Military History Museum in Orel: creation history, description, mode of operation

Eagle, a city of military glory, is famous not only for its rich history, but also for museums. The most famous is the Oryol Museum of Local Lore, one of the branches of which is the military-historical museum located in the house of the merchant Chikin. The building is of great value and is a cultural heritage site.

Some facts from history

The history of the city is very interesting. It was built by order of Ivan the Terrible to protect the southern borders of the state. However, some historians refute this and argue that the Eagle was founded by decision of the Zemsky Boyar Duma. Initially, it was a fortress, which eventually grew into a big city.

In 1897, the Museum of Local Lore began working in Orel, dedicated to the history of the city from its very foundation, to well-known residents, to the animal world. Currently, it is located at: Gostinaya Street, house 2. Later, at the end of the 20th century, a new branch of the museum of local lore dedicated to the military history of the city was opened. Having been in it, residents and guests of Orel can get acquainted with military equipment, learn about the battles in which the natives of the Oryol region took part, see photos of valiant heroes and rare exhibits, and also enjoy paintings by famous artists.

Museum hall

The Military History Museum in Orel was created on the basis of the diorama museum, opened in 1983. The central place in the previous exposition was occupied by a diorama dedicated to the breakthrough of German defense during the Great Patriotic War. Later, new exhibits, documents, photographs and much more were added there.

The history of the creation of the military-historical museum in Orel is associated with the outstanding figure and painter G.V. The industrialist, who was one of the authors of the drama "The Battle of Oryol". The project of the exposition was developed by the museum of local lore.


Here you can see exhibits that remind visitors of the liberation of the region from the Nazi occupiers. An important place is occupied by dioramas created by the famous painter A.I. Kurnakov. The artist dedicated one of them to the Great Patriotic War, and the second to the battle of Kromy during the Civil War. In the halls of the museum you can see uniforms, rare weapons, military photographs and letters, portraits of prominent participants in hostilities, medals and much more.

Museum exhibits

In 2005, an exhibition was opened in the military-historical museum of Orel, dedicated to the participation of city residents in local military conflicts in countries such as Afghanistan, Angola, Egypt, Cuba and many others. In addition, this room contains materials on the outstanding natives of the Oryol region who were involved in anti-terrorist operations in our country and in the border areas.

In total, the museum has 9 main halls, in which exhibits are created that recreate the military history of the Eagle from ancient times to the 20th century.

You can visit this place alone, but you can see the exhibits as part of the excursion group and listen to the fascinating explanations of the guide.

In the museum you can buy small souvenirs for yourself and your loved ones. They are sold in the lobby. There you can buy magnets, soldiers, calendars, books and much more.

Address and mode of operation

The Military History Museum in Orel is located on Normandy-Niemen Street, at number 1. It works on all days except Monday. The working hours of the Military History Museum in Orel can be found on the official website.

Visitors reviews

Visitors note that everyone will be interested in visiting the military history museum in Orel. It is especially useful to conduct excursions for children in it, so that they have an idea of ​​the great past of their native land. Many people write that the halls are quite spacious, and the exposition, paintings and dioramas give the feeling that you are a participant in the events. It is both scary and exciting. Visitors claim that they want to return to this museum again and again, to once again admire the wonderful paintings and unique exhibits. Most people who have visited there consider that the most interesting thing in the museum is the dioramas made by outstanding masters. These are not simple pictures, because for special entertainment in their manufacture, reduced structures, fake objects and much more are used. When you look at them, you can imagine how in reality the fighting took place.

Museum diorama


The Military History Museum in Orel, the photo of which can be seen in this article, gives visitors the opportunity to see samples of cold and small arms, as well as trace the military history of this wonderful city. By the way, there are also exhibits at the museum entrance - a tank and a cannon. By visiting this museum, you will definitely not be indifferent. It is necessary to know and honor the military history of Orel, because thanks to these outstanding victories, our ancestors managed to save the Russian land from enemy invaders.

Exhibition at the Military History Museum

It is not for nothing that the city received the honorary title of a city of military glory, because its inhabitants for many centuries have shown themselves to be real heroes.


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