Brooch doll made of felt: pattern and sewing steps

Fashion for brooches has been holding for several years. Huge choices in stores sometimes confuse potential customers. After all, the wrong selection of this accessory can ruin the image, and at the same time empty the customer’s wallet.

How to wear brooches

There can be many options for using such an accessory:

  1. On the blouse. It is preferable to wear it under a buttoned collar or on any of its sides. It is worth considering that the brooch should be light, because heavy can stretch the fabric with its weight.
  2. On a jacket or coat. As well as on the blouse, putting on one side of the collar, on the side of the chest.
  3. On the dress. At the lower point of the neckline, on the straps, on the waist.
  4. On a T-shirt, a jumper. In almost any part of the thing - on the side, under the neck.
  5. On headdresses. Hats and hats are meant here.
  6. On the jeans. On a pocket or on a belt.
  7. On accessories. Brooches can be worn by fastening on a handbag or clutch, on a belt.
  8. On shoes. Brooches can be fastened on shoes (if you have two small identical brooches) or boots. This is perhaps the rarest version of their wearing.

Baby brooches

Accessories for little ladies are a separate trend in fashion. Many girls are very fond of brooches and enjoy wearing them. Such a bright and cute accessory will cheer up others and the hostess herself. Of course, various cartoon characters, animals, flowers, and, certainly, dolls are relevant for children's brooches. They can be worn on any clothing described above.

As a rule, brooches for adults are more detailed. For children in such accessories, small elements are not worked out. Brooches for little ladies can be made, in principle, from all the same materials as for adults - from beads, fabric, foamiran, and also from felt. After all, this material is quite safe (note that if you use wool or wool mixture for work, then in some cases it can cause allergies). Moreover, do-it-yourself doll patterns of felt are also quite easy to do.

Brooch “doll” from felt

Materials for the manufacture

To work, you need about an hour of free time and the following materials:

  • hard Korean felt of different colors;
  • threads in tone of felt;
  • needle;
  • self-disappearing marker;
  • scissors;
  • clasp for brooches;
  • doll pattern from felt;
  • cardboard;
  • black beads;
  • Crystal Moment glue or glue gun;
  • dry blush.
    doll from felt pattern

Manufacturing steps

Making a brooch yourself is quite easy. You can even do this with a little fashionista:

  1. Print a doll pattern from felt on a printer at the desired scale.
  2. Scissor all details.
  3. On felt, circle them with a self-disappearing marker - the silhouette of the doll on beige felt, the hair on brown or orange, and the dress on whatever you want. It will be very interesting to look clothes made of felt with a pattern. When using a self-disappearing marker on a dark felt, it can be simply invisible - in this case, you can use a thin bar of soap.
  4. With sharp-pointed scissors, carefully cut the details of the pattern of the brooch-doll from felt.
  5. Circle the silhouette on cardboard and cut a little smaller.
  6. We sew two beads on one part of the body in the face area.
  7. Blush draw cheeks. Mouth is optional.
  8. Sew the two largest details of the brooch doll pattern from felt to each other with a buttonhole (or sewn, but then the stitch pitch should be very small), laying cardboard between the parts to make the body.
  9. If necessary, it can be glued to felt.
  10. After the body is sheathed, hair needs to be sewn to the head. The larger part of the felt doll pattern will be located at the back, and the small part will play the role of a bang.
  11. The next step is to make two holes on one part of the dress through which to insert a brooch pin. How it looks can be seen a little lower.
  12. Using a needle and thread through the holes in the metal, fasten the fastener to the felt. Or you can use glue.
  13. Two parts of the dress should be placed on both sides of the body and sewn together.
clasps for brooches

Such a product can be a great gift for a little fashionista. And older girls can be involved in the manufacture of brooches, for example, entrusting them to circle patterns or at least choose your favorite felt colors. This will help to educate the girl in good taste, as well as to accustom her to needlework.

Brooch Making Variations

One of the interesting modifications of the chrysalis is as follows - according to the pattern published above, the chrysalis doll is cut out of felt without arms and legs. They will be made of thick threads with a bead and a knot at the end.

Another interesting kind of brooch is just the head. Manufacturing technology will be almost the same as that described above. Also, hair can be made not from felt, but from yarn. And then it will be possible for the doll to braid even braids!

doll felt

A very interesting use case for such a chrysalis is that it is not necessarily a brooch detail from it. You can sew it to the rubber band, attach it to the rim, make a patch on the clothes.

You can also give something to the doll in the pens, for example, a flower or a handbag. Also, craftswomen can offer a variant not of a dress sewn from felt, but of a knitted one.


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