Borsalino - gangster style hat and more

Quite popular today is the world-famous brand Borsalino. The hat of this brand has become a kind of mascot for modern fashionistas. This European brand has always had a high status and never needed to be introduced. A hat is often associated with gangsters and mafiosi. This legendary headdress gained such fame thanks to a film with the participation of Al Capone.

Briefly about history

The founder of this legendary brand is Giuseppe Borsalino. Since childhood, his hat has been his favorite hat. In 1857, the famous Italian opened a hat tailoring studio. It was the first enterprise engaged in tailoring hats. After fifty years of activity, the company produced about one million units of hats.

With the advent of the son of Borsalino into the family business, the annual turnover of products doubles. The company will soon become a world leader in its field.

borsalino hat

What appearance does a borsalino headdress have?

The hat of this legendary brand is a rather interesting hat with medium-sized fields. A distinctive feature is the decorating detail in the form of a ribbon. This complementary element of the hat neatly wraps it around to where the fields begin. The width of the tape varies depending on the preferences of the owner.

These hats are popularly called "fedora". This headdress in its most ideal interpretation should be made of soft and supple felt. A feature of the borsalino hat is three specific dents on the top.

borsalino hat for men

Modern interpretation of the image with a Borsalino headdress

The hat over the past decade has become an integral part of the fashionable image. Due to its brevity, this headpiece will amazingly emphasize the dignity and direct the image in the right direction.

A modern example of sophistication and harmony will be the light borsalino hat. The female model of this headdress will perfectly harmonize with strict classical clothes, giving the latter a special charm and chic.

The male version of borsalino will certainly appeal to confident representatives of a strong half of humanity. A perfect tandem with such a hat would be derby boots and a jacket made of thick material.

Today, many celebrities have chosen this headdress and successfully use it in their images. Cameron Diaz prefers to wear a borsalino hat in tandem with a vest, jeans and a T-shirt.

borsalino hat women

What is the uniqueness of the products of the Borsalino brand?

  • The main feature of the company is the use of manual labor in the manufacture of hats. The production of one product takes about seven weeks. Such a long production of hats is the key to quality.
  • The use of natural fabrics and only high quality raw materials that meet European standards.
  • A huge range of products in the company's arsenal, which is not limited to such a classic model as a borsalino hat. The men's collection of the brand’s products is laconic and rigorous, while the female one embodies tenderness and sophistication.
  • Classic fit is a hallmark of the brand.
  • Verifying product authenticity is easy enough. To do this, you need to take a hat and gently roll it into a tight tube and try to put it in a regular engagement ring. If the hat does not lose its original shape at all, then this is the original product.

A brand such as Borsalino will appeal to people who prefer Italian fashion and its highest quality. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford such products. She is focused on high affluence. Thanks to the impeccable quality of products, this legendary brand gains a huge number of fans every year.


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