Tula Kremlin: history and attractions

In our article, we will talk about the Tula Kremlin and Tula. Historical facts will be mentioned. We also describe the cathedrals and towers that are on the territory of the Kremlin. Below are photos of the Tula Kremlin. But first things first.

At a distance of 195 km from the capital of the Russian Federation on the banks of the right tributary of the Oka River (Upa River) is the regional city of Tula with a population of more than 500 thousand indigenous people.

The article pays attention to the history of one of the old cities of Russia and its main attraction - the Tula Kremlin, which is located in the central part of the city, is a rectangle with the perimeter of the walls more than one kilometer and covers an area of ​​more than 6 hectares.

origin of name

Historians have several versions about the origin of the name of the city. According to one version, the word “Tula” from the Turkic language (the language of a group of Turkic peoples) is translated as “take by force”, “capture”.

Cathedrals of the Tula Kremlin

Another version says that during the time of the Golden Horde, this territory belonged to the wife of Khan Dzhanibek - Taydula. Probably the name of the city happened on her behalf.

But the most plausible version, which is taken as the basis, is considered the explanation of the Russian ethnographer Vladimir Dahl that Tula came from the word “hide”, that is, find a place where you can hide, find shelter and protection.

Tula History

Archaeological excavations show that representatives of the Slavic tribe of Vyatichi lived on the territory of the modern city.

In those days, the settlement was an area fenced by a wooden fence (palisade). In the Nikon Chronicle (named after the author, Patriarch Nikon), this settlement was first mentioned in 1146.

In the XIV century, the settlement became the center of craft and trade and was part of the Ryazan principality. In 1380, after the battle between the troops under the command of the Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy with the Golden Horde (Battle of Kulikovo), a gradual unification of all Russian lands took place. In this period of history, according to the testament of the Ryazan prince, in 1503 the Tula Territory became part of the Moscow Principality.

In 1507, at the direction of Sovereign All Russia Vasily III (father of Ivan the Terrible), the construction of the stone Tula citadel began on the banks of the Upa River. 13 years later, the Kremlin was built, and the city that formed around the fortification becomes a reliable defender against external enemies from the southern side of Moscow. The main occupation among the inhabitants of the city was the manufacture of weapons.

In 1595, a Kuznetsk settlement was organized from gunsmiths. There, the craftsmen made various kinds of military weapons. The material was taken from a quarry of a natural accumulation of iron hydroxides, which was located near the city. After some time, the Tula master gunsmiths became famous throughout Russia.

The twenty-year war between Russia and Sweden (1700-1721) forced the first All-Russian Emperor Peter I to pay great attention to the manufacture of Tula weapons. In 1712, on his instructions, the construction of the first arms factory in Russia began, in Tula, whose products became known throughout the world.

From the end of the 19th century, metallurgical and metal-working enterprises and branches of the main arms factory began to be built in the city. Now Tula is considered one of the largest industrial centers in Russia. Its centuries-old history and preserved cultural monuments attract tourists from many countries of the world. Tula, according to tourists, is considered a museum city.

The work of the Tula Kremlin

Guests of the city are attracted, in addition to the Tula Kremlin, by a museum of weapons. In one of the rooms of the factory control in 1873, on the initiative of the factory manager, an exhibition was opened for visitors, created from samples that were made at the Tula arms factory.

In 2012, a new museum building was built (Oktyabrskaya St.). There, tourists can see the weapons of Russian military equipment of past centuries.

The building of the Samovar Museum, famous throughout Russia, is located in front of the main entrance to the Tula Kremlin. The latter is considered the main attraction and pride of the indigenous inhabitants of the city and region.

History of the Tula Kremlin

At the beginning of the 16th century, the ruler of the Moscow principality was Vasily III, who, given that the Crimean horde at that time represented a danger to the Russian state, began in 1507 the construction of an oak fortress on the Upa River. In 1514, it was decided to build inside a stone like the Moscow Kremlin. Thus, since 1521 and throughout its history, the Tula Kremlin has been an impregnable stronghold for an external enemy.

