Title Veteran of Labor of the Samara Region: how to get benefits

A title called Veteran of Labor of the Samara Region - how to get it to the residents of the Russian Federation? We have to answer this question further. In fact, coping with the task with timely preparation is easier than it might seem at first glance. It is enough to collect a certain package of papers, as well as meet certain requirements. Which one?

labor veteran of the Samara region how to get

About status

It was easy to answer the question before. Until 1985, there were no problems with gaining Veteran of Labor status in the Samara Region (how to get it now, we will tell later). The only requirement was a certain length of service. He was about 20 years old.

But in 1995, Federal Law 5 "On Veterans" was issued. This set of laws indicates those who are eligible for veteran status. Categories of beneficiary veterans and state bonuses laid out by him are also registered here.

Accordingly, since 1995, the receipt of the study status has changed somewhat. But still, citizens could apply for some state support.

In Federal Law 5 "On Veterans" it is indicated that in order to obtain a labor rank it is necessary to have a certain length of service. The presence of additional awards favorably affects the entire operation.

How much work

The title of Veteran of Labor of the Samara region, how to get in 2017? Today, citizens have to have a certain working experience. It varies depending on the gender of the applicant.

fz 5 about veterans

In addition, the availability of labor awards will not be amiss. Men can apply for study status after having worked for at least 25 years. Women need to work less - only 20 years minimum.

Want to get the title of Veteran of Labor of the Samara region? Work experience is not the only requirement. It is also important to reach a certain age. Which specifically?

Applicants age

It will also change. Men have more, women have less. Accordingly, a clear answer to this question will not work.

The male half of the society at the time of filing a request for the assignment of veteran status must reach 60 years. That is, to be retired. Women have the right to receive a study title after 55 years.

bonuses to labor veterans

Who else is eligible

Other Veteran’s categories of citizens can obtain the status of a Veteran of Labor in the Samara Region (how to get it, we will consider below). In Samara, the following rules apply to this issue:

  1. People with awards of the Russian Federation / USSR or with the corresponding ranks. This also includes citizens who have received honors. You must have the previously proposed work experience.
  2. Persons who began to work during the Second World War, before reaching adulthood. Women must have at least 35 years of work experience, and men must be at least 40 years old.
  3. Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Depending on a particular case, citizens will have to bring a certain package of documents. We will talk about what exactly can come in handy later.

Step by step design

To begin with, a few words about how the status of a Veteran of Labor in the Samara Region is formed. How to get it?

Step by step the process can be imagined as follows:

  1. Collect a specific package of papers.
  2. Make sure that a citizen can apply for a special labor rank.
  3. Write a statement of the established form.
  4. Contact the registration authority with the appropriate request.
  5. Get a Veteran Labor Certificate.

After the above steps, a citizen will be able to deal with the registration of the benefits set for him. State support for veterans in Russia is divided into Federal and regional. Therefore, some benefits existing in Samara may not be available in other cities.

payment to veterans of labor in the Samara region

Package of documents

A few words about which papers are useful for the implementation of the task. The package of documents directly depends on who exactly makes the corresponding request.

In general, the registration of the title of a labor veteran in Samara requires:

  • passport;
  • statement of the established form;
  • photos (3x4 size 2 pieces);
  • awards and medals, if any;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • certificate of the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • employment history;
  • certificates confirming unearned periods, which are counted in the length of service;
  • documents on conducting IP activities.

That's all. Within a month, a citizen will be assigned the status of a Veteran of Labor of the Samara Region. The federal significance of this provision is still retained. Although, as a rule, the bulk of benefits are provided at the regional level.

What are eligible

Many are interested in what benefits were granted to Veterans of Labor of the Samara Region in 2017. This question is extremely important. Indeed, in front of paperwork you always want to know what to count on. In real life, some refuse additional support from the state, since drawing up benefits and other bonuses takes too much time.

labor veteran of the Samara region of federal significance

Today, labor veterans are entitled to support in the following areas:

  • social;
  • medical;
  • financial;
  • cultural and recreational;
  • tax;
  • communal;
  • housing.

As a rule, often in Samara, veterans (including labor) can expect to be exempted from the transport tax for one passenger car, to reduce the tax base when calculating payments for land, as well as to be fully exempted from property taxes. So far, such bonuses are valid in most regions of the Russian Federation. Next, we consider the measures of state support for workaholic veterans in Samara and the region in more detail.

Medicine and Veterans

In the field of medicine, the mentioned category of citizens can count on various forms of support. For example, veterans should be admitted to public hospitals and clinics outside the general queue. This also applies to live queues and appointments.

In addition, you can receive completely free medical care in all regions of Russia. Some categories of drugs are given free of charge. The main thing is to have a prescription from a doctor in an established form.

You will have to pay for massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy and testing. But only if it is a commercial form of assistance. Statutory free treatment for all citizens does not require payment.

Medical benefits do not require any special clearance. It is enough to have a passport and an approved form certificate with a photograph. By presenting these papers to the registry, a person will be considered as a beneficiary.

What are the benefits of labor veterans of the Samara region

Housing and utility bonuses

In the field of housing and utilities, the studied category of citizens is also entitled to certain benefits. For example, needy labor veterans can count on the provision of free housing from the state. But to achieve such support is problematic - you have to wait in line. She often forces to endure for 5-10 years.

Most often, communal benefits in Samara for veterans include:

  • free phone installation (and without a queue);
  • discounts on utilities (50% or more).

As practice shows, in this case it is necessary to contact the management company at the place of residence of the citizen with an application for benefits, as well as with a veteran certificate. And already in the next month, a person will receive the support laid to him.

The financial side of the issue

Additional payments to labor veterans are also due. But they are constantly changing and depend on what exactly the person was assigned the title to be studied.

Payments to veterans of labor in the Samara region range from 300 to 900 rubles. Also, this category of citizens can apply for a surcharge in certain amounts. Namely - in those how much the citizen lacks to a living wage.

The last bonus, as you might guess, is offered only to the poor. Wealthy labor veterans in Samara will not be able to receive additional payments.

Samara Region Veteran of Labor experience

Registration of support is carried out at the MFC or in the bodies of social support of the population. A person needs to have a passport, a statement, a veteran certificate, as well as income documents and certificates confirming the difficult financial situation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4033/

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