Crochet hats for newborns: a photo with a description

The Internet is full of charming babies in knitted clothes. For this reason, many mothers are planning to do a similar thing for their baby. However, starting with something big is pretty hard. Especially for people who are just mastering the knitting technique. For starters, we suggest crocheting a newborn hat. There are a huge number of options for this product. Among them, you can find models for both the girl and the boy.

Model selection

Caps for babies are different. However, the style and, accordingly, the work technique are similar. After all, newborns will not fit large, for example, wide-brimmed hats. It is better to knit a classic hat and complement it with original decor. You can add ears, flowers, bows or even turn a simple product into a cake. There are many options.

hat for newborn

You can come up with your own unique style. The main thing when creating a crochet hat for a newborn is to remember that the product should be light enough and convenient for the baby. Therefore, you should not be too zealous. Itโ€™s better to wait a while and then make a different model of a hat for your child.

Buying yarn and a hook

It is very important to take the choice of material. Professionals do not recommend using spiky woolen yarn for any children's items. The baby at best refuses to wear a thing, and at worst - is covered with a rash. A much more preferable option is a special children's yarn. It meets all the requirements and does not cause allergies. You can find it at any needlework store. When choosing a crochet hook for a newborn, you should be guided by your own preferences. Usually experienced knitters clearly know what an ideal tool should be. But for beginners, masters are advised to choose a lightweight metal hook, which is convenient to hold in your hand. Its size may be different. Depending on the technique of knitting. But for patterned products it is more reasonable to choose an instrument one and a half times thicker than a thread, no more. It must also be checked for defects. A tip that is too sharp or rough will not allow normal operation.

hat for baby

Taking measurements

On the Internet and various magazines on children's knitting, you can find a huge number of common parameters for crumbs of different ages. However, you should not forget that each child is individual. Therefore, it is much more correct to independently measure your baby. In extreme cases, you can take the finished product, which is suitable for the baby in size. Moreover, an optional crocheted hat for a newborn. As an example, you can use a fabric product that is better not too stretched, otherwise the measurements will be inaccurate. If Mom decided to measure the newborn, she will need a measuring tape, a notebook and a pen. First of all, we draw the conceived product. And right on it we note the necessary parameters: the circumference and height of the cap. The first parameter is determined by placing the ribbon over the eyebrows and wrapping around the head. The second - putting a centimeter on top of the head and measuring the distance from one ear to the other. Moreover, it is important to consider that we need only half of this value.

how to tie a hat to the baby

Calculation of the number of loops and rows

The knitter in the manufacture of a hat for a newborn with a crochet does not use the parameters in centimeters. For them, much more important are other units. Therefore, before proceeding to knitting, you should translate the measurements taken. The technology is quite simple, but it requires sample preparation. Too big is not needed, a square with a side of 10 centimeters is enough. In the finished fragment, we consider loops and rows. Then we take the calculator and make simple mathematical calculations:

  1. Divide the circle of the cap by 10 and multiply by the number of loops in the sample.
  2. Divide the height of the cap by 10 and multiply by the number of rows in the sample.

We definitely fix the parameters, because it is precisely on them that we will knit our product.

Technology for knitting the top of the cap

crochet hat

Professional knitters note that the most difficult step in crocheting a hat for a newborn is the initial one. And all because it requires the correct addition of loops. Many canโ€™t afford to calculate their number on their own. But we will explain the whole process. However, we immediately note that we need a calculator. After all, we again turn to mathematics for help:

  1. We know the number of stitches needed to knit a hat in height. This is the girth of the head.
  2. This is exactly what we should get in the process of adding.
  3. To do this, we have a certain number of rows, which we need to calculate: divide the cap circumference (in cm) by 3.14, and then by 2.
  4. Now divide the resulting value by 10 and multiply by the number of rows in the sample prepared previously. So we find out how many rows you need to knit from the center of the cap to the side.
  5. Next, we subtract from the number of loops equal to the circumference of the head of the loop in the initial chain and divide the remainder by the value calculated in the previous paragraph.
  6. So many loops need to be added in each row.
  7. We distribute them at regular intervals. Then we start crocheting hats for a newborn girl or boy.

How does a hat fit for a baby

The knitting technology of the conceived product is quite simple:

  1. First we knit the initial chain.
  2. Then we close fastens the first and last loop.
  3. In the first and subsequent rows, we go up one loop if we knit single crochet posts. Or two - if simple.
  4. We knit the first circle, adding the calculated number of loops.
  5. Then we knit further, gradually reaching the desired diameter of the circle.
  6. After completing the upper part of the cap, we begin to knit the height of the product.
  7. We move in a circle without additions or decreases.

That's the whole description of the caps for the newborn. The scheme for the hook is proposed below. Perhaps she will better explain the technology of work to readers.

knitting beanie pattern

How to decorate the finished product

Earlier we wrote that every knitter can bring any idea to life. The most popular version of children's products are hats with ears. Moreover, most often masters use the image of a bear, making an accessory from brown yarn and supplementing it with ears that fit in a circle to the desired size. And then they are assembled from one edge with a sewing needle, slightly pulled together and sewn to the main product. Hats with an owl face are also interesting. In this case, the product is complemented by triangular ears, eyes, a small beak. Eyes can be made at your discretion. For beginners, itโ€™s better to just embroider cilia.

models of hats for baby

It is very simple to make a hat for a newborn with a crochet as described above. Experts say that itโ€™s much more difficult to decorate products. And all because choosing the most interesting option is very difficult.


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