For the local population, who settled around, the stone fortress constantly became a shelter from the invasion of the enemy. Over the next centuries, the borders of the Moscow state expanded. In this regard, Tula, being in the center of Russia, ceased to play the role of a border fortress.

By that time, according to historical documents, on the territory of the Tula Kremlin there were more than one hundred private buildings and various city institutions.

The first street of the city then began with the territory of the citadel. She bore the name "Big Kremlin".

The city leadership began to pay attention to this historical object associated with the history of Tula and the whole of Russia from the end of the XIX century. Regular restoration work began in order to restore the original appearance.

Now tourists and visitors can visit the historic site, which is located on Mendeleevskaya Street. They can see the Assumption and Epiphany Cathedrals of the Tula Kremlin, seven towers and museums located on the territory of the citadel.

Assumption Cathedral

The main church of the Russian Orthodox Church (Russian Orthodox Church) is the Assumption Cathedral. In the Tula Kremlin, it is located in its central part. The cathedral is the main attraction of the complex. At this place in 1626 there was a wooden church. After 135 years, the church was dismantled and a stone church building, the Assumption Cathedral, was built on its foundation.

Assumption Cathedral

After the revolutionary events of 1917, the church was closed. Then the building housed various urban institutions. In 1991, he was transferred to the leadership of the Orthodox Church. It was it that organized the restoration work of the cathedral and the nearby bell tower. Now tourists can visit the existing church and see the restored interior.

Epiphany Cathedral

In 1855, the construction of the Epiphany Cathedral began in the Tula Kremlin in memory of the dead Russian soldiers during the Russian military operations against the invasion of the Napoleonic troops (World War 1812). Seven years later, the church building was consecrated. The iconostasis was built by Nikanor Safronov, and the artist A. Borisov was the master for creating icons for the temple.

Unlike the Assumption Cathedral, which was considered "cold" and in which services were held only in the summer, the Epiphany Church was heated. Therefore, here church services were held year-round. The temple structure was a two-story five-domed church, where there were two chapels: St. Nicholas and Prince Alexander Nevsky.

Since 1930, the cathedral was closed. Initially, it housed an aero club. And in 1950, he was given to the club of athletes.

During this time, the appearance of the temple was changed: of the five chapters, only one was preserved - the central one. Now in the building of the former cathedral from 1989 there are exhibits of various types of weapons, which were manufactured at the Tula arms factory.

The Spasskaya Tower

Around 1517, the Spasskaya Tower was built on the territory of the Tula Kremlin in Tula. This building got its name thanks to the church of the same name, located nearby.

The Spasskaya Tower

After construction was completed, an observation tower with a bell was built on the upper platform, which warned the population about the approach of the enemy. Therefore, in documents executed in the XVI-XVII centuries, the tower was called Vestovaya.

Odoevsky Gate Tower

In the XVI century, from this tower the road began in the direction of the future administrative center of the Odoyevsky district (75 km from Tula). Throughout its history, she changed her name several times. In those days it was called “Kiev Gate”. After some time, due to the fact that there was a church (chapel) nearby, built in the name of the Mother of God of Kazan, the tower was renamed and given the name "Kazan".

In 1784, during the first restoration work of the Tula Kremlin, the original appearance of the tower was changed. Then a dome with a spire was built, on which the coat of arms of the Russian state was strengthened.

With this architectural addition, the inhabitants of Tula expressed gratitude to Empress Catherine II for the allocated money from the royal treasury for the restoration of the tower, from which the main avenue of the city, V. I. Lenin Avenue, begins in our time.

Ivanovo tower

In the north side is the tower of the Tula Kremlin, called the Ivanovo. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it does not, like the rest, have openings (loopholes) for firing at the enemy. Thanks to this, it was quite difficult to hit a person conducting targeted fire.

Ivanovo tower

In the XVI century, the Ivanovo tower was called Tainitskaya. This is due to the fact that there was once a basement under the building. It was in it that there was a passage with a length of more than 70 meters, intended to supply the defenders of the fort with drinking water in case of a prolonged blockade. At the end of the 17th century, a wooden tunnel collapsed. And he was not restored, since by this time he had ceased to fulfill the role of his mission.

