Daikon - growing without problems

Daikon is the closest relative of the radish and is a variety of it. He was popularly known as white radish, Chinese or Japanese radish. Translated from Japanese, the word โ€œdaikonโ€ sounds like โ€œbig rootโ€.


The root of the daikon is much larger than that of the usual radish for us, and contains significantly less bitterness, and is also excellent in taste. Its productivity is very high, and that is why in Japan its plantings occupy first place among other vegetable crops. Unfortunately, in our country it has not yet received wide distribution.

Daikon Properties

Daikon is a very valuable food, healing and dietary plant. Root crops are well stored for several months. Duration of storage depends on the variety of vegetables and conditions. The root vegetable has a delicate, juicy, hard-white pulp and is devoid of the sharp and bitter taste of radish, which is created by the high content of mustard oils that excite the heart.


The root crop well "cleanses" the kidneys and liver, dissolves stones. It has the ability to suppress the harmful microflora of the intestines and stomach, contains a large amount of calcium and potassium salts, vitamin C, glycosides, volatile and other substances that determine the healing properties of the plant. The sugar contained in it is in the form of fructose, and the presence of a large number of pectin substances makes it possible to use it in the diet of people with diabetes.

Daikon growing a crop

Like root vegetables of radish and radish, daikon is formed only with a short day. With a long day, there is a rapid transition to flowering plants without root formation. For this reason, those who want to cultivate daikon in their area should start growing in the early spring in a greenhouse or sowing directly into the ground in the second half of summer (July). The culture feels good only on soils that are light in composition - sandy or well-drained peatlands.

The agricultural technology of cultivation is quite simple. On a preformed ridge, a groove of 2-3 centimeters deep is made, into which two seeds are placed at a distance of 25-30 centimeters. Between the ridges should be at least 60 centimeters.

Shoots appear in a week, sometimes earlier. At this time, it is necessary to ensure that young plants are not affected by the invasion of the cruciferous flea, otherwise emergency measures must be taken to protect it. As soon as two true leaves are formed, one, less developed plant is removed from the nest. Itโ€™s better to just pluck it so as not to disturb the root of the main bush.

In the future, while the daikon is growing , growing and caring for it is reduced to weeding, loosening (first deep and then superficial) and, if necessary, watering. If the soil is fertile, then there is no need for top dressing, but if you need to feed, it is better to do this immediately after thinning.

Forty to seventy days after sowing, depending on which daikon variety and weather conditions, they begin to harvest. During this time, the root crop remains only half in the ground, the rest of it protrudes above the ground.

On sandy soils, it is well pulled out of the tops, but on heavy soils it must be dug up, otherwise you can easily break a long and juicy root crop.

You probably already understood what a wonderful culture it is - a daikon, growing it is no more difficult to care for a simple radish, how unpretentious and harvestable, and most importantly - what a healthy and tasty vegetable it is.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3983/

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