Gourami marble. Marble gourami fish. Reproduction and maintenance

The aquarium in the house is not only a rather exquisite decoration (unless, of course, it is artistically equipped and carefully looked after). Fish as pets are a sight to watch that you never get tired of watching. And doctors advise you to buy an aquarium for medicinal purposes:

  • those who are prone to depression or have heart disease;
  • hyperactive children;
  • an autistic child or a child with cerebral palsy;
  • allergies with a reaction to animal hair.

Fishes are a worthy alternative to the same turtle, which is not too active and gives much less emotional return when living in a house.

marble gourami

Most often, novice aquarists populate the glass houses of guppies or swordsmen; the bravest of the newcomers dare to buy a scalar. But all these are small fishes. If you wanted something bigger, but with a beautiful color, but so that the care was not too complicated, pay attention to the fish called marble gourami.


These fish come from Indochina. They are freshwater, and live either in stagnant waters - fresh lakes, dams and stakes - or in rivers with a slow course. Europeans brought in gourami in 1896, so he has a rather large “experience” of living in aquariums. The unusual appearance of the fish encouraged breeders to work on a variety of appearance, and now these inhabitants of the aquariums flaunt flowers that nature has not endowed them with. However, the marble gourami aquarium fish is naturally painted: it is found quite often in the homeland, although there may be differences in color - the shades depend on specific living conditions.

what kind of fish do gourams get along with

Unusual appearance

All species of these fish have an elongated, elongated body, flat on the sides. The lower fin begins near the pectoral, and ends already near the caudal. And the pectoral fins are modified into something that looks like long, whole body length, threads, and this is not an ornament, such as the veils of some goldfish, but an additional tactile organ.

In nature, gourami rarely grow more than 10-11 cm, but specimens up to 15 cm are found in the aquarium. Coloring, as already mentioned, can be of several shades, but spots or stripes are required. No wonder it is this gourami - the marble one. The photo well demonstrates the stains characteristic of this stone.

Pledge of a successful purchase

If you have not encountered such aquarium inhabitants, be careful when purchasing them. Many refuse to buy, focusing on the faded color of the fish. This is not quite the right criterion: in places of sale by gourami, marble somewhat loses its colorfulness, since it is in a stressful state. You need to look closely at the fins: they should not look shabby or torn, they should be well straightened, and the mustache must be long. If they are less than the body length of the fish or broken off - by the gourami or suffers from poisoning with poor-quality food (and constantly), or experiences vitamin deficiency. Of course, you can get out such fish, but it will take time and effort; and if at the same time they are carriers of some kind of infection, then they will infect the remaining inhabitants of the home reservoir.

gourami marble disease

Quarantine overexposure

In principle, not only is it right to buy, it is also important to correctly plant it. Marble gourami very successfully resists almost all bacterioses, but can be their carrier. And without temporary isolation, it will reprogram the remaining, less stable inhabitants. So for seven days it is better to keep a new fish in a separate container, arranging antiseptic "baths" every day. They add antibiotics (biomycin or oxytetracycline), a little pharmacy green, methylene blue or rivanol. A new marble gourami should be in solution for 10 to 20 minutes, and in between - to rest in warm, fresh and clean water.

The right glass house

Since marble gourami is a rather large fish, the aquarium will be needed not too crowded. Two or three individuals need at least 40 liters of water. The soil at the bottom of the "house" should be dark; plants are required not only bottom, but also floating. For good development and increased resistance to disease, marble gourami fish need sunlight - at least in the morning.

gourami marble photo

These water inhabitants are labyrinthic, that is, they need ordinary air. In order to swallow it, they rise to the surface of the water. So experienced aquarists advise equipping the Trichogaster dwelling (this is the scientific name for gourami) with a special cover that will protect them from cold air. Glass is not suitable: it completely blocks the access of oxygen, and fish can suffocate. If there is no lid, just put the aquarium away from the window.

Marble gourami is also not capricious in food. He uses both dry feeds and live ones; eats regular semolina porridge quite well (only it must be scalded) and for some reason loves canned green peas (naturally crushed).

