How to train a cat to the toilet: useful tips

Most often, cats and cats, due to the innate cleanliness, easily and quickly learn to walk in the tray. However, it happens that the animal does not want to do this in any way and completely ignores the pot placed by the owner, preferring to relieve the need in other places. There may be several reasons for this.

Perhaps the animal does not like the place chosen by the owner for its pot. Try to put several trays in different rooms - most likely, the animal will choose one of them. As soon as he has a habit of going to the toilet in the same place, other trays can be removed. This should be done gradually, one at a time in a few days, so as not to cause stress in the pet - in this case, everything can start again. The place where the toilet for the cat is located should be quite secluded and at the same time constantly accessible. Once your pet has settled the need for a tray, be sure to praise and caress it.

Since it may not be very easy to train a cat to the toilet, sometimes it makes sense to purchase a special spray that relies on spraying the tray after changing the filler in it. Its use contributes to the fact that the animal gradually gets used to its pot due to the smell of the remedy emanating from it. If your pet continues to ignore the trays and relieves the need in other places, it is worth trying more effective measures. Many punish the animal by slapping it and poking its nose into the bowel movement. Sometimes this can have an effect, but it often happens and vice versa: the cat becomes embittered and begins to spoil on purpose - for example, shoes. Therefore, the correct answer to the question of how to accustom a cat to the toilet will be as follows: you need to try to do it gently and calmly, without stress for the animal.

If the cat categorically ignores the pot, you will have to watch it for some time. As soon as you notice that she is going to relieve herself, she needs to be taken and taken to the tray, showing her perseverance - however, do this without swearing and screaming so that the animal does not have negative associations with the pot. If the cat still managed to stain the floor, it is necessary to thoroughly wash this place, then spray it with lemon juice or drip a little menthol oil (you can lightly grease with Zvezdochka balm). It will also be useful, along with the spray that is sprayed into the pot, to buy another one specifically designed to wean the animal from relieving itself in the wrong places (the β€œAntigadin”) - it will be much easier to teach the cat to the tray with it. In addition, it is necessary to make sure that those places in the apartment where the animal is accustomed to shitting become inaccessible or uncomfortable for him. You can simply enclose the nooks, and as for upholstered furniture, here you can try this method: cover it with an unnecessary cloth (for example, an old sheet), and on top, attach double-sided adhesive tape in parallel rows. Jumping onto a chair or sofa, the animal will feel discomfort from the sticky surface. A few attempts are usually enough to stop it. After the cat gets used to the tray, the sheet can be removed.

It may be that the cat or cat is not satisfied with the pot filler. These animals have a genetically motivated desire to go to the toilet in loose sand, then burying their stool. Shopfill fillers, especially with large granules, some of them may not like. In this case, you can try to change the filler or replace it with sand. When thinking about how to accustom a cat to the toilet, keep in mind: do not immediately buy flavored filler - the animal may not like its smell. You can switch to fillers with different flavors later, when it is already used to the tray. In addition, oddly enough, some cats do not recognize sand or filler, preferring to go into the pot, simply covered with a newspaper.

As you can see, the reasons that the animal refuses to go into the pot may be different. Therefore, when considering how to accustom a cat to the toilet, be patient: you may have to experiment and try several options.


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