Fallout 4: locations and shelters

Fallout 4 is a role-playing adventure game from Bethesda. This project is a continuation of the legendary series in the setting of the post-apocalypse. The fourth part moves the player in the vicinity of Boston, where survivors are fighting for peace, joining various factions. In this article you will learn about the world of Fallout 4 - locations, shelters, main attractions and key places in the game.

fallout 4 locations

Description of locations

In the role-playing game, more than 312 locations are counted . This amount is twice as much as in the previous two projects of this series (the third part and New Vegas). Among these locations, when passing the storyline of the quest you will find more than 10 cities, 5 shelters, many small villages and even underwater worlds. In the released additions to the game, the creators did not limit themselves to the available terrain. They created the whole island of Far Harbor. In each settlement or refuge you will find unique quests that reveal the secrets of the place and its inhabitants. Therefore, it is not recommended to skip locations in Fallout 4 and run along the main quest.

It is impossible to tell about 300 places within the framework of one article. Therefore, we will go through the locations that are found in the main storyline, and shelters. In the fourth part, the developers did a great job in terms of settlements. Now in Fallout 4, the village consists of several houses, and cities are more like cities. In the past, even small settlements consisting of 3-4 buildings were called so.

fallout 4 shelter

The very beginning

Even in the prologue, the main character is in the small pre-war town of Senchuri. In this quiet and peaceful place he lives with his family. He has a wife and a small son. The game begins immediately before a nuclear explosion. At the time of the tragedy, you and your family will be taken to a shelter. After these events, the main character falls into the open world of Fallout 4, the locations in which are quite diverse. The first acquaintance begins with your hometown of Senchuri. However, he will appear before you in a ruined and lifeless form. Its only inhabitant is your home robot Kodsvorod, which for the whole time after the war remained in the city.

Having become accustomed a little, you begin to discover new locations and get acquainted with the inhabitants of the city's environs. Nearby (you get to this place on the main quest) you will meet the first settlers. Gradually, the main character learns that he needs to go to Diamond - the largest and most beautiful place in this game. However, it resembles a living organism - inside it, the zones are divided into separate small towns, which are controlled by various groups. Once you get to this place for the first time, you will study it for at least half an hour in real time. Before the disaster, it was part of Boston. Here you will learn the complications of the main and side storylines. Next, go on a free study of the wasteland.

fallout 4 location name

Mid game

Gradually, in Fallout 4, locations fill the entire place on the map in your pip-fight. In the middle of the game you have to choose the side whose ideology the hero will adhere to and fulfill their tasks. Here new places appear - the grouping bases. You can join the subway, the Brotherhood of Steel, minutemans or the Institute. Increasingly, you will meet large open spaces and labyrinths of dungeons. In Fallout 4, the shelter is a long and tangled corridor with many dead ends. Many fans of the series scold developers from Bethesda for the third and fourth parts for this reason.

List of Shelters

In Fallout 4, shelter can be seen less often. However, do not worry - almost all 5 underground locations you will visit on quests if you complete each task. The first refuge (111) is the starting point of the protagonist. In it you will spend no more than 15 minutes, collecting all the loot, reading the entries in the terminal, meeting the very first enemies - radtarakans.

Vault 81 is one of the most interesting places in the game. The fact is that it is the only functioning shelter. Its residents refused to leave the shelter. Having penetrated there, you will learn how people live underground (a similar thing already happened at the beginning of the third part of Fallout). Vault 75 is the shelter of the mayor of Boston. So here you will find many interesting things. But before that, of course, you are waiting for a sweep of the location from the monsters and wandering along the long tangled corridors. In the game you will meet 2 more dungeons: shelters with numbers 114 and 95.

fallout 4 village


In Fallout 4, the name of the locations is indicated on the map in a pip-fight. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to get confused. It is enough to put the quest marker and go to him. You can also navigate through already explored locations through pip-fight.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3931/

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