Extra bonuses

In nature, gourami marble chooses stagnant water for life, and therefore is very unintelligible in home breeding. Trichogaster does not have any special claims to the quality of water (oxidizability, hardness, pH, the presence of nitrates). Of course, you should not pour water from the tap for them, but you don’t have to bother too much. You just need to make sure that the water in the aquarium does not lower the temperature below 20 degrees - after all, the fish are tropical and need some heat.

Another nice feature of these fish is the lack of need for constant aeration. So you don’t have to buy a pump either, and the aquarium can be located even in the bedroom, even in the nursery - the noise of the motor will not interfere at night.

The content of the gourami is greatly facilitated by their natural struggle with intrusive "neighbors." So, small snails, which multiply very quickly and can gobble up all the plants in the aquarium, are readily eaten by Trichogaster. If they are hungry, they can also destroy hydras that accidentally fall into the aquarium with food.

marble gourami

The neighborhood is pleasant and unpleasant

One of the most important issues when buying trichogaster is the question of what kind of fish the gourams get along with. In principle, they are very peaceful and calm, you can combine them with small species, and with fairly large ones. Of course, predators are excluded. But still there are more favorable combinations, there are less. The gourami get along very well with neons, the same scalars, parses, ancistruses, minor, apistograms and corridors. But Trichogaster gets along pretty badly with aggressive species - pseudotrophaeuses, parrots, cichlids, goldfish and labidochromis. Most likely, the matter will not come to the murder, but everyone will feel uncomfortable.

Behavior specifics

Trichogaster are curious fish. They study the surroundings best with their whisker threads, so they feel every new object in the aquarium. The same applies to the new “settlers,” who at first can react rather nervously to this.

marble gourami aquarium fish

A funny feature of marble gourams, which is very interesting to follow, is the simultaneous rise of all fish of this species to the top of the aquarium for a breath of air, and then the same friendly descent. In some ways, it resembles the performance of a synchronized swimming team. Even the reproduction by marble gourami is quite peaceful. Several males organize their "nests" at a fairly close distance, and this does not end with injuries. Some border disputes happen to them, but they do not lead to injuries (and even more to death).

If you want more

Have to get a separate "pool". In volume, in principle, you can take the same as in which you usually contain them, and the soil can not be laid, but plants are necessary. From their scraps and foam, the males build a nest. In order to “spur” the reproduction by marble gourams, the water must be heated by five degrees. Children are usually nursed by their dad, but if the female is not left behind, she will also take an active part. After laying eggs, the fry appear in a couple of days, and adults can (and should) be left for a week, a maximum of ten days. Then the parental feelings disappear, the gourami can eat their offspring, so it is better to transplant them into a regular abode. At the same time, part of the water is removed from the aquarium (the general level must be reduced by at least 10 cm) until the labyrinth gills of the small ones are completely formed so that they can capture air from the surface. At this time, they are fed with ciliates and live dust; the yolk of boiled eggs will be useful.

marble gourami

What are these fish sick

Despite the fact that marble is resistant to ills by gourami , illnesses sometimes overtake him. This happens especially often if the nutrition of the fish deteriorates, they are improperly maintained, or already diseased individuals have been planted. The most common lymphocytosis. It is accompanied by the appearance of open wounds, nodules or flat swelling, sometimes the diseased fish is as if sprinkled with piled flour. The second place among the painful lesions is occupied by pseudomonosis, which causes the appearance of dark spots, from which ulcers then form. Aeromonosis is also frequent. It affects fish living in too small and densely populated containers, as a result of which they are weakened. Such inhabitants cease to eat, their scales bulge, the belly swells and begins to bleed, they lie at the bottom.

All diseased fish should be put in a separate aquarium; most of them will die, but uninfected individuals will remain healthy, and patients have a good chance of recovery.

However, if you follow the “pool” and the quality of feed, you are unlikely to encounter such problems. And for the rest, gourams will only please you - with beauty and with peculiar habits.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4014/

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