How to add pokestop to the card? What is pacestop?

Many people who play Pokemon Go on their device know firsthand the usefulness of pokestops. And it’s especially joyful when they are near those places where you most often catch Pokemon. But few people know that you can add Pokestop to the card yourself. Thus, you can easily find it exactly where you need it. The article will discuss how to add a pokestop, and what it is.

How to add pokestop

What is Pokestop?

Before you talk about how to add a pokestop to Pokemon Go, it’s worth talking about the pokestop itself and analyzing in detail what it is for.

How to add pokestop to pokemon go

Pokestop at Pokemon Go is designed to receive a variety of rewards, such as Pokemon eggs, from which you can later get a new animal. It is also in these places that players get their pokeballs. Pokestops on the city map do not appear randomly, they are tied directly to attractions. Moreover, such places are put on the Google map with the corresponding photos. On this basis, it becomes clear that in small towns or villages there will be a minimum of pokestops, since there are few places for their foundation. However, even in this case, their number can be increased. But on how to add a pokestop to Pokemon Go, a little later.

You can also add that this mark can be in two states, in the game they differ in color. There is blue pokestop and pink. As you might guess, the blue color means that the parking is currently active. Approaching it you can get your prize and take advantage of various opportunities.

How to add pokestop to pokemon

Pink, on the contrary, indicates that the pokestop is inactive.

However, after waiting about five minutes, he goes into an active state.

Many players are often puzzled when, having approached an active pokestop, they do not receive any rewards, or it becomes eternally inactive. Developers in this situation are advised to simply restart the game. This is due to the fact that it is still at the beta testing stage.

Received Rewards at Pokestop

Those who have just started playing Pokemon Go, and those who are just thinking about it, will be interested to know what rewards in pokestops you can get. However, the list below may change over time, as the game is constantly evolving. About how to add a pokestop, a little later.

  1. The first in line and the most common reward is pokeball.
  2. You can also get the potion. Subsequently, it can be used to cure your Pokemon after the battle.
  3. Razz Berry is often found - this is a berry that increases the likelihood of successful catching Pokemon.
  4. If your animal often faints during the battle, then the “Revival”, which also occurs on the pokestops, will help you.
  5. An important prize that you can get is a happy egg. It doubles the experience gained by thirty minutes.
  6. The most valuable gift is the egg. Pokemon will subsequently emerge from it. It is noteworthy that the animal hatches after passing the desired number of kilometers.

pokemon go how to add pokestop

These rewards can be received endlessly. Limitations are only five-minute breaks between attempts. It is also interesting that a player who has not reached the fifth level will constantly receive pokeballs and eggs. Well, now we turn to how to add a pokestop in your city.

How to add Pokestop yourself

In Pokemon Go, few people know how to add a pokestop. However, step-by-step instructions will now be presented.

First of all, you need to visit the official website of the game. There on the main page on the right is the Submit a request button. By clicking on it, you will see a drop-down list, you need to select Report an issue with a Gym or PokéStop.

As soon as you click on this link, a filling form will appear in front of you to add a pokestop. It contains such items:

  1. You email address. Here you need to enter your email.
  2. Subject This field translates as “name”. Enter New PokeStop here.
  3. Additional info. This is the most important point, here you will need to explain to the developers why exactly where you want it is necessary to place a pokestop. It is important that the text is written in English, here an online translator will help you. The more beautiful you describe the terrain, the greater the chances of adding a pokestop there.
  4. Reason In the drop-down list, select the item No PokeStops or Gym near me. This will be the reason why parking is required.
  5. Country, State / Province / Territory, City. Here you must specify your country and city. We remind you that you must write in English.
  6. Exact name of Pokestop. You must specify the name of the pokestop. Subsequently, it can be changed.
  7. Address of the Pokestop / Gym. Indicate the exact address in this column. That is, you need to enter the area, street and house.
  8. Latitude. Specify the coordinates of the proposed pokestop location. In order to know them accurately, go to "Google. Maps", put a mark in the necessary place - and you will be shown the coordinates.
  9. In the last column you need to attach a photo. It is important that it be of good quality.

After all, click on the Submit button. It remains only to wait. Within a week, an email with a response will be sent to your email address.


After reading this article, you learned how to add a pokestop to Pokémon Go. As you can see, this does not require knowledge in programming and other complex sciences. You just need to prepare a colorful photo and fill out the form.

Now you can tell how to add pokestop to your friend. If he does not know this, he will be very curious. Moreover, by submitting these applications, you help not only yourself, but also the rest of the residents of the city in which you live.


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