Which compressor for the refrigerator is better to choose? Model Overview and Features

The category of household appliances required in every home includes a refrigerator. Refrigeration equipment is presented in stores in a wide variety. Models differ in technical characteristics, appearance and functions. If the design of the unit is directly related to the personal preferences of the buyer, then the technical features depend on the type of engine used. However, when choosing among many consumers, a logical question arises as to which compressor for the refrigerator is better and what to look for when buying equipment. Also, product models differ in the number of refrigerants, this parameter should be taken into account.

Which compressor is better for a refrigerator: specifications

Selection basics

It is important to understand which compressor for the refrigerator is better when buying new household appliances and when the old one breaks. The failure of the main part is one of the most common problems. The difficulty is that it is often impossible to repair it, therefore, a complete replacement is required.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find the same compressor that was installed in the refrigerator. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is necessary to consult the data that are indicated on the nameplate of the product. The main factors are:

  • type of engine and its power;
  • type of refrigerant;
  • temperature conditions, which ensures the normal operation of the equipment.

Also, choosing the necessary component, you should take into account the type of power supply, from which the refrigerator is powered. If the product was manufactured at a Russian factory, then usually there are no problems. But units from the American or Japanese manufacturer may be slightly different.

What are the best compressors for refrigerators

Variety of models

Which compressor for the refrigerator is best to choose depends mainly on the type of refrigerant used. It is marked with the Latin letter R and different numbers. Today it will be difficult to repair the refrigerator if it uses Freon R12. The substance destroys the ozone layer, therefore, is not currently used in production. Modern compressors are designed to use only safe refrigerants. Most common: R134A and R600A. Which compressor is better for a refrigerator is definitely impossible to say. But it is worth noting that if it is designed only for the use of R12 freon, then innovative developments will not work. Often an ordinary consumer cannot make a choice on his own, therefore it is better to contact a service center.

Types of Compressors

To understand which compressor is better for the refrigerator, you need to understand what they are. There are several types that may have their drawbacks. Which compressor is better for the refrigerator and a review of the models - we will consider further:

  • Collector. Today are obsolete. They were installed earlier on the most primitive refrigerators. They rarely go on sale now, you can find the right one from the owners of old household appliances. Freon pumps the most ordinary pump. Of the significant shortcomings, one can single out constant operation at maximum power, or complete shutdown.
  • Linear They are a magnetic coil located in a linear plane. A piston moves in it, which pumps the cooled air. The disadvantage is the same as in the previous variety.
  • Invertor. Freon pressure in the system is provided by a powerful motor with a coil. Among the advantages can be noted smoothness in work. In this case, the engine never shuts down completely, but only slows down.
  • Linear invertor. It is a magnetic coil in which the piston moves. Moreover, in automatic mode, its power is adjusted. The design is the most economical and quiet.
Which compressor is better for a refrigerator: an overview

Which component is better

To understand which compressor is better for a refrigerator, the overview of their types given above should help. To turn off the refrigerator, a temperature sensor is installed in it. It is he who gives the relay signal for the corresponding compressor operation. Inverter and linear inverter do not turn off at all. The relay signal gives the command only to increase or decrease power, and not to work for a long time at full power. When determining which compressor is best for a refrigerator, the inverter types will be on the list first. They not only save energy significantly, but allow the unit to operate quietly and smoothly without sudden jumps.

One or two

It will depend on many parameters which refrigerator is better: with 1 or 2 compressors, because this part significantly affects its operation. First, we analyze the features of units operating on the same cold injection device. Even if the refrigerator model has two chambers, it still uses one pump. During cooling of the freezer and refrigeration compartments, one compressor pumps air. However, he does not share the function of lowering the temperature in a particular chamber and works continuously in two departments.

A significant minus of such models of refrigerators is that it is not possible to separately turn on the cooling of a particular chamber or turn it off as unnecessary.

