Diseases of the plum and the fight against them: to help a novice gardener

Diseases of the plum and the fight against them are of interest to many gardeners. What are they just not ready to get a crop of delicious and high-quality fruits. Only healthy fruits can be large, without damage, beautiful. If you delve into the Internet, it is easy to find information about what plum diseases exist. Photos show the results of their exposure. This article describes some of the common threats to plums.

plum diseases and their control
Smoky spotting threatens all representatives of stone fruit. Its reason is a fungus. Brown spots on leaves with a dark border in the spring, small red-brown spots on the fruits and reddish on the branches. Over time, the berries take an irregular shape, and the wood cracks, gum stands out. Fungal diseases of the plum and the fight against them is a very important issue for a good harvest. In order to defeat smoky spotting, it is necessary to thin out the crown of each tree in time, weed out weeds , dig up the ground. Fallen leaves are burned, it is also necessary to deal with the affected branches to prevent further spread of the fungus. Three times the trees are sprayed with 1% Bordeaux liquid: when the buds begin to turn pink, when the flowers fall off and another 2-3 weeks later. These measures are necessary if the threat has become serious.

Some other fungal diseases of plums and the fight against them are very similar to smoky spotting. For example, the fruits can grow empty, inflated, they do not form a stone, the surface is torn by a waxy coating of powdery-white color. These are signs of marsupial disease. Symptoms vary, and the methods of struggle are the same.

plum disease control,
Gumming is also dangerous for trees; it is a discharge on the cracks of bark and sections of a colorless resin with a yellowish or brown color. It multiplies bacteria that cause cancer of the trunk and branches. The cause is fungal diseases, as well as, as mentioned above, mechanical damage, freezing, sunburn and other consequences of adverse conditions. Trees can suffer from growing on acidic, heavy, and swimming soils with excess moisture and nitrogen. Cracks in the cortex with gum detection, which appear due to plum disease, are very dangerous, and the fight against them becomes a priority.

plum disease photo

If possible, try to create good conditions for trees, protect them from mechanical damage. Wounds must be cleaned in a timely manner, disinfected with 1% solution of copper sulfate. Then you need to cover them with garden var. In order to save trees from sunburn, the trunks are whitened in late autumn and early spring. To whitewash does not fall off immediately after drying, a little glue is added to the solution.

In order to deal with all known fruit rot, which manifests itself especially strongly in rainy summers, it is necessary to remove all affected fruits from the garden in time and bury. In this case, avoid touching healthy fruits, so as not to transmit the disease further. Fight insects that damage plums, it is with their help that rot begins to spread.

The fight against plum diseases should be carried out regularly to enjoy a good harvest year after year.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4068/

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