Transport for children from birth to two years

A modern child requires a lot of investment. He needs to buy diapers, special food and much more important and necessary. In this article I want to talk about transport for children: what it can be depending on the age of the crumbs.

transport for children

The smallest

It will not be a secret for anyone that for the smallest children there is the only transport common to us - a stroller. She has a huge number of different advantages, thanks to which almost all the mothers of our country use wheelchairs. In addition, these vehicles themselves are inherently different: these are the so-called transformers, and strollers with removable blocks. The advantage of this vehicle is that it can be used as long as possible, up to three years. Here the child can both stay awake and sleep comfortably. In addition, modern strollers are so thought out that they can be folded and packed without problems even in the smallest trunk of a car.


You also need to pay attention to strollers. This is a great transport for children from a year. By themselves, these vehicles are much smaller than conventional strollers: they are lighter, the wheels are smaller, they are more ergonomic. Often they are called "canes." All because of their folding, forming something like a cane. Here, the baby will not be so comfortable sleeping, but still a nap will succeed. Advantage: with such a stroller you can even go on a short trip, because it will easily enter any bus, train or taxi.


transport for a child 2 years old

If a woman does not want to buy transport for children, you can always find an alternative option in order to go for a walk with her baby. For this, today there are special backpacks and ergo-backpacks that mom puts on herself, places the child there and thus goes for a walk. However, it is worth saying that this method is suitable for the smallest children who are not yet trying to walk. After all, it is quite difficult to get and put the child in such a carrier several times during a walk. A couple of words I also want to say about slings. This is a great baby vehicle. It consists of a piece of fabric, which is adjusted as the baby needs. The advantage of slings is that you can either put the child there or put him in any position (there are different windings), in addition, according to doctors, they are the safest of all types of portable devices for babies.


A very important transport for children is a bicycle. And with age crumbs, he will become different. Already after the baby begins to stomp himself, you can purchase this vehicle with the so-called mother's handle. First, parents will simply carry the baby (on the basis of a stroller), ride. With age, my mother’s handle is removed, and the transport turns into a full - fledged tricycle. It is worth saying that the children in it are sitting with great pleasure than in strollers. Cons: a bicycle is not suitable for winter.


Another very important transport for children is the tolokar. This is both a toy and a tool that helps the baby learn to walk. So, most often this is a small machine with a long convenient handle, which the baby grabs by pushing the car forward and taking its first inept steps. This is a great helper for mom. You can use it both on the street and at home.


about transport for children

A very common transport for very young children is walkers. However, at the very beginning, it is worth saying that most often they are not recommended for use by pediatricians, because in them the baby often puts his foot incorrectly (not like with normal walking), and the baby needs to be retrained to walk later (which is much more difficult than to learn right right away). However, there are some pluses here: if you put the little one in such a vehicle, your mother can free herself for about half an hour to do certain things. It is used mainly at home.

Runbike or bike ride

For children who already know how to walk well, you can buy a new vehicle - a runbike. What is it? So, it protopit ordinary two-wheeled bicycle, but smaller and without pedals. The child sits on the seat and kicks off, giving speed to his movement. This vehicle perfectly teaches kids to keep their balance. However, when choosing it is worth considering the weight of the runbike - the lighter it is, the easier it will be for the child to ride.

Kick scooter

A great scooter for a child of 2 years and older. At all times, the kids liked this vehicle, because they themselves can control the speed of the ride. This tool can already be safely used in games with peers.


transport for children from a year

Separately, I want to say a few words about cars. So, there are such vehicles on which the child sits down and is repelled by legs. This transport is suitable even for the smallest toddlers who have just learned to walk. It is worth noting that the kids are happy to drive on such cars both at home and on playgrounds. There are also large cars on the control panel (for the parent) with pedals and steering wheel (powered by batteries), where the child can drive himself, sort of like an adult driver. Children often like this transport, but if you rarely ride it, for example, in an amusement park. When parents acquire such an expensive thing, the baby often loses all interest in it, because riding in this vehicle does not require any effort from the child. A great alternative is a bicycle machine. This is something like a car, but with pedals. This is an excellent transport, especially for boys, which brings health benefits and pleases the baby daily.


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