Educational toys for children 4-5 years old: constructors, sets for story games, musical toys

Abundance of goods, including in children's goods stores, is sometimes perplexing. Everything around is so bright, alluring! But you can’t buy the whole store, for the child I want to choose something really necessary: ​​interesting and useful. Developing toys for children 4-5 years old meet all these criteria.

Age features

Before talking about what children at 4-5 years old like to play, it is important to understand what features are typical for this age. Kids still pay attention to bright objects, but their interests are becoming more narrowly focused. Each of them has their own hobbies, favorite cartoons and fairy tales, characters and heroes. In addition, it is already possible to determine a priority direction for future development: where parents should put their efforts. Maybe this is music? Dancing? Painting? Or swimming? Or football?

the children's designer

The most useful educational toys for children 4-5 years old

An ideal toy is one that teaches a child something new, it is not necessary to count or read: it’s also important to move correctly, play some scenes with your favorite characters. Development proceeds simultaneously in several directions: intellectual, creative, emotional and social. The child learns to fantasize, communicate, find a way out of different game situations. This cannot be taught in the lessons. This is known only in the game.

Young architect

If your child is fond of creating figures from the constructor, consider yourself lucky. Catching up with tiny details, a preschool child develops its fine motor skills. Reflecting on how to create a single whole from disparate particles, he improves synthetic and analytical mental functions. In the future, this hobby will help him quickly master mathematics, easier to cope with writing. In addition, the ability to assemble figures according to instructions trains the skill of repetition according to the model, and the ability to come up with something of their own realizes creative potential.

lego sets
Children's designer can be anything: wooden, metal, magnetic or plastic. Each variety has its own characteristics, but the above properties are inherent in them all. The block constructor of the Lego type stands apart. Kits can include from several tens to thousands of parts. Moreover, they are universal: from a pair of ships, for example, you can build a castle, and from a car - a spaceship.

The number of assembly options for such a constructor is almost unlimited. This is the whole world! In addition, lego sets include characters: people, animals, household items or weapons for them. And this already gives the child the opportunity to use them to build a plot, role-playing game. People are divided into good and bad, perform some kind of action, live their own lives. Attentive parents, having watched the play of their baby, can draw conclusions about what is happening in his soul, what he is interested in, what he is worried about. Perhaps this will help them direct the development of the child in a more proper direction.

Table games

What educational toys for children 4-5 years old can still be watched? What will enjoy the continued success of babies? Of course, board games! Modern parents often underestimate the importance of spending time with a child. It would seem that the movement of chips on the map or the children's lotto can give such an important thing? The most important thing that a child receives in the process of such games is the ability to lose and not give up. When, over and over again, he observes victory or defeat, not only at home, but also at the other participants in the entertainment, he gradually gets used to the idea that failure is not the end. Success will surely follow. The kid will carry this idea through his whole life; it will help him in various adult situations after many years.

baby lotto
As for intelligence, board educational games for 5 years do not leave aside it either. Even throwing a dice and moving the chip, the kid learns to count, evaluate his position on the field in relation to other participants. The same children's lotto or domino trains attention, reaction speed, logic, memory.

Movement is life

Development should be comprehensive, so you should pay attention not only to the psychological component of this concept, but also to the physical. Large motor skills are no less important than small ones, because this is strength, dexterity, self-confidence. The best tool for developing motor skills will be sports games. Inventory for them can be anything: from a soccer ball to a bicycle.

It is difficult to arrange a sports corner in an apartment or a small house. And for the Swedish wall with a horizontal bar, you can always find a place near the wall.

dance mat
An excellent choice for indoor outdoor games will be, for example, a dance mat. It will not only allow children to relieve tension in the dance, but also help to develop attention, quick decision-making, communication between the brain and body. After all, the child simultaneously has to move, follow the commands of the system and respond to them promptly. The competitive element of the game will add adrenaline and allow the young dancer to feel the excitement of competition and the sweetness of victory.

Role-playing games

Children at this age comprehend the social side of life. They observe how people around them and in the family communicate, try on different roles. Girls often begin to show an interest in “raising” dolls. “Daughters-mothers” along with “tea drinking” are always popular among five-year-olds. Boys build military bases, play soldiers, firefighters, policemen and bandits.

Story Kits

Sets for story games are as diverse as children's fantasies: dishes, dolls with houses, household items, sets of superheroes and fairies, monsters and characters of your favorite cartoons. Costumes and accessories are worth mentioning separately: girls are transformed into sorceresses, boys are transformed into soldiers. In the game, children build relationships, interact based on their roles: “I am a mother, you are a daughter,” and then vice versa. In turn, they depict the evil and the good, the kids and the parents, the strong and the weak, etc. This is a necessary training for the adult in the emotional sphere.

Musical toys

Creativity or the ability to create, create new things also need attention. And if the children's designer develops the logic as well as possible, then paints, plasticine and musical toys are indispensable for aesthetic development.

Educational games for 5 years
You can instill a child with a love for the instrument long before you send it to school. In this case, the baby will already imagine what a piano (or flute, guitar, accordion) is, how it is played. Small analogs of musical instruments awaken the main thing in a child - the desire to learn music, master notes, invent melodies.

educational toys for children 4-5 years old

Learning languages

Some parents enter the study of a foreign language in the developmental program of the child from almost the diaper. Scientists argue about how appropriate this is, but those who wish remain. It is unlikely that, despite all the efforts of parents and teachers, the Russian-speaking four-year-old will fluently speak English or Chinese. All that is needed at this age is just an introduction.

In order for the kid to realize that the objects existing around him can be called differently, for example, in English or German, you can give him a toy that says, say, body parts in a foreign language.

Play together

Whatever educational toys for children of 4-5 years old you choose in the hope that with their help the child instantly grows wiser, remember the main thing: the thing itself will not teach the baby anything. To achieve a result, an adult also needs to make an effort. At first, play with the child together, show him how to use the game, and perhaps return to it more than once.

Children love when parents engage in their entertainment. Mothers and their daughters have a tea party for dolls. Dads and sons are building military bases. All educational games for 5 years will be effective only if parents are interested in this.

educational games for 5 years

Among other things, being close to their babies, adults teach them something else: to communicate, understand the interlocutor, agree on the rules and abide by them, do not treat losing as a tragedy, believe in victory and strive for it. It is necessary to give the child a chance to take his initiative. Let him come up with a new game plot, tell the background of the situation in which the characters were.

And, of course, it’s worth choosing educational toys carefully, taking care of their safety. The unpleasant smell of plastic or lagging paint, as well as small parts that strive to fall off and get lost - is an occasion to choose something else.


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