a couple of days, the cicus is planted in a small pot filled with a mixture of sand and peat soil. Watering is carried out very moderate, so that the young seedling does not rot.

Tsikas: leaves turn yellow. What to do?

Many are faced with a situation where chicks is sick. The leaves of the plant turn yellow, dry or begin to rot. What are the causes of these ailments?

Such manifestations are most often the result of improper care or the attack of pests that overcome cicada. Leaves turn yellow and with the wrong choice of place for the plant. Excessive lighting can cause burns on the surface of the leaves, causing them to dry and fall off. Such crippling results are caused by cicada and a lack of minerals in the soil, if the plant is not properly fertilized in the spring and summer.

Tsikas: leaves turn yellow. Eliminate pests

The main parasites that affect cicus include:

- mealybug;

- thrips;

- spider mite;

- a shield.

To cure a plant, it is treated with special solutions designed to eliminate a specific disease. However, it is worth remembering that the big pick is this cicada. The leaves of a plant turn yellow when it has rotted sufficiently enough or has large areas affected by diseases. This is practically a sentence for such a pet. Therefore, when acquiring cicus, it is necessary to prepare in advance for careful care of the flower in order to avoid such situations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3917/

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