Variety Start (plum): description, photo, reviews

With the onset of the summer season, gardeners begin to think about expanding the assortment of their fruit trees. Most love plums, as they are picky for the most part and have a high yield. Recently, Startovaya plum has been very popular. Description of the variety, photos and reviews can be found in this article. So, for starters, let's talk a little about the history of output.


Plum Start (the description of the variety and photos are provided in our publication) has become known since 2006. The variety is quite young, but has already spread widely throughout the country and found its fans. Agronomists R. E. Bogdanov, T. A. Pisanova, G. G. Nikiforova, G. A. Kursakov became the initiators. For hybridization, the Volga Beauty and Eurasia-21 were used. They are the best pollinators of the Startova plum, the description of which will be in the further content. The cultivated variety received the best qualities from its "parents", it is high winter hardiness and fairly large fruits.

At the moment, plum is widespread in central Russia, in Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and Estonia.

starting plum grade description

Plum home Start: grade description, photo

This variety has a very early ripening period, it is very frost-resistant and can endure the most severe winters without additional shelter. It is also adapted to sultry summers with little rainfall. He loves sunny and warm weather, it is then that the fruits are more sweet and tasty.

High productivity is noted in all regions where the tree of this plum tree grows. She was loved not only by lovers of rummaging in summer cottages, but also by professional agronomists who grow fruits and vegetables for industrial purposes. With one hectare of landings, with proper care, you can collect more than sixty centners of ripe fruit. But the minus of the variety is its short shelf life, in a cool room it will last up to twenty-five days.

It is consumed fresh, but for the most part it is prepared for the winter. The description of the Start plum variety says that it is ideal for freezing so that you can enjoy the fruits on a winter day. It is also used for making wine, juice, jam and jam, it perfectly enriches the compotes with its taste.

plum starting grade description photo

Tree description

The starting plum, a description of which many gardeners are interested in, grows on a tree. It is powerful, decorated with broad, dense, oval-shaped foliage. Its oblastnost is average. The leaves themselves are medium sized, neat broad in shape with a pointed tip. They are beautiful emerald hue, glossy, wrinkled, ribbed at the edges.

The tree gives wide, strong shoots. They are burgundy brown, with a slight silver tint. The top is short and pointed. On the shoots there are a huge number of lentils of brown-silver color.

Petioles are decorated with โ€œfrecklesโ€ in the form of small pigmentation. The pieces of iron have a hint of amber and are located on each petiole in two pieces.

Especially beautiful tree during flowering. It is showered with large snow-white flowers with a pleasant aroma, their cups resemble bells.

plum starting grade description reviews


In the form of large round-ovoid fruits, the starting plum grows. The variety description says that each of the fruits weighs at least forty-five grams, and the average weight is 55 grams. All plums are one-dimensional, their base is elongated, the top is oval, and the pit is small.

The peel has a rich purple color, but it is hidden under a burgundy-blue waxy coating. There are no freckles under the peel. To the touch, the peel is dense, hard, it protects the flesh. But itโ€™s completely not felt when eating, giving you the opportunity to fully experience the amazing taste of pulp. Inside the plum is amber, very juicy. Juice with a little acidity, but still more sweet. It is also colorless, but fragrant. Tasting assessment plum received in the amount of 4.7 points out of five.

Inside each fetus, as a rule, there is one elongated bone. It is very easily separated from the ripened pulp.

Ripe plums do not peel off the tree, they wait until the gardener carefully collects them. From the pedicel they depart perfectly, they are not damaged.

High transportability over long distances became possible precisely because of the quality of the skin, which protects the fetus from deformation and damage.

plum starting grade description photo reviews

How to plant a bone?

Surely, when you were children, they liked to plant seeds from plums and waited for them to sprout. But children's patience is not the same as that of adults, so the "bed" was soon abandoned, never bringing a harvest. Do you want the โ€œStartโ€ plum growing in your garden, the variety description of which is given above? Then you will have to remember children's games, get a stone, but be patient and work hard.

Seed should be well washed from the pulp and soaked for 120 hours in room temperature water. Every day, the water should change, and the bones, if there are several, should be washed again and mixed. In the future, they should be dried and put in a glass container. Only after that we proceed directly to the landing.

Bones begin to stratify six months before planting in the soil, mixed with wet sand. The temperature during such operations should not be lower than -10, but not higher than +1.

If planting is scheduled for spring, then plant in April, if in autumn, then until mid-October, until frost hit. So, we are waiting for two years, do not forget to water on dry days. During this period, an excellent seedling will grow from the seed! Four years later, he will turn into a tree and give you ripe plums, exactly the same, the seed from which you planted six years ago.

plum starter variety description pollinators

What pests and diseases are attacked?

So, you planted a beautiful variety in your garden. Starting discharge (the description is given above) is unpretentious in leaving. You do not have to defend against pests, they are not at all interested in this variety. Even such dirty creatures as the plum sawfly, plum moth, plum moth and silkworm are indifferent to the taste, quality of the fruit and tree of the Start Plum. Also, it is not attacked by plum diseases and cannot become a victim of greedy fruit rot, scab and rust. That is why you do not have to wear a respirator and spray the tree, it protects itself from all troubles!

plum home starting grade description photo

Plum Start: description of the variety, reviews from gardeners

Summer residents describe the variety as ideal. They write that high yields are stable, regardless of climatic conditions and the number of sunny days in a year. Responding to a sink is only good. The comments describe both the taste and the color of the plums, do not forget to praise the tree for its "short temper", which is practically not necessary to care for. Especially gardeners are pleased with the fact that there is no need to treat it with all kinds of poisons in order to save the crop from all sorts of misfortunes in the form of diseases and pests. People who have this miracle tree on their site advise all summer residents to plant the same!


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