DIY brick oven designs for a bathhouse

The manufacture of brick stoves, which are used in bathhouses, requires a special approach to the design and the presence of various additions. The master needs not only to take into account the temperature inside the furnace, but also to count on the differences from the outside. That is why, when a brick oven for a bathhouse is created, projects and ordering for it are carried out taking into account the premises, personal preferences of users, installation features and fire safety techniques.

brick oven designs for a bath

Design features

First of all, you need to choose the type of product. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to more modern designs of a brick oven for a bath, as they have a number of additions that allow you to implement certain functions. They should be considered separately, since this is a very important point in the manufacture of drawings.


This attribute is very important when creating just such structures. The fact is that fuel heats stones that maintain temperature for a long time and when water gets on them they form steam. Therefore, the methodology for manufacturing this unit must be approached responsibly.

It is best to create a closed heater, which is based on cast-iron bars. However, when a brick stove is made of brick, schemes, drawings and projects miss this moment, displaying only the grate and the camera itself. Given this, it is worthwhile to independently choose the principle of the location of the material and its quantity.

brick ovens for bricks projects

Water tank

During the operation of the bath, it is simply necessary to have constant access to hot water. At the same time, it is needed both in the steam room itself and in the washing room. Some people prefer to solve this issue by installing a heater, but it is better to use brick-fired stoves, the projects of which assume the availability of their own heating systems.

It is worth noting that there are many designs for implementing this method of heating water, but it is better to use a combined version that allows you to get a fairly large amount of liquid. He suggests that such elements will be introduced into the furnace order that make it possible to use the structure as a stove, which will allow the liquid to be heated in the steam room itself. Also, a tank is installed on the chimney pipe, which receives the temperature during kindling and maintains it for a long time.

If you create projects of brick baths with a relaxation room and a terrace, then these moments are very important to combine with each other correctly in order to ensure comfortable conditions at minimal costs. Hot water may be needed in any room, which means that the tank for it should be large and located in the attic of the building itself. With such a design, there will be no problems in this area.

brick stove for banya projects

Material selection

The manufacture of the furnace is a very responsible process, which requires a special approach to the selection of materials. Therefore, when making a brick oven for a bath with your own hands, the installation manual recommends that you carefully examine literally every structural element in search of damage. Given that the product will tolerate sudden changes in temperature, even small defects or a factory-tested defect are not allowed.

Fireplace stone

It is immediately worth noting that ordinary cobblestones for this are completely unsuitable. The fact is that simple stones can have a number of additional inclusions or microcracks, which with strong heating and rapid cooling can have a negative effect on the material. Such objects will either fall apart and turn into sand, or explode under the influence of internal stress.

Given these features, when creating brick oven designs for a bath, you need to focus on a specific material in advance. Jadeite, talchochlorite, or ordinary river pebbles are best suited for these purposes . However, if you want to save money, you can use basalt or volcanic rock.

brick oven for a bath


It is believed that to create a firebox, you can use the usual solid red brick. It behaves very well with temperature changes and has a rather long service life. However, when drawings and designs of bath and furnace stoves are made of metal and brick, it is best to use fireclay material for the manufacture of the firebox.

The fact is that ordinary red brick is perfect for the manufacture of the structure itself, but it is in the furnace, where moisture will affect it, that it will quickly collapse. Also, this factor is affected by the fact that such structures are not operated very often.

brick oven stove diagrams drawings and projects


It is best to use clay mixed with sand to make stoves. However, the process of preparing the solution must be approached very responsibly. The fact is that there are no exact proportions of its preparation, since the fat content of a particular clay is unknown, which means that everything will have to be done, focusing on the consistency of the composition.

  • Clay must be taken at a depth of at least two meters. It is very important that it does not have additional inclusions.
  • Then the extracted material is poured with water and allowed to stand for a day. Although some masters do not.
  • In the next step, the clay needs to be kneaded by adding water to it. The result should be a soft mixture sticky to the hands.
  • After that, sand is introduced into the solution, while continuing to mix it.

