Plasma or LCD which is better?

Now almost everyone makes a choice in favor of flat-panel TVs. Volumetric units occupying half a room are definitely a thing of the past. Flat-screen TVs today are manufactured using two main technologies: plasma and liquid crystal.

Let's try to figure it out constructively: which plasma or LCD is better? Let us summarize the scientific basis for controversy.

To date, plasma and LC are approaching each other in basic characteristics. Previously, the difference between them was quite noticeable, but now the LCD is acquiring a larger diagonal, and plasma is increasing the service life. So which plasma or LCD is better ? What to choose for purchase?

LCD and plasma difference


  LCD monitors are based on the following principle of operation. Molecules of liquid crystals under the influence of electric current move in space. Light, passing through a layer of crystals or delayed by them, enters the light filter. As a result, pixels consisting of three sub-pixels are displayed: green, blue and red. This combination of pixels is able to create a picture on the screen in the usual way.

Plasma TV

  Plasma TVs work according to the following principle. All pixels consist of microlamps with gas (neon and xenon). They are also of three colors (red, green, blue). The cones containing gas are supplied with electrodes that supply voltage. The voltage level determines the brightness of the lamp. The plasma image is obtained due to the difference in the degree of illumination of the screen, which creates the shades perceived by the eye.

Comparative characteristics of the main parameters

  Plasma or LCD which is better?

1. Screen sizes.

Plasma screens are not less than 32 inches. The minimum size of an LCD monitor can be compared to a watch screen. At the same time, LCD panels are already being produced in very large sizes, which are practically not inferior to plasma. Therefore, here you need to choose based on the dimensions of the room in which you plan to install the TV. Perhaps LCD on this parameter is more versatile.

2. Viewing angle

The plasma viewing angle is at least 170 degrees. LCD panels on this indicator, of course, are inferior. Newer LCD models are already approaching the plasma by a corner rotation, but the larger the angle, the less contrast the image appears. Therefore, plasma benefits must be recognized here.

3. Pixel response speed .

Here, in terms of general parameters, the plasma is the leader in which gas discharges act almost instantly. The crystals move more slowly. However, in the latest LCD models, the on-time was reduced to 1 millisecond, which led to the actual elimination of blurry images.

4. The contrast of the picture .

Plasma screens produce higher contrast pictures than LCD monitors. Plasma is characterized by direct radiation, due to which a juicy and bright image is obtained. The LCD matrix can simulate the light from the lamps, but not emit it. Therefore, the picture of the LCD screen is softer. This is a matter of consumer taste.

5. Uniformity of illumination of the panel .

Plasma screens are lit evenly due to the uniformity of all screen cells. In the LCD, this effect is more difficult to achieve due to the quality of the backlight. In addition, with higher brightness, LCD monitors lose contrast. The advantage is plasma.

6. Power consumption.

Plasma consumes two times more energy than an LCD TV. This is due to the problem of heat dissipation, which requires additional fan operation. In this regard, LCD is much more beneficial for the consumer.

7. Service life .

Plasma on average is designed for 30 thousand hours, LCD about 60 thousand. Some manufacturers offer models with up to 100 thousand hours of work.

Results: plasma or LCD which is better

Plasma wins by more indicators: it is safe for health, the image does not flicker, brightness and contrast are at a high level, and a large viewing angle. The obvious drawback is the high energy consumption. LCD panels are more economically advantageous, since they save energy. In addition, they are designed for a much longer service life and are cheaper when replacing parts.

By and large, now both technologies are so developed that they are practically not inferior to each other in quality . Definitely say: plasma or LCD which is better is difficult. The choice depends on the specific needs of the consumer and subjective preferences.


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