Darvaza: The Gates of Hell, Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan is a mysterious country and closed from prying eyes. Truly an oriental beauty, the country is reluctant to show its face, and there is no way to everyone and everyone to the inner world.

The government of Turkmenistan does not seek to show everyone around it life in the state, it is stingy on the development of foreign policy relations, but tourism here begins to develop at an accelerated pace.

Turkmenistan is famous not only for its natural, mesmerizing formations from the sands of the famous Karakum, but also for its history and traditions. Researches by scientists have proved that life in the country began even 3 million years ago. Currently, the country's population is 5.2 million.

Sights of Turkmenistan

The sights of Turkmenistan mainly include the remains of ancient settlements and ancient settlements, medieval mosques, and palaces of rulers. But modern buildings, especially in the capital - Ashgabat - are of historical value and have grandeur and beauty of decoration in the traditions of the East.

Wonders of the World: The Gates of Hell, Turkmenistan. Description

gates of hell Turkmenistan
350 km from Ashgabat, in the town of Darvaza, and there is one of the wonders of the world - a fire crater, called the "gates of hell." Turkmenistan is the owner of this mystical phenomenon. Why mystical?
gate to hell
Yes, because every tourist who visited the black sands of Karakum, where the "gates of hell" is located, Turkmenistan will remember for a long time and can no longer doubt the existence of hell and paradise.

Imagine that in the middle of the sand kingdom of the Karakum desert lies a crater with flames bursting from the neck! Sometimes they rise to a height of 10-15 meters. This whole ominous picture is filled with the sounds of gas tearing out of the earth - why not a door to hell? This is not forgotten!

door to hell
Turkmenistan and its government tried to fill the "gates of hell" with earth, to make the development of natural gas operational. But so far unsuccessfully.

And how did the "gate to hell" form? Turkmenistan does not make this secret. This can be learned from many sources. It turns out that the mysterious place of Darvaz, or the "gates of hell," Turkmenistan opened in 1971. Drilling work was underway at a new natural gas field. Workers stumbled upon a vast underground cavity extending several meters deep, which entailed the destruction of the drilling rig and all the equipment. All this just fell into the ground. Workers miraculously did not suffer. And gas came from the earth’s hole, which posed a danger to workers, the local population, livestock and other representatives of the fauna.

Then the decision arose to set the gas on fire before it was completely burned. But the fire crater still exists, the gas reserves are so large that no one knows when they will end. This story has already become a legend, and hundreds of tourists come to the place to personally verify the existence of a door to the underworld.

gates to hell at night
Darvaz looks amazing, especially in the dark. Hundreds of flaming tongues of flame are visible from afar, and against the background of black sands are continuously burning torches of various sizes. You might think that you are in the world after the end of the world.

It is unsafe to be near the crater: fever, fumes of burning gas, difficulty breathing - that’s what it carries in itself.

second crater
Near Darvaza there are two more craters of similar origin, but they no longer have fire. The bottom of one of them is covered with mud, which bubbles endlessly under the action of the outgoing gas, and the other has a bottom covered with a turquoise liquid.

turquoise crater
Recently, the village of Darvaza was settled, but locals gather every year on the site of the former village, burn bonfires, cook pilaf and remember about their life in this place.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F396/

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