Hydrangea "Diamantino" - Queen of the flower garden

Owners of personal plots are trying to create coziness and a unique style. After all, it is important not only to grow vegetables and fruits. I want to rest my soul and surround myself and my loved ones with beauty.

Floral arrangements are the basis of garden decor. Everyone has their own tastes and preferences. Hydrangea is considered the favorite of many gardeners.

Hydrangea is a deciduous shrub showered with magnificent flowers. There are a huge number of varieties. Among various varieties, panicle hydrangea "diamantino" predominates.

hydrangea diamantino

This magnificent shrub will look great in various compositions.

Botanical characteristics of panicled hydrangea

The magnificent hydrangea "diamantino", the description of which can be continued indefinitely, is a shrub abundantly covered with inflorescences. In height reaches a little more than a meter. The crown has a rounded shape, slightly flared up.

The diameter of the flower is an average of 23 cm. The inflorescence visually resembles a panicle with flowers that are dense and closely adjacent to each other.

Hydrangea "diamantino" differs from other varieties in panicled form of inflorescence. The flower has a very rounded shape.

hydrangea diamantino description

During the season, flowers change colors more than once. At the beginning of flowering, the color of the inflorescence is yellow with lettuce and golden tints. Then the flowers become charming white. And by the end of their flowering, they acquire a pale pink color.

Hydrangea "diamantino" blooms for a long period of time and is mostly plentiful. Flowering begins in mid-June and ends in September. Shrub shoots are strong, so the plant does not require garter. The leaves are dark green. To the touch a little rough.

Landing and care

First you need to decide on the landing site. It is advisable not only to take into account the design significance of the location, but also the illuminance of the site. For panicle hydrangea, the most ideal lighting would be partial shade.

After planting, you need to water the plant abundantly. Watering hydrangea "diamantino" in general is of great importance. With a long drought, inflorescences become small. The best flowering can be achieved by light pruning. Hydrangea is a winter-hardy plant, but it is better to cover young bushes at first.

Soil and fertilizer

Hydrangea "diamantino" prefers fertile, mostly moist soil. Before planting, you can make peat or humus. The increased content of lime in the soil will adversely affect the plant.

Hydrangea will thank you for fertilizing. But do not get too carried away. Feeding is carried out in spring and late autumn. Fertilizers are best used specifically designed for this type of shrubbery.

Pruning and reproduction

Periodic pruning is recommended by experienced gardeners. It provokes the most abundant flowering of hydrangea.

panicle hydrangea Diamantino

Once every 3 years, hydrangea needs major pruning. It is necessary to completely, under the root, remove dead and old branches. Pruning is best done in the spring. In violation of the pruning technique, some inflorescences may not bloom. It is recommended to leave 3-4 buds on a branch in autumn.

Hydrangea can be propagated in several ways:

  • layering;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

The latter method is the easiest and most common. You can share the bush in spring and autumn. It is necessary to dig it out and divide it into several parts. Each part is planted as an independent plant.

It is also easy to breed hydrangea by layering. Young layers at the base are dug to the ground and fixed. The next year, the root will give cuttings, and it can be transplanted.

By cuttings, reproduction is more complicated. It is necessary to prepare cuttings in early spring. The cut is done at right angles. Bottom leaves are completely removed. Cuttings need to create greenhouse conditions until completely rooted.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4002/

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