How and how to repair the crack in the brick wall of the house with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions and recommendations

Such a problem as cracks in the walls, faced by many owners of brick country houses. Of course, you need to eliminate such defects as quickly as possible. Cracks in the walls not only spoil the appearance of the house, but also have a negative impact on its performance. Moreover, such defects in some cases can even lead to the collapse of the building.

Step-by-step instruction

Cracks in brick walls are usually closed in several stages. To eliminate such a defect, you need:

  • determine the nature of its occurrence;
  • eliminate identified deficiencies in order to prevent crack expansion;
  • carry out control check;
  • depending on the width of the crack and its nature, choose a technique for its elimination.

how to close a crack in a brick wall of a house

Actually, there are several methods of termination themselves:

  • using cement mortar;
  • using polyurethane foam;
  • by replacing a damaged masonry area.

The main causes of the defect

How and how to repair cracks in the walls of a brick house? The answer to this question depends on many factors. Before proceeding with the elimination of such a defect, of course, you need to find out because of what, in fact, it could appear. Most often, cracks are the result of non-compliance with construction technology. This can be, for example, an incorrectly selected type of foundation or a roof structure, various kinds of technology violations during masonry, etc. Also, cracks in the walls often appear:

  • as a result of improper redistribution of the load on the walls (during the superstructure of the building or during its redevelopment);
  • due to temperature deformations;
  • when laying utilities under the foundation;
  • during the construction of the basement under the already constructed building without strengthening the base;
  • as a result of wear and aging of the material.

how to repair a crack in a brick wall at home ways

Sometimes cracks can occur due to a decrease in the bearing capacity of the soil under the building. This often happens, for example, due to the redistribution of groundwater.

According to the regulations, repair of cracks in brick walls should be carried out only after eliminating the identified causes of their appearance. That is, if necessary, you must first strengthen the foundation, screed the walls with metal locks, increase its bearing capacity, etc. In any case, only those cracks that have already stopped expanding are allowed to be closed.

How to determine the stability of a defect

Finding out that the crack has stopped diverging is completely straightforward. To do this, you just need to stick a few beacon papers across it. If they do not burst in about a couple of weeks, then the cracking has stopped. It is easiest to stick pieces of paper on PVA. You can also use moment glue.

How to repair a crack in a brick wall of a house: the choice of methodology

As soon as the problem that caused the crack appears to be resolved, you can proceed with the actual completion of the repair work. In brick walls, this procedure is usually performed:

  • using cement mortar;
  • using mounting foam.

how and how to repair cracks in the walls of a brick house

Using a cement mixture, a non-penetrating crack can be easily removed from the wall. Brickwork is usually finished with a rather thick layer of plaster. It is in it that such defects most often appear. Cement mortar, as well as polyurethane foam, can be used for sealing, including through cracks. The use of these materials, however, is allowed only if the size of such a crack does not exceed 10.1 mm. If this figure is greater, the damaged area of ​​the masonry will have to be disassembled.

How to repair a crack in the wall with your own hands, if it is not through

Such defects occur in the plaster usually after it dries due to a violation of the application technology, as well as aging material, etc. In any case, it will not be difficult to eliminate a non-through crack on its own.

The methods and procedure for filling cracks in brick walls (non-through) depend on what exactly is a defect. Very often, for example, the so-called "cobwebs", that is, a network of small cracks, appear on the plastered surface. To get rid of this defect, you must first clean the problem area completely. The easiest way to do this is with a narrow metal spatula. After the crumbling plaster is removed, you can begin to finish the site with a new layer of gypsum or cement-sand mixture. Before applying it, the brickwork should be cleaned of dust and wet with water using a broom.

how to fix a crack in the wall with your own hands

Sometimes separate large cracks appear in the plaster. Such defects usually occur in the area of ​​windows and doors. Most often, their appearance is caused by house shifts. To eliminate such defects, they should first be expanded. To do this, you can use a chisel or any other suitable tool for such work. Next, the crack should be thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt. This is easiest to do with an ordinary household vacuum cleaner.

After the crack is cleared, its inner surface must be wetted with water using a spray gun. Cement mortar for sealing is prepared in a ratio of 1: 3. You can also purchase a special dry mix in the store. Fill the crack with a solution should be in excess. In the end, he must close it completely and even go a little beyond. In a still fresh solution, it is necessary to press (along the entire length of the crack) a reinforcing mesh tape. After a few minutes, a little more mortar should be applied to the wall. Ultimately, the tape should be completely covered by the mixture. After the solution has dried, the repaired area should be treated with a special grater.

Sealing narrow through cracks in masonry with concrete mix

The solution in this case must be done on the basis of high grade cement (best of all M400). As a plasticizer for cracks up to 5 mm wide, river sand is usually used. Of course, before starting work, it must be sieved. If the crack width exceeds 5 mm, a little fine quarry sand should be added to the mixture. In order for a procedure such as filling cracks in brick walls with your own hands to be successful, it is advisable to hammer in metal T-shaped anchors (with fixation on the dowels) before using the concrete mixture in the cavity.

repair of cracks in brick walls

Also, additional strengthening can be done using a special metal lock (thick plate). The latter is fixed across the crack on the anchor. Install the castle in the course of the development of the defect. If the crack expands from the bottom up, the plate is laid closer to the overlap. Sometimes the wall is strengthened with ordinary steel brackets. The latter should be driven into it at least half the thickness.

Actually, the answer to the question of how to repair a crack in the brick wall of the house, in fact, is given above. This procedure is carried out approximately according to the same technology as when adjusting the plaster. That is, the crack is expanded and cleaned first. Then its cavity is moistened with water from a spray bottle. Further, the crack is clogged with cement mortar.

Using polyurethane foam

This material will also help answer the question of how to repair a crack in a brick wall of a house. However, you must use the mounting foam carefully. When applying it, one should always bear in mind that, expanding, it is able to increase the crack. Therefore, foam should be applied in small quantities. In the future, in the right places, you can simply add it.

DIY cracks in brick walls

After the foam has completely dried, a cleaning should be done. First, the excess material protruding outward is simply cut off with a sharp knife. Then the foam is smoothed along the crack to a depth of several millimeters. This is necessary so that the plaster layer applied on top lay as strong as possible and subsequently did not crumble. To further strengthen the finish in this case, it is also advisable to use a mesh tape.

How to repair a wide crack

So, let's find out how to repair a crack in a brick wall of a house, if it is not too big. Defects with a width exceeding 10.1 mm, as already mentioned, can only be eliminated by disassembling the masonry. Perform this procedure as carefully as possible. They begin to disassemble the masonry exclusively from the very top row. You cannot knock bricks out of the wall.

methods and procedure for filling cracks in brick walls

Replacement with new brickwork is carried out according to the principle of β€œlock” with dressing of seams. In this case, reinforcing metal plates are used. The latter should cover the gap completely. Instead of plates, you can use ordinary thick reinforcement.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, we have figured out how to repair a crack in a brick wall of a house. The methods described in the article are suitable both for residential buildings, and for household or industrial. The main thing when eliminating such defects is to strictly adhere to the required technology. In this case, the crack will never appear again, and the wall itself will perform its functions as efficiently as possible.


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