WWII veteran: benefits, status and rights

A very rare status in Russia at the moment is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Benefits and a variety of bonuses from the state are laid precisely for this category of citizens. And some members of their families, too. But what can they count on? What benefits and opportunities are offered in Russia to those who have the status of a veteran? And how can I get some bonuses from the state? To date, a variety of benefits and privileges are many. And you need to know about everyone.

veteran of World War II perks


So, the first thing you should pay attention to is that the question posed is solved ambiguously. Benefits in Russia are mainly provided at the regional level. Therefore, part of the state bonuses granted to veterans may not be available in certain regions of the country.

Nevertheless, there is a generally accepted list of benefits that are granted to the persons indicated earlier. Accordingly, the most accurate information regarding the proposed opportunities is best found in the administration of a particular locality. But what federal benefits are offered? What can a World War II veteran count on? Benefits, benefits and other features will be listed below. Get them is not difficult. Especially if you prepare for the processes in advance.


But before this is to study one law. It is called "On Veterans". It indicates key points that allow one to understand without any problems on what principles these or other benefits are offered.

What should I look for? For example, who is entitled to certain bonuses from the state. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to design them. When are benefits offered to veterans of the Great Patriotic War? Section 20 of the Veterans Law provides that:

  • bonuses are offered in accordance with established regional rules;
  • laid to all who worked in the rear from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945;
  • the minimum period of participation in hostilities is six months.

Accordingly, not all survivors of war can be called veterans. And they will not be granted benefits. Also, as already mentioned, citizens can receive only those opportunities that this or that region offers.

privileges for veterans of the great patriotic war article 20


And what is most often offered to the studied category of citizens? Bonuses from the state are offered various. The first of these is housing.

All veterans who do not own a dwelling stand in line to receive it. Moreover, within the city in which the person is registered. On a free basis, an apartment will be transferred to the veteran. As practice shows, family members of veterans will also have rights to real estate. After all, after the death of a citizen, the apartment is not taken away. This is the property of a veteran who will be inherited.

The only caveat is that you have to wait a very long time. If the veteran does not wait for his turn, depending on the rules of the region:

  • heirs immediately receive real estate;
  • the privilege is not granted to either the deceased veteran or members of his family.

Nevertheless, the state is trying as soon as possible to provide all people with the status under study with separate housing. It is necessary to apply for benefits to the city administration. About how this is done - a little later. First, you will have to understand what privileges of veterans of the Great Patriotic War are most often found in practice.


For example, many are interested in payments and benefits. In Russia, persons with special status are entitled to pension benefits. And veterans are no exception. They receive increased retirement benefits. Moreover, in all regions, without fail.

Perhaps this option is found in 100% of the cities of the country. Pension payments are made out approximately in the same way as a regular pension. But the statement states that the citizen wants to receive benefits as a veteran. Attached evidence of status. After that, the FIU will appoint increased payments. They are changed and indexed annually. The regions have set their own pensions for veterans of World War II.

what are the benefits of veterans of the great patriotic war


But that is not all. Family members of the veteran are also entitled to some bonuses from the state. Most of them are provided to wives. Or rather, to widows. What can they count on?

As a rule, benefits to widows of veterans of the Great Patriotic War are expressed in pension allowances. A woman simply needs to declare her status. She can also receive some bonuses put by her spouse. For example, a discount on utility bills. These are the most common bonuses that are found in practice.

Housing and communal

And now - again about the immediate veterans. After all, they receive the most support from the state. What are they entitled to? The benefits to veterans of the rear of the Great Patriotic War are offered, as already mentioned, diverse. For example, you can get a discount on housing and utilities.

In this case, a tariff is set in the regions, which is 50% less than the standard. Members of the veteran’s family who live with the main recipient will be eligible for such a discount.

To take advantage of the bonus, simply inform the service companies and the Housing Office about your status. In fact, getting this benefit is easy.

In some regions, organizations may offer veterans big discounts. But initially they should be at least 50%. This is an established rule applicable at the federal level.

privileges to veterans of the rear of the great patriotic war

Out of turn

What other features do you need to pay attention to? Benefits to veterans - participants of the Great Patriotic War are offered in different areas of life. Great attention is paid to everything related to housing.

So, for example, family members of a veteran, like the participant himself, can hope for a free telephone installation in an apartment. Yes, and out of turn. But that is not all.

Also, the indicated category of population retains the pre-emptive right to join a variety of housing, garage, summer cottage and garden communities. Cooperatives also belong here. For example, garage. Veterans will have to be admitted to these associations without waiting in line. And consider their candidacy in the first place.


What else can a World War II veteran count on? Benefits are also offered in the service area. There is such a bonus as free service in organizations in which a citizen was observed before retiring and obtaining veteran status.

Accordingly, a citizen can not only visit specific medical institutions, but also receive assistance there without a queue. In general, in Russia, veterans of the Great Patriotic War are usually served first. Optional in hospitals. In general, in any organization. But the families of veterans can not use this benefit.

benefits to the widows of veterans of the great patriotic war

Treatment and dentures

But these are not all the opportunities that are offered in Russia. What other bonuses is a World War II veteran entitled to? The benefits apply to medical treatment and prosthetics. It has already been said that citizens with the indicated status should be treated without a queue and free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy. But that is not all!

Citizens who have a certificate of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War can count on free prosthetics. If a person pays out of pocket, you can get monetary compensation. Accordingly, you do not need to pay for certain prostheses. They are provided to veterans for free.

But there are exceptions. What are you talking about? Veterans of the Great Patriotic War benefits (article 20 of the Law "On Veterans" indicates that everywhere the possibilities are offered different) get prosthetics. Only such a bonus does not apply to teeth. Dentures under any circumstances have to pay independently and completely. Everyone should remember this. It is illegal to demand free manufacture of dentures for a veteran from a medical organization. Moreover, this rule applies to all regions. Free dental prosthetics are not performed anywhere.

For children

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in Russia there are peculiar privileges for children of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Although they are provided specifically to protect people with a study status. What can descendants of veterans count on?

rights privileges of veterans of World War II

Among the most common benefits are:

  • a discount on utility bills;
  • discounts on housing;
  • assistance in the funeral of a veteran (the state takes part of the expenses);
  • assisting a veteran with social assistance at home;
  • Admission of a veteran to a boarding school or nursing home out of turn.

There are no more benefits for veteran children. In any case, other bonuses today are not found in practice.


What else do the studied categories of persons have rights? The benefits of World War II veterans sometimes extend to travel by public transport. In most regions, people with this status can rely on free use of transport. You can’t get benefits only for regular and regular taxis. The rest of the transport companies offer free travel to veterans.

But this feature will have to be clarified in each city. Somewhere this benefit is granted, somewhere not. And everyone should remember this. As practice shows, now they try to remove bonuses for free travel in all regions of the country.

Documents for getting an apartment

And now - a little about how to get a very important opportunity that a veteran of the Great Patriotic War can claim. Benefits associated with the provision of housing - this is what it is worth paying attention to.

veterans of World War II benefits per article 20

This opportunity is being drawn up, as has already been said, in the city administration. Moreover, a citizen has the right to receive housing only once. The veteran on his behalf writes a statement of the established form, which is submitted with documents to the city administration.

What papers are required? It:

  • identification;
  • SNILS;
  • TIN (if available);
  • certificates confirming the status of a veteran;
  • extracts from the house book;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • documents indicating the status of a veteran;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • documents indicating the need of a citizen;
  • certificates of ownership held by the applicant;
  • child birth certificates / adoption.

Now you know what benefits veterans of the Great Patriotic War can claim .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3941/

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