Nearby is a church built in memory of the fallen Russian soldiers while protecting Tula from the troops of the Crimean Khan Devlet Geray in 1552, and the tower was renamed the Forerunner. Now the construction is called Ivanovskaya.

Pyatnitsky Gate Tower

Near the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Church), tourists pay attention to the beautiful Pyatnitsky Gate tower in appearance.

Pyatnitsky Gate Tower

Since the 16th century, weapons, combat uniforms (armor), ammunition and banners of military units have been stored in the premises of this building. At one time, the tower served as the main entrance gate for personal guests. In the XVIII century, a small Christian chapel was attached to it. Then, for some time, according to documents of those times, it was called Znamenskaya.

Cellar Tower

The only tower that has a square shape. When designing, a basement was provided. After construction was completed, weapons and gunpowder were stored in it.

Near the tower, in the wall, was a passage to the river. He covered himself with an iron shield made according to the color and shape of the main wall. From the 18th century until 1921, the emblem of Moscow of that time was installed on the spire.

Location and schedule of the Tula Kremlin

Tourists visit Tula mainly to take a stroll through the territory of the museum, which since 2006 has been on the preliminary list of UNESCO as a World Heritage Site and to see historical monuments of culture.

Where is this attraction located? Address of the Tula Kremlin: Mendeleevskaya street, 2. And how does this historical object work? Tourists are very comfortable visiting the Tula Kremlin. His working hours are as follows: from ten in the morning until ten in the evening, seven days a week. Access to the property is free.

How to get there

Given the popularity of this historic site, the city transport management has drawn up routes so that you can get to the stop “Sovetskaya Street” or to “Lenin Square” using buses No. 16, 18, 24 or trolley buses No. 1, 2, 4, 6, 8.

Tourists in their reviews note that Tula is a truly unique museum city, and it is impossible to confuse it with other historical cities of Russia. This is confirmed by the facts.

Interesting facts related to the city of Tula

Address of the Tula Kremlin

Let's look at them:

  1. Tula is famous (except for the Tula Kremlin) thanks to the Tula gingerbread, weapons and samovars. A separate museum is dedicated to each of these areas. All of them are located in the central part of the city.
  2. The famous Tula gingerbread cookies appeared at the beginning of the XVIII century.
  3. In the Tula region is the smallest town in Russia - Chekalin (95 km from Tula) with a population of 950 indigenous people.
  4. The weapons museum is considered one of the oldest museums in Russia. They began to collect exhibits throughout Russia with the personal instructions of Emperor Peter I.
  5. In 2020, the Tula Kremlin will turn 500 years old. They began to prepare for large-scale celebrations on this occasion in 2017.
  6. The horse railway (konka) first appeared in Tula in 1888. At that time, rails were laid connecting the Kiev outpost with the railway station.
  7. The Tula Circus, which opened in 1870, was the first cultural institution of its kind in Russia.
  8. At the Chulkovsky city cemetery, the master of microminiatures Alexey Surnin is buried. He was the prototype of Lefty in the eponymous novel by Nikolai Leskov.
  9. In Tula there is an exotarium, which contains more than 500 species of snakes. This collection is considered the largest in the world.
  10. Harmony, which is considered to be a traditional Russian musical instrument, first appeared in Russia in Tula.
  11. In 1637, on the orders of Peter I, the Dutch metal casting master created the first metal plant in the city.
  12. In the XIX century, 52 samovar factories functioned in Tula, and each had its own form of manufacture. It was then that the famous saying appeared: "Ride to Tula with your samovar" (do something superfluous).
  13. In the city in 1889, the only monument in Russia to the Tula sanitary doctor Pyotr Belousov was erected. He was the organizer of the construction of urban sewage and water supply. The monument was erected in a park named after him.
  14. In 1976, for the heroism shown during the Second World War, Tula receives the title of a hero city.
  15. Tula is the birthplace of famous film actors - Vyacheslav Nevinnoy and Vladimir Mashkov. The Russian-American actress Maria Uspenskaya was also born in this city.


Now you know why Tula is interesting. We examined various sights of the city, including the Tula Kremlin, a weapons museum , and cathedrals. We hope that this information was interesting and useful to you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3976/

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