Swiss Army. The laws of Switzerland. Army of neutral Switzerland

An integral attribute of any state is its army, which ensures territorial integrity, order both within the country and near its borders. Without an army, in fact, there can be no state. This main postulate is understood by the politicians of the present as well as the leaders of ancient times. It is worth noting the fact that the military history of the world is so limitless that today people continue to learn new, previously unknown facts about some battles and entire wars. In turn, the historical development of the armed forces in individual states is not just surprising, but shocking.

army of switzerland

One such country is Switzerland. The formidable soldiers of this small country have enjoyed unprecedented fame since the beginning of the Renaissance. Today, the Swiss army is a real “hellish conveyor” that trains universal warriors of the 21st century. Why are the soldiers of this country so strong, and how are they trained? We will try to answer all these questions in this article.

Swiss - formidable European mercenaries

The Swiss army is one of the most capable, not only in Europe, but throughout the world. But in the period from the fourteenth to the nineteenth centuries, the armed forces of this state were represented by mercenaries who "sold" their military skills to all those who could pay quite dearly for this.

Swiss army strength

Swiss mercenaries were in the troops of Italian city-states, and also fought on the side of France, Spain, Germany and many other countries of Europe and the world.
The Swiss army is praised in the treatise "Sovereign" of the famous Florentine politician Niccolo Machiavelli. According to him, only thanks to the power of the Swiss, France manages to achieve such glorious victories. By the beginning of the 20th century, most countries had created their own combat-ready armies, so the need for mercenaries has outlived itself.

Swiss Armed Forces - a modern concept

Even taking into account the status of a neutral country, the modern Swiss Confederation can become a formidable opponent in a military conflict. According to Swiss law, the armed forces of this country exist with a common goal - to ensure the security of the territory and the integrity of the state.

Swiss armed forces
By its type, the Swiss army is a militia in its classic form, which will be described in more detail below. Given the international legal status of Switzerland, we can conclude that its army is exclusively a “shield” from encroachments from outside and cannot take part in international conflicts not related to the state. Many modern political scientists are very interested in international relations within the framework of Switzerland - the European Union, because the latter is interested in having such a powerful state in its structure.

Structure of the swiss army

The Swiss Armed Forces are made up of two main elements: ground forces and air forces. The ground forces include 9 combat brigades (2 tank, 3 alpine, 4 infantry). The structure of the air force includes compounds of fighters and helicopters, as well as ground-based air defense systems. The structure of the army of the Swiss Confederation is distinguished by its compactness and speed of interaction of all elements. The most combat-ready units are alpine, mountain infantry brigades. Today in the world there are no analogues of such units with such specific tasks.

Militia, or Militia Organization Form

It should be noted that the Swiss army was built quite peculiarly. The police system implies conscription for the entire male population. The service takes place according to the system of constant fees several times a year. Thus, the Swiss army, whose strength is 120 thousand troops, is also supplemented by reserve troops in the amount of 80 thousand people. Previously, this figure was much higher. All men aged 18 to 30 are military men who constantly go to army training camps. The total time of all fees does not exceed one year (260 days).

switzerland on a world map

Swiss Army Regime

Military personnel undergo special training at the training camp several times a year over the total service life. It would seem that such training is completely ineffective, given the way to train fighters in the domestic military units. However, for the short time that the Swiss stay at field training, they receive first-class combat, tactical, fire and other types of training. Take, for example, the first three weeks of service. The Swiss Armed Forces have created conditions in which soldiers are engaged in nothing more than preparation for war.

Swiss army how it is made

In other words, they do not clean, do not peel potatoes and do not even carry guards! The rise of the Swiss army personnel is carried out at five in the morning, and the lights out at midnight. In the interval between climbing and hanging up, soldiers receive general physical training, as well as acquire special skills in the field of mountaineering, driving, shooting, etc. The Swiss Armed Forces charter allows military personnel to spend weekends at home.

