About how cats die ...

Friends, no matter how sad it may sound, but each of us who holds a pet in the form of a cat, sooner or later is forced to go through a very sad period - his death. Today we’ll talk about how cats die.

Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever in this life. All living things die: plants, people, animals ... If we talk about the latter, then, perhaps, the most unusual death happens in cats.

how cats die

Cats are a mystery of nature

We will talk about how cats die a little later. Allow a couple of opening words. Cats are quite unusual mammals. No wonder they always attributed the most mystical properties. However, whatever they are, any of them is sick, aging and, of course, leaves this world. So, let's find out how cats die.

Why are they hiding before death?

Friends, further I will tell very sad things. Personally, my tears are welling up when I hear about it. But, as they say: "you can’t erase words from a song."

When a domestic cat realizes that something strange is happening to her, she frantically starts looking for a secluded place where no one can disturb her. If a cat dies at home, then it is, first of all, trying to hide from its owners, whom she once passionately and faithfully loved. Feeling pain and feeling danger, the animal abstracts from everything that can hurt it ... Friends, it’s sad to talk about it, but your pet in its last minutes of life is completely sure that one of you offended him, that they attacked him, causing terrible pain. The cat cannot (and will not be able to) understand who exactly caused it this pain. That is why the animal prefers to go away from everyone in order to try to protect themselves from danger unknown to him.

how cats die of old age

A view from scientists

Today it’s not surprising to understand how cats die of old age. Scientists have proven that the animal is unable to guess why it was cherished and groomed just yesterday, and today it has become very painful. Of course, a cat is not a person, and she cannot explain to anyone what is happening to her, therefore, she experiences enormous death stress. Scientists say that if your cat suddenly began to hide from you in the most inaccessible places in the house, then she will soon die of old age.

The death of a cat and the death of a man are two different things.

if the cat dies at home

There are significant differences in how cats die and how people die . People on their deathbed become very scared, as they begin to think about what is in the afterlife. Anyone is afraid of death. We are afraid of her throughout our lives. We are haunted by the thought that someday we will leave this world forever.

In the case of cats, everything is different. They do not have this fear, because they simply do not know what death is! Cats cannot think, therefore, on their deathbed they do not come to any thoughts about the afterlife. They just hurt. They do not understand why this is happening, and what will happen next.

What to do after the death of a pet?

Of course, live on! Try not to torture yourself. Do not mourn your pet with bitter tears. On the contrary, remember the joyful and bright moments from your life with him. And one more thing: remove all personal belongings of the deceased cat (bowls, trays, toys). Do not think that it is cruel. Simply, if you do not, then you will constantly be tormented by looking at them and remembering your favorite cat ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F407/

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