Which refrigerator is better: 1 or 2 compressor

Differences between two-compressor refrigerators

The type of refrigerator compressor will depend on the model of specific household appliances. Which is better to choose will always be prompted at a service center. However, if the equipment runs on two components, it is important to consider this parameter.

These samples are equipped with several pumps. In this case, each is responsible for the temperature in a separate chamber. You can independently turn on and off the freezer and refrigeration compartments. Such a system has its advantages:

  • you can quickly cool or freeze foods;
  • the ability to turn off one compressor and use the device in an economical mode at the time of vacation or for other reasons.

However, many consumers believe that a refrigerator with one compressor is better.

Advantages of single compressor technology

Despite the advantages of models of refrigerators with two compressors, many prefer to choose equipment with one component. At the same time, consumers refer to significantly less noise emitted by the unit, and greater efficiency in energy consumption.

Type of refrigerator compressor


The experts cite their objections to the above statements. If the refrigerator is equipped with one compressor, then it always works at maximum, because it does not choose which chamber it is necessary to pump cold air into. Often there is a situation when warm products are put in the refrigerator compartment, and the freezer does not need additional cooling. In any case, the compressor begins to pump air according to thermal indicators. Therefore, choosing a model of the unit and finding out which compressor is better for the refrigerator, the characteristics of the latter should always be taken into account. If the refrigerator is equipped with modern linear inverter motors, then the equipment will work silently, despite the fact that there are two motors, there will be no sudden jumps or vibration.

Price matters

Of course, when choosing a compressor, its price plays a significant role. If the refrigerator is equipped with two pumps, then its cost will be higher. When choosing a model, it is important to decide which work expectations are a priority. It is impossible to say unequivocally which model is considered the best, it is necessary to focus on the tasks that the refrigerator should perform.

Which compressor for the refrigerator is better

Features of collector models

The collector compressor was installed in old-style refrigerators. Its advantages include:

  • low cost;
  • ease of maintenance and repair;
  • high pressure air supply;
  • high wear resistance even with continuous operation.

But the disadvantages of such engines are quite significant. No wonder now almost all manufacturers have refused to produce such types of compressors. Significant shortcomings include:

  • high level of vibration and noise;
  • the need to use a filter system;
  • low performance with continuous operation;
  • the need for regular maintenance.

Linear patterns

Linear units operate in three modes: turn on, pump in cold air and turn off. During operation, problems rarely arise, and such a motor works quite quietly. It also significantly saves electricity. Significant advantages include:

  • long service life;
  • minimum temperature deviations with specified parameters;
  • smooth system startup and minimal noise;
  • fast food cooling.

Of course, shortcomings also exist and are associated with the features of his work. It is worth highlighting the main:

  • characteristic click on shutdown;
  • when the motor turns on, its power increases sharply and, accordingly, the energy consumption increases.

Inverter sample

Answering the question which compressors are the best for refrigerators, we can safely point to inverter ones. Such a compressor works constantly, therefore, in the compartments of the refrigerator the required temperature is always maintained. In addition, the following advantages can be distinguished:

  • during continuous operation, maximum power is used only when necessary;
  • electricity is used sparingly;
  • the absence of switching on and off guarantees quiet operation without sudden jumps;
  • the service life is quite long.

The obvious advantages made this type of compressor the most popular among manufacturers and consumers. However, when buying an aggregate with a similar engine, it is worth considering its disadvantages:

  • the cost of the component is much higher, because it requires the use of complex technologies;
  • unstable to constant voltage drops, therefore, refrigerators with this model of motor are not recommended to be installed in a room with imperfect electrical wiring.
Which compressor is better for the refrigerator: types


A clear rating of compressors does not exist. When choosing it, you need to focus on the existing model of the refrigerator or on the desired functions. But the choice of this component will directly depend on how long the unit will work without repair. Therefore, experts advise choosing equipment with an inverter motor. It is he who is distinguished by minimal energy costs and is able to work for a long time without repair or replacement. However, for those who care about the long lasting freshness of the products, a linear type of compressor can be advised. Collector options are still very popular because they are affordable and work flawlessly.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3979/

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