How to do everything with a small child? Time Planning Ideas

The birth of a baby is a wonderful event. But not everyone realizes that this is still a huge responsibility. For the next couple of years, you can forget about such a thing as personal time. Almost the entire period of wakefulness will go only to business, there will be practically no place for rest. In addition to the fact that the girl receives a new status - "mother", she also remains a woman and wife. Now it will have a house and children. Some, realizing this fact, think about how to do everything with a small child. The question is really important. Some tips and tricks will help you in this matter. And no matter how many children you already have, the principles are approximately the same.

how to do everything with a small child

The very beginning

When the period of stay in the hospital is behind, you have to "return to Earth." A woman becomes a wife again, but now in the status of a mother. And all the household chores fall on her shoulders. This is especially noticeable in families where husbands think that the decree is a vacation, and not responsible work without days off and breaks.

Want to know how to do everything with young children? At first try not to strive to be an ideal cook, laundress, cleaning lady, lover and mother. Devote time to studying your baby. After all, it will be he who will dictate the rules for the next few years. The first month is the adaptation period. You get used to the child, and he - to you and the house. Attract your husband at the moment to help with the housework. Only when everyone gets used to a new member of the family can time planning be thought out.

Highlighting the main

All household and daily duties and tasks can be divided into several parts. This is very important for proper time planning. Each minute is expected to be beneficial. Therefore, you have to analyze what you have to do in a day.

Matters important to the family should be put forward. That is, those without which there is no way to do without it. For example, caring for a child (for granted), preparing breakfast / lunch / dinner. Cleaning is also an important point, but sometimes you can neglect this.

how to do everything with young children

How to do everything with two young children? In the same way as with one, and with three, and with five - just learn to prioritize. Divide all your affairs into important and secondary. Give preference to the first, and the second can sometimes be neglected. Remember - in the very first place you should have a child. After all, while the baby wants to sleep / attention / eat, you will not be able to do household chores.


How to do everything with a small child? Make an approximate schedule of affairs at the beginning of the day. It is important not to start planning immediately after arriving from the hospital - you must get used to the baby. It has already been said that it is the child who will dictate the rules in the house for some time.

Parents need to adapt to the daily routine that their baby builds. Someone sleeps well at night and day, but in the morning and evening - no. Some children wake up by the clock, and some tentatively several times at the same time. Consider these features.

After just a few weeks of motherhood, you can literally paint your time by the hour. It will be clear when the baby is hungry, when he is sleeping, and so on. Therefore, time can be used to the maximum benefit. It is advisable to put the main family matters in the first place, and leave the secondary ones for later.

Attracting assistants

In general, there are a lot of techniques for planning time. And it doesn’t matter with or without children. Try to use all the tricks that you can guess. And soon you will notice that life is not so difficult with a baby.

how to do everything with two young children

So, how to do everything with a small child? The advice often given by experienced parents indicates that it’s not necessary to take on absolutely everything. Everyone has grandparents, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, spouses. Relatives are the ones who will help you with your planning.

What does it mean? Try to get them involved in household chores whenever possible. Usually husbands are instructed to at least take out the trash. And they ask for help with cleaning. Are there any grandparents who are willing to help? Do not refuse such an offer. The main thing is that in practice they help, and do not reproach you and do not give instructions on what and how you should do. Entrust them with some household chores, and at this time take care of the baby or other household chores.

Care should be taken here. If you feel that the assistants involved are bothering you, and from them there is more advice than business, it is better to cope with everything on your own. A few weeks of daily unsolicited advice, and you will understand how easy it is to do household chores without unnecessary help, in peace and quiet.

A few days

The following trick will help free you up a bit of time. If you are thinking about how to do everything with three young children (one, two, four, and so on), try to clarify one important point: while you are newborns, do not try to be perfect. Special attention is required to a very important process for the family - cooking.

how to do everything with a small child

Cooking every day is good. But this is not always possible with the baby. Therefore, try to cook for several days. You can restrict yourself to simple but very tasty dishes. If you didn’t have soups in your diet, enter them. This is a wholesome food that will help to get enough and save time.

Sometimes you can afford to deliver meals to your home or ask for help from your husband or relatives. Nevertheless, if you decide to cope with household chores on your own, cook for a few days in advance.

How to manage to cook with a small child? Here you will be helped by knowledge of your baby’s daily routine, as well as a variety of kitchen appliances. For example, a slow cooker. A very useful device that will always provide you with fresh food. And do not forget to cook for a few days in advance!


If you do not know how to do everything with a small child, then proper time planning will help you deal with this problem. To be honest, modern mothers have access to many effective techniques for solving this problem. About 20 years ago there were no most appliances and things. But how does this help to keep up with everything?

how to do everything with a small child tips

Simply and easily! More often, use a variety of household appliances for help. It will ease your suffering and allow a little time to free. It has already been said that a slow cooker will provide quick cooking. For cleaning, you can use special vacuum cleaners, robots, for washing there are washing machines with the function of drying clothes, a dishwasher will help to wash the dishes. Etc. In general, modern women are almost unlimited in terms of choosing household appliances to help with the household. Surround yourself with these devices - so you can free several hours. Yes, not everyone likes this approach, but it really helps to maintain comfort in the house with small children. And things are done, and mom is calm, and the child is under supervision!


A woman’s brain is designed to handle several tasks at once. That is, a girl can perform immediately a couple of actions, unlike men. Try to use this chance. But how exactly?

Here your quick wits will help you. I wonder how to do everything with a small child? When the baby is sleeping, try to do household chores. At the same time, combine several things. For example, you can cook and wash dishes at the same time or do the cleaning in the kitchen. As soon as you learn to simultaneously perform a variety of tasks, it will become easier, much easier.

There is no algorithm for learning. Only practice. Only it will help you master the technique of doing several things at once. Typically, in women, this works great. A few attempts - and the job is done!

how to do everything with three young children

Modern world

But that's not all! Some girls complain: "I do not have time to eat with a small child!". This means that they simply do not know how to plan their day correctly or perform some extra actions. It has already been said that it is necessary to divide all household chores into compulsory (important) for the family and secondary ones. True, there are times when even with such planning nothing works out. Then you have to analyze what exactly you are doing. Most likely, you have too many unnecessary actions. Or you do not use all the possibilities of the modern world.

What is it about? Progress does not stand still; for children and care for them, various means were invented. They must be used to the maximum. For example, use not diapers, but diapers. And do not perform unnecessary rituals-relics of the past. We are talking about ironing diapers on both sides, boiling bottles and so on. Many experienced mothers indicate that without these manipulations, children grow up healthy and develop correctly. Therefore, use all the possibilities of the modern world to the maximum.

A computer

Have you thought how to do everything with young children? Then remember one more holy rule - give up the computer and the Internet. Anyway, while you carry out your plans. It's no secret that nowadays a lot of time is devoted to gadgets. To have time to do homework, you need to abandon them.

A few hours will be saved. It will not be easy at first, but if you really want to have time to do everything, you will have to overpower yourself. You can sit on the Internet when chores are done, and the child does not yet need attention. A very good way to save time. It is worth excluding gadgets from life, as you begin to have time to do more!

how to manage cooking with a small child


No matter how paradoxical this may sound, but in order to quickly cope with the tasks, it is necessary to rest. After all, a rested person is active. It helps to complete a business faster than planned.

Therefore, do not take on a lot of actions. Rest as much as possible so that you have the strength. This technique really helps. It’s not necessary to relax too much, but also to turn inside out too. When you rest, notice that you have more strength and energy. They will help you do everything.


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