Thermomosaic: schemes. Thermomosaic 3D schemes: Smeshariki, New Year

A completely new type of mosaic - termovariant. As the name implies, it is associated with heat treatment. But first things first.

What is a mosaic?

Thermomosaic consists of small cylindrical parts that are made of quick-melting plastic. They come in different colors, thicknesses and diameters. Something reminiscent of a straw for juice, cut into small pieces. The collection of these mosaic details takes place on a tablet plate, which consists of convex pins. Parts are mounted on them in a certain order with the necessary colors adhered to.

thermomosaic schemes

After the workpiece is completed, it is necessary to cover it with ordinary tracing paper or thermal film and iron it with an iron. Due to the high temperature, the parts melt and are interconnected. After this, the fused work can be removed from the tablet, waiting for complete cooling. Thus, a thermomosaic is going to be arranged, the schemes of which you can find in this article.

Who is it suitable for?

The basic rule of this mosaic, in principle, like many others - the work of the baby takes place strictly under the supervision of an adult. For children under the age of three, a thermal mosaic is not suitable. But older kids will be just the way. But here there are age restrictions. For children from three to five years, a mosaic with a diameter of ten millimeters is produced. These are quite large cylinders that will be convenient to take and hold for kids. But another difference between toys for the smallest little ones is the scheme. Thermomosaic is assembled on special panels that already have a shape. It can be a butterfly, a flower, a teddy bear or a dog.

Children from five to ten years old can purchase a mosaic with details of five millimeters. Accordingly, tablets for the manufacture of need to purchase others. Children can assemble the thermomosaic themselves, but the procedure with the iron still needs to be done by the parent. The third type of detail is for the oldest children of ten years or more. They differ in small diameter: only two and a half millimeters. To make figures, you will need twice or three times more parts, but this is not a problem. After all, schemes for children's thermal mosaics can be created independently. We will talk about this later.

thermomosaic circuit

Skills in the form of a game

As you know, the work of children with small details helps to develop motor skills. Collecting this mosaic, the child must take the part with his fingers, turn it with the right side and put on the pin. These actions develop the concentration and motility of small hands. To collect the mosaic, multi-colored cylinders are used. It will be an excellent workout palette knowledge. Such activities are especially useful for the younger group of children. Saying the color of each detail that the child uses, you can hone the knowledge of shades.

Due to the fact that the schemes for thermomosaic can be changed, the child will learn to fantasize. You can also invite children to create a diagram for themselves, for example, draw a picture on a piece of paper in a box. And the parent will help transfer it to the tablet. One of the skills that helps to develop a collection of mosaics is perseverance. To achieve the result, the child will have to concentrate on small details and be careful. This skill will be useful before the start of the school year.

Ready Kits

You can purchase ready-made kits for working with mosaic. They are usually sold in children's stores and the choice is currently quite large. The ready-made kit contains: a drawing scheme, the necessary colored beads, a tablet board and thermal paper, instructions for use.

schemes for thermomosaic

As already mentioned above, sets are of three types: for babies 3-5, 5-10 and 10+ years. As practice and parental reviews show, a ready-made set is perfect for the little ones. Thermomosaic, schemes for which are attached, can be presented to him for any occasion. But older children will be interested in inventing them for themselves. For an entertaining process, you can purchase ready-made plastic beads and a universal square tablet.

Simple and affordable schemes

If you opted for the flight of fantasy, then the following information will be very useful to you. Buying ready-made kits, of course, is convenient, but rather expensive. Given that you can collect only one drawing. Therefore, we will discover one very valuable secret that holds the thermomosaic: assembly patterns can be used for classic cross-stitch. It would seem a trifle, but rather useful information.

This will save a lot of money. Yes, and the children will be more interesting. You just have to buy packaged beads that are sold in separate colors or mixed. And also a large plaque so that you can place a drawing of any size on it. Print the pattern for embroidery and get to work. And in order to keep up with the times and interest the child, choose your favorite cartoon characters for the mosaic. This will certainly surprise the baby, and his favorite pastime will be a thermomosaic. Schemes - smeshariki or strict robots - will appeal to children. You can see one of them below.

schemes for children's thermomosaic

Where can the finished work come in handy?

So, we have already figured out the types of mosaics and schemes for it. But the question of the use of finished work remains open. From these amazing beads you can make not only interesting toys, but also quite useful things. Having built your favorite cartoon characters or animals, the child can add them to his arsenal of toys. Due to the heat treatment with the iron, the parts are firmly attached to each other. You can make a house, furniture for dolls and even cars. But we will talk about the most interesting ideas later.

Holiday gifts

To build an exclusive gift will help thermomosaic. Schemes, on which the New Year is depicted colorful and bright, will come in handy. Together with the children you can make Christmas decorations, a snowman, Santa Claus, snowflakes and many other holiday paraphernalia. Below in the picture you see a wonderful example of New Year's crafts.

thermal mosaic assembly scheme

Photo frame

A rather interesting and extraordinary solution that will help preserve the brightest moments of life is to make a frame for pictures. This is done as easy as shelling pears. The frame is going to fit the size of the photo on the tablet. Choose the thickness yourself. It can be four, five or three rows of beads. Fix the result with an iron, remove the finished frame and stick on the back of the photo. If desired, you can add small details for the decor of the finished frame. Such an activity will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults.

Useful application

Due to the fact that the thermomosaic format is 3d, schemes can not be used. Easy to make square mug stand. The use of various ornaments looks spectacular. And from five blocks you can easily build a glass for pens and pencils. Even a casket of plastic beads is able to craft a child. It is important in the manufacture of such complex structures to connect the parts with hot silicone glue.

thermomosaic 3d schemes

All kinds of trinkets with your beloved and popular heroes of films and cartoons will now become more accessible. Due to the fact that the product is voluminous, it will easily become a replacement for a keyring. And it will be convenient to pass a metal ring due to the holes that the thermal mosaic contains. Schemes, as you understand it, will not be difficult to find. Advanced users can try to collect whole pictures. They can be placed in a wooden frame or left without it. A large number of patterns for cross stitching will also be useful in this matter.

Important to remember!

Observe safety rules when working with mosaics. Due to the presence of small parts, do not leave children alone. After all, they can easily swallow a bead, so strictly control the entire process.

thermomosaic schemes smeshariki

Choose plastic parts according to your age to make your baby curious. Always complete the final stage of ironing yourself, even if the child is already an adult. Thermomosaic is a joint work of an adult and a peanut. Therefore, do not forget to prompt and praise the baby.


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