Where to go in Sevastopol: description, attractions and recommendations

According to the vast majority of tourists who were in the white-stone handsome Sevastopol, this is the most beautiful city in the whole of Crimea. With what, in fact, it's hard to argue. There are many interesting sights. Still, a city of military glory. And about those places that are of particular interest, it is worth telling in detail. As well as where to go in Sevastopol really should be.

where to go in Sevastopol

Central attractions

Each city has its own unspoken tourist symbol. In Moscow, this is Red Square. In Sochi - the Olympic Park. In St. Petersburg - the Hermitage. And in Sevastopol - a monument to the scuttled ships near Primorsky Boulevard. Around, because it is in the sea. This is the emblem of the city, as well as what is depicted on the famous 100-ruble vertical bill. That's where to go in Sevastopol certainly should.

Seaside Boulevard is not only a picturesque and beautiful place with restaurants, a large fountain and souvenir shops. It is also a whole complex of attractions, monuments and entertainment.

Here is the Lunacharsky Academic Theater, whose history began in the early years of the last century. Here is located the Marine Aquarium Museum, which is one of the oldest in Europe and the first in the Russian Empire. It was built in 1897. Still on the boulevard there is a picturesque bridge of lovers made of light stone, built more than 110 years ago.

where to go sightseeing in Sevastopol

Art bay

Here's where else to go to Sevastopol is a must. The name of the art bay, by the way, did not come from the word art (โ€œartโ€). This is a reduction. The full name of the bay is artillery. At the beginning of the XIX century, a commercial port was opened here.

This place is located next to Primorsky Boulevard. And to be more precise, one flows smoothly into the other - through the souvenir market, the terrarium and the dolphinarium. By the way, these are the very places that Sevastopol is rich in, where you should go with your child.

Dolphinarium has been open for 16 years. Sea animals are kept in conditions that comply with international standards. Here you can look at bottlenose dolphins and fur seals that amaze with their quick wits, intelligence and grace.

Sevastopol what to see and where to go

For gastro-tourists

Where can I go in Sevastopol to eat? In fact, in the hero city there are a lot of excellent establishments. For example, the fish restaurant "Barkas" in the art bay. Crimean wine, dorado, grilled tiger prawns, salmon, sea bass, salmon, Black Sea hamsa, mussels, raps - this is just a small list of what a tourist can treat himself to here. Fans of meat on fire and just hearty dishes will like the Steak-bar, which are several in Sevastopol.

If you want the original, then you can visit the NE bar. This Bar-ne-Bar, "NE children's cafe", NErest, club NEfigase, etc. Lovers of informal atmosphere will like it. By the way, there are still quite reasonable prices, a diverse selection of excellent dishes, drinks and quality service. And for desserts you can go to the "Crazy Tea Party" - a thematic cafe, decorated in the style of "Alice in Wonderland." It is also located in the city center - on Bolshaya Morskaya, 12.

Sevastopol where to go with a child


Talking about where to go to Sevastopol, one cannot but notice the attention and this place, which is mistakenly considered a separate city. There is some truth - Balaclava really had a separate status until 1957. But since that time, it has been a district of Sevastopol.

This is one of the most convenient bays in the entire Black Sea for mooring ships. And also a submarine base in the past. And the real โ€œCrimean Marseilleโ€. Strolling along the numerous boats and fishermen, who immediately hang out the catch, breathing in the smell of barely fried fish coming from open restaurants, you can admire the calm sea and low green hills. And you should definitely go along an original path to such sights as the Genoese fortress of Cembalo. It was built back in 1460, when these places were also called the city of St. George.

Sea tourism

And how many beaches in Balaclava! Both ennobled and wild. Take, for example, Shaitan beach. Short and small, it looks more like a tiny pebble corner near the sea. Which, by the way, is located directly under the sheer cliff. You need to get to it along winding mountain trails and wild, completely unencumbered places. But the water here is clear. And absolute privacy reigns. By the way, above is his photo.

But the most amazing place is Cape Fiolent, which is composed of rocks of volcanic origin. The photo is presented below. Its beach called Tsarskoye Selo is clean and comfortable. True, going down to him is not easy. But the feeling is worth it. This is especially acute for a person when he swims through the mysterious grotto of Diana. Under his feet there are 10 meters of depth, but the bottom is clearly visible - so clear water.

Sevastopol where to go in the evening

For lovers of memorable places

Sevastopol is one continuous historical attraction. Almost at every step there are monuments, busts of military figures, museums. This is Sevastopol. What to see and where to go for connoisseurs of historical sights? The answer is simple. They need to go to Historical Boulevard. This is also the center, but beyond the Monument to the Scuttled Ships. About twenty minutes to go.

The boulevard decided to justify Admiral Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev - the commander of the Black Sea Fleet. It was with him that trees were planted and a gazebo erected. Unfortunately, in 1854 everything was cut down here. At the site of the current boulevard, the Fourth Bastion was erected, which covered the city from enemies.

Now here you can see the monument to Admiral Ushakov, the monument to E.I. Totleben and, of course, the panorama "Defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855." An interesting museum, where even the locals go several times. By the way, it is included in the list of 60 largest panoramas in the world. The exposition hall is located on the ground floor, and the painting itself is 14 meters high and 115 meters long (circumference) on the second floor. In this place, you can well learn the history of the hero city.

What else can Sevastopol please? What to see and where to go after visiting the panorama? You can go to the Ferris wheel, it is literally a 5-minute walk - there, on the boulevard. From the top of the attraction offers amazing views of the surroundings.

where you can go in Sevastopol

Little greece

Where to go in Sevastopol? Sights are numerous, but every tourist wants something original. Then you can safely go to Tauric Chersonesos. The policy, which was founded by the ancient Greeks in 422 BC! That's where itโ€™s really interesting. The western gate, the basement of the Mint, the Pythos for storing food, wine and basil, and the bell cast in the 18th century in Taganrog have been preserved.

And it is precisely in Khersones that the Vladimir Cathedral is located - a shrine built in the 19th century and dedicated to the 900th anniversary of the baptism of Russia.

In general, for a long time you can talk about this wonderful city - Sevastopol. Where to go in the evening, afternoon, morning or even at night - you do not even need to think. There are sights at every turn. So everyone will receive a proper portion of impressions and a desire to return.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F400/

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