Iron discipline

The Swiss have created a fairly effective way to ensure discipline in the ranks of their army. They moved away from unnecessary disciplinary measures in the form of a guardhouse or disciplinary battalions. For any official misconduct, a fine may be exacted from a soldier! A similar sanction takes place because soldiers receive a salary, the size of which will be discussed later. The use of fines allows you to maintain iron discipline among the military, because no one wants to lose hard-earned money. Before asking about hazing, you need to look at how Switzerland is located on the world map. This is a modern European country where the concept of hazing is not known in principle. In addition, the status of a “rookie” is assigned to a person for only a few weeks. Nevertheless, the drill is the toughest in the early stages. This is done with the aim that the principle of the supremacy of order and the paramount importance of the task entered the minds of the recruit.

Payment service

Each soldier receives a fee for every day spent in the army. The amount of salary may vary depending on age, financial situation, absence or availability of work. Mostly young people join the army at the age of 19. In this case, a person receives 6 francs for each day, provided that they live with their parents or have their own housing. This amount may be increased. For example, a recruit does not have his own housing, no income, and lives separately from his parents. In this case, the state adds to 6 francs the amount that the recruit spends on paying for the apartment, and also makes the payment of medical insurance, which is compulsory. The situation is completely different with those military men who already have a permanent job. During the service they are paid salaries from the direct employer. In turn, the employer receives compensation for the absent employee from the state.

How to defer or reschedule

It is not at all problematic to shift your life to the next year. Moreover, this can be done in full or in part. However, in this case, the soldier will be forced to pay a considerable amount, which is 3% of the annual income. Such a severe sanction was created in order to prevent recruits from abusing the "kindness" of the state or, more simply put, "pulling" from the army. It should also be noted that in Switzerland there are practically no good reasons for not serving. Even studying at the university is not an opportunity to "hide" from military service. A similar principle of rigidity in the process of organizing the service is necessary, given the composition of Switzerland. This approach is due to the main task of the government: to ensure the unity of the state, which consists of many ethnically different nationalities.

charter sun

Denial of Service Methods

Currently, there are several basic ways not to serve in the Swiss army. Each of them is purely nominal and in most cases is not used at all. This is due to the fact that Swiss laws contain extremely harsh sanctions for those who do not want to devote their time to the benefit of their homeland. But in the most extreme case, there are legally legal ways to protect yourself from combat training in the army of Switzerland, namely:

1. The first method can be used exclusively by foreigners. Its essence is not to obtain Swiss citizenship until an age is reached that excludes conscription. The method is quite simple, however, as already noted earlier, is available exclusively for foreigners.

2. You can also replace military service with alternative service.

3. The most effective way is the disease. However, in this case you have to pay a fine of 200 to 500 francs. In addition, there are very few types of diseases that are respectful.

Types of Alternative Service

The Swiss army, whose strength is not just great, but enormous, allows some individuals to serve the Confederation in an alternative way. An alternative type of service can be chosen on the basis of religious beliefs, the health of the called, or other aspects. It should be noted that the alternative service is completely disadvantageous, since its term is much longer, and it does not instill any useful skills. The following alternatives exist:

- Civil defense is well developed in the Swiss Confederation, therefore, service in this area, in fact, is the same army, only the process of passing is much easier.

- The most commonly used alternative is the civil service. The bottom line is that a person for some time carries out useful work that does not require special qualifications: drives a car, works in hospitals, etc.

Switzerland European Union

Prison is the most severe punishment for unwillingness to serve

Of all the existing sanctions against people who do not want to serve in the army, the most severe is imprisonment. It is usually applied to those persons who directly refuse to serve in the army. The term of imprisonment may vary from one to twelve months. Although there are advantages. Punishment is served in places of restriction of freedom. But very peculiar. That is, a person works in the day where he used to, and goes to a specialized institution to spend the night. In addition to restricting freedom, a form of punishment such as community service can be applied.


So, in the article we figured out what the Swiss army is, how it is made, how the service process is carried out. It should be noted that the existing army system in the Swiss Confederation brings great effect, and the militia defense system allows you to collect a huge number of trained fighters in the event of an unforeseen war. Switzerland is practically invisible on the world map, but its combat power is comparable to many large states.


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