What is excelior? Meaning and use of the word

When you hear the word "excelsior", immediately there are associations with something Spanish or Portuguese. What does this word really mean ? What is excelior? In what cases is the word used? All this and much more will be discussed in the article.

So, "Excelsior" is a Latin word that means "higher and higher", but is sometimes used in English as an interjection.

Where is the word used

The term is found in literary works, for example, in the title of the poems of Longfellow and the Romanian poet Macedonski to Alexander, in the title of the story of Woodhouse and the poem of Whitman.

"Excelsior" - was the motto of the hero of the story "Sea Top" Mine Reed, and became the motto of the American writer Stan Lee.

Excelsior was called the spaceship in the series Star Trek.

Excelsior is the name of the spaceship in the series Star Trek

This word is a famous diamond.

The name "Excelsior" is a football club in the Netherlands and in France.

The word is also found in chess terminology, the so-called strategy when a pawn moves one move after another in the status of queen from its original position.

This name is called the British tank.

The Excelsior Brigade is a military unit during the US Civil War.

The word is the motto of New York City.

This is the name of the symphonic overture by composer Stenhammar Wilhelm.

Excelsior is the name of a football club

What is Excelsior, and how is this word translated

In the Muller Dictionary V.K. the term is translated from English into Russian as “higher and higher” or “best of the best”.

In the new large dictionary Apresyan Yu.D. the word translates as wood shavings or "above and above." The dictionary also states that the latest translation is New York State's motto.

In the Big English-Russian Polytechnical Dictionary, this term refers to wood wool (fiberboard is made from it) or shavings.

Modern meaning

Nowadays, the word "Excelsior" is known to lovers of online games, namely World of Tanks, which is the name of the British heavy tank, which in the game is distinguished by good dynamics, strong armor and a high-speed gun. As its shortcomings are thin side sheets of armor.

Excelsior is the name of the tank in World of Tanks

If you delve into history, then there really was such a tank in service with the British Army - the A33 Excelsior. He was a heavy assault vehicle of the period of the Second World War.

The most common meaning of the word

But, probably, the most common meaning of this word is connected not with a tank, but with a precious stone. If you ask what this "excelsior" is, then many will answer that it is a diamond. It is with him that everyone associates this name. It was found in 1893 in the territory of modern South Africa. He weighed 194.2 grams, was the largest diamond found at that time. But in 1905 he was beaten by the Cullinan.

The word "excelior" is very interesting both in sound and in meaning. It has a Latin origin and a very wide range of uses.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3966/

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