Breed bull terrier: reviews. Pros and Cons

A lot of conflicting information has been written about this breed. Owners of bull terriers, as a rule, are very fond of their pets, and those around them are wary of them.

This is a mobile, strong and fearless dog, which, however, needs to be properly raised from an early age. The animal must be loved, and physical punishment in relation to it is a completely inapplicable educational measure. Any mentally unhealthy dog ​​to which brute force has been used at least once can be dangerous for others.

Bull terrier reviews
This breed comes from England. She was bred by crossing the terrier with an English bulldog that was different from modern individuals. Ancient bulldogs were evil, they were used to persecute bears and wild boars. These dogs took part in the battles. All this happened in the middle of the 18th century. Bulldogs of that time were creatures clumsy and heavy, so the idea arose to bring out a more dexterous, evil, insensitive to pain. Such qualities as strength, mobility, courage and perseverance are inherent in the breed of bull terrier, the reviews of the owners only confirm this.

Bull terrier puppies
Since the animals were originally bred for fighting, some aggressive qualities are inherent in them. Nevertheless, with a proper, adequate upbringing, the dog will not grow spiteful. Of course, if such an individual is trained to protect, then you can raise a killer dog. However, one should be aware that aggressive dogs are not necessarily a bull terrier; reviews eloquently testify to this. Even small dogs can be angry and bite.

Before you start a dog, you need to carefully consider and weigh everything in order to understand that this decision is very serious. If the puppy is improperly raised, he will be stubborn, arrogant, domineering and fearless. A lot depends on the owner of this breed, in particular, and on how he will communicate and engage with the four-legged. A bull terrier can also be a loyal friend , reviews of which indicate that it is an amazingly playful and cheerful animal.

Raise a puppy of this breed from the first days of appearance in the house. All family members must treat him kindly. It is unacceptable for children to mock the puppy. If they treat the dog kindly, that's good. Then in the future you can not be afraid for the behavior of a pet with children, as it develops the right communication skills.

Bull terrier dog
What to do if an animal exhibits undesirable traits of character? The destructive behavior of the bull terrier breed, reviews of which can be found in the specialized literature, must be suppressed. If a puppy bites someone, this cannot be ignored. The first thing to do is to stop this behavior (command β€œFu!”), And then give the animal 1-2 seconds to think. If after that the bull terrier does not change its behavior, apply 1 blow with a soft object. The main thing here is not to overdo it: you do not need to strike again. When punished, they beat only 1 time. They bring up without hard methods. Nevertheless, the puppy must obey, and all members of the family.

Bull terrier breeders write about the characteristics of this breed. In one family, bull terrier puppies - a male and a female, but not two male dogs can get along. Two dogs should not be kept together, since in this case fights cannot be avoided. Even keeping a dog of a different breed is quite problematic. The spirit of struggle, the desire to win - all this is embedded in the bull terrier.

Bull terrier dog - non-aggressive animal. This is confirmed by all owners of this breed. An active muscular individual was bred for fighting in the ring. The animal loves its family, but this breed has a specific character.

It is impossible for a bull terrier to become the first dog brought up by an animal lover. To educate and maintain such a four-legged requires considerable experience.


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