Check the quality of the composition by immersing the stick in it and studying the thickness of the adherent layer. It should be approximately 2 mm. If the layer thickness is less, then a little clay is added to the composition, and if it is more, sand is added to the mixture.

Additional items

Almost always, brick oven designs for a bath contain metal inserts that play the role of doors, grates, gratings and other systems. They can be purchased ready-made and even as a complete set. They sell such products in specialized stores or on the building materials market.

When choosing such additional elements, it is very important to immediately pay attention to the dimensions. It is sometimes very difficult to find just such a door, which is indicated in the project and is suitable in size. Therefore, craftsmen acquire products that are very close in size, which involves the subsequent fitting of bricks.


Typically, a brick stove for a bath from a project to masonry is done in a month. However, from this period a lot of time is spent on setting the foundation. Therefore, when starting work, it is necessary to take into account such a moment and correctly allocate time for all processes.

brick stove for a bath from design to masonry


  • First you need to dig a pit according to the size of the future foundation. At the same time, brick oven designs for the bathhouse strongly recommend that between the walls and the foundation be at least 0.5 m. Also, its width should be several centimeters greater than the dimensions of the future design.
  • The depth of the pit should be 0.7 meters, and a 5 cm layer of sand is laid on its bottom. At the same time, it is shed with water for compaction.
  • Then a broken brick is laid in the pit, which is also poured with sand and spilled with water. The thickness of this layer is usually 25 cm.
  • At the next stage, formwork is made. It is made so that the finished foundation rises above the surface by 10-15 cm. A metal frame is also created from reinforcement, which is placed in the formwork.
  • Next, concrete is poured. At this moment it is very important to bring out a flat surface, which will greatly facilitate further work.
  • After the concrete has hardened, two layers of roofing material are laid on the foundation. It will perform the functions of a kind of waterproofing, protecting the structure from moisture.


This process is the main one in the manufacture of a brick sauna stove. The projects on which it is carried out are called orders. This is a graphical representation of the location of each brick in a separate row.

There is simply a huge number of different designs of furnaces, for which you can make several completely different orders. Therefore, each person chooses a project specifically for himself, based on personal preferences and a desire to implement certain technical characteristics.

Masonry is performed using a clay solution. Sheets of asbestos will also be required. They are used as a refractory and thermal layer between the furnace and the casing.

If in this process it will be necessary to trim the brick, then it is better to do this using a special tool so that cracks or internal stress do not appear. Rapid saw or cutting wheel for concrete work is very suitable for these purposes.

All additional elements that are installed in the masonry have certain mounting systems. Usually they are not original and very easy to install. However, there are such models of these products that need special fixation, which must be taken into account when purchasing.

When installing metallic additional elements, it is very important that there is a small gap between them and the brick. It is needed as a kind of compensator for heating. It can be filled with asbestos or use a special heat-resistant damper tape.

do-it-yourself brick oven for a bath


This design is usually part of the order when a brick stove for a bath is made. At the same time, projects display only the main exit system from the furnace and the intersection of the ceiling. However, if you create a design with a tank, then it is better to use a different approach.

In the modern building materials market, special materials for the manufacture of chimneys are on sale. It looks like concrete blocks, inside of which ceramic inserts in the form of pipes are located in the insulation. When assembling, they create a complete chimney system.

Such materials have simply a huge service life and have proven themselves in maintenance. Their installation is quite simple, and even a beginner can handle it.

When the pipe passes through the ceiling or roof, it is worth using special modular inserts, which are sold ready-made. They have a relatively low cost and greatly simplify all work.

If you plan to install a tank for heating water, then you also need to pay attention to factory products. Among them, you can choose the capacity of the required volume, which has seats for fixing on the chimney. The independent manufacture of such structures sometimes leads to unnecessary costs and time.


The process of designing and manufacturing stoves of this type is quite complex and responsible. He may require the performer to possess certain skills. Given this complexity, it is worth entrusting this process to professionals.


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