Esa Ala Cave in Mexico: Description

As a rule, birds choose the quietest places for sleeping and chicks. They also chose this amazing, unique cave located in Mexico.

The Swallow Cave in Mexico, which will be discussed in this article (its exact name is Sotano de Las Golondrinas), attracted birds, and not only them, but also due to its unusual structure. You can learn about this and much more by reading the article below.

It is easy to guess the origin of the name of the cave. Not one thousand clever and nimble birds have chosen this wonderful and not very accessible place for people.

Esa Ala Cave

general information

By its volume, the Swallow Cave in Mexico is considered one of the largest in the world, as well as one of the deepest. It can fit the Chrysler Building, located in New York.

Locals have known her for a long time, since ancient times. The very first study to be recorded was a study of the cave by Borland, Sterns, and Evans in December 1966.

Although the name of this wonderful natural structure is associated with the numerous swallows living in it, there are a huge number of other species of birds, including parrots. Every morning flocks of birds fly out of this large hole, soaring high into the sky, and in the evening they also come back, falling in free fall in large groups directly inward. Such a sight is truly impressive, therefore, numerous crowds of tourists rush here to see with their own eyes a unique miracle of nature.

Swallow Cave in Mexico

The temperature inside the cave is quite low, and there is vegetation only in its upper part, where after heavy rains waterfalls and streams arise, which cascade and with great speed rush into a huge abyss.

Especially famous was the Swallow Cave thanks to the J. Cameron film "Sanctum", where it is referred to as the complex of Es Ala caves.


The cave, located in the state of San Louis Potosi, has an unusual shape - the shape of a bottle. From above, it looks like a black spot, the diameter of which is approximately 50 meters. If you go down, then first you find yourself in a well, which is the neck, narrow and long. The diameter of the latter is small. This well leaves vertically in depth, where the space of the cave expands to about 160 meters in diameter. Such a bottle-shaped shape of the hole causes considerable difficulties for descent, but it is especially difficult to climb. And at the same time, this feature attracts extreme cavers and base jumping enthusiasts.

Es Ala Cave: Description

The depth of Esa Ala cave is up to 380 meters. The entrance is located on a slope, and the bottom of the cave, covered with a thick layer of stones and bird guano, also has a slope. There is also a drainage well, which is deepened by 512 meters.

Inside this grandiose natural structure there are many narrow passages, tunnels, splits and manholes, going deep into lower levels. The latter have not yet been studied.

About extreme speleotourism

Those same unexplored passages and manholes are increasingly attracting experienced cavers and adventure lovers to make new discoveries. Speleotourism lovers come to the Esa Ala cave from all over the world to test their endurance and test their strength.

The descent itself, as a rule, does not cause difficulties. The highest stress forces require climbing steep walls. Even when using pre-prepared and stretched special ropes and other equipment, lifting from the bottom of the hole takes about 2 hours.

Esa Ala - Swallow Cave

In connection with the increase in the number of tourists, ornithologists have sounded a real alarm. They took care that there was a threat of destruction by the careless actions of people of a large colony of birds. Therefore, today ecologists are trying to preserve the unique local ecosystem. To do this, they introduce a number of necessary restrictions for athletes and cavers-researchers: access to the cave of Esa Al is allowed only at a time when birds fly out of it (from 12:00 to 16:00). In addition, to enter it, you can use a single platform where it is allowed to place equipment.

About the dangers

It should be noted that for fans of base jumping the above rule (about the time of descent to the cave) is very important, since a collision with a flock of birds in the air during even a 10-second flight can lead to certain death. Parachute descent is a fascinating action for fans of the most extreme sports. However, such an activity is very dangerous for jumpers without sufficient experience.

It is important to note that the landing site in the center of the cave is quite narrow, so this is not so simple. To do this, it is necessary to accurately calculate the moment the parachute opens, otherwise (with premature opening), you can catch on any protrusion on the steep wall of the well, which is guaranteed to lead to a mortal blow to the bottom of the cave.

The depth of Esa Ala cave

Athletes are in free fall for about 6-7 seconds. Although it is dangerous and difficult to fly in the cave of Esa Al, brave people and swallows love it.

Another important point - the cave is not only full of lovely swallows, it is the habitat of a huge variety of snakes, scorpions and spiders, so it is recommended to descend into the cave in appropriate clothing.

Other state attractions

In addition to visiting the unique cave of Esa Ala and its picturesque surroundings, in San Luis Potosi, tourists will be interested in taking a rather fascinating walk along its city streets. This settlement is rightfully one of the most beautiful in Mexico.

It has unusual architecture, and it is famous for the Plaza del Carmen (central square of the city) and the magnificent San Francisco park. The delightful Iglesia del Carmen church, made in the Baroque style, is located in the square.


In conclusion, how to get to the cave

It is best to get to the Swallow Cave (Esa-Ala) via Mexico City, which you can fly to by plane (the cost of an air ticket is about 30 thousand rubles, the cost of a visa is about 2.5 thousand rubles). From Mexico City to the city of San Louis Potosi, the flight costs 15,000 rubles.

Only a narrow dirt road for jeeps and a path for pedestrians leads to the cave from the village.


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