Dubovsky pink grapes: variety description, yield

Grapes Dubovsky pink - a new promising variety, or rather, a hybrid form of pink table grapes. Despite the relative “youth”, the excellent quality characteristics of the variety have already been noticed by leading winegrowers who have managed to appreciate and love the culture.

pink oak grapes
We will present to the reader a description of this grape, features and properties due to which its popularity is growing among both venerable professional producers and amateur summer residents.

History of the variety

Dubovsky pink grapes are called the locality where selection surveys were carried out and this hybrid variety was actually bred. Amateur experimenter S. E. Gusev from p. Dubrovki of the Volgograd region received it, crossing the Anniversary of Novocherkassk with the Delight of the Red. Currently, the properties of the bred hybrid are studied by specialists, but we can already talk about it as a successful breeding find, relying on the main characteristics of the variety.

Advantages of Dubovsky pink

Dubovskaya pink grape variety received a very high rating of tasting qualities - 9.3 points. A pleasant harmonious taste of fruits with an elastic juicy crispy pulp structure was noted, the sugar content of which reaches 21%. The small amount of seeds in the berries is also pleasing - even in the largest copies there are no more than 1-2 of them.

oak pink grape variety

Characteristic for the new hybrid and such signs as:

• the presence of bisexual flowers on one plant, which makes it self-fertile, that is, there is no need for additional sources of pollination;

• high yield and fruit yield;

• good resistance to traditional species diseases and pests;

• high threshold of frost resistance - the variety tolerates winter temperatures up to -24˚, which makes it possible to successfully cultivate grapes in areas with severe climatic conditions;

• preservation of high commercial qualities of bunches during prolonged transport.

In addition, Dubovskiy pink gives wonderful large berries that for a long time keep on the vine without being damaged, without drying out and not getting sick. These are the merits of this new, very promising hybrid variety. It is possible that with further observations of the botanical and biological characteristics of the plant, the list of the best qualities of the culture will expand.

Dubovsky pink grapes: variety description

The morphological characteristics of the variety are very impressive. The bush is vigorous, the vine develops rapidly and gives a harvest for already 2-3 years.

grape oak pink description
The color of the vine often has reddish hues. Dubovskiy pink is hardy and unpretentious, quite easy friendly rooting of seedlings is noted. This is a culture of early ripening. Its high productivity dictates special care: you have to normalize the formation of clusters and control their growth in order to prevent overloading the vines and their collapse.


The bunches are also similar in gigantic dimensions - loose, slightly disheveled and reaching one and a half kilograms. With the ripening of berries, collected in colorful elegant brushes, the garden is transformed. Dark pink or pink-lilac shades of berries with bright fireworks bloom falling asleep autumn plantations. Unusual large-fruity favorably distinguishes Dubovsky pink grapes: each berry reaches a record weight of 15-20 g. The fruit is impressive in size - from three to six cm in volume. Another significant advantage of the Dubovskiy hybrid is the one-dimensionality of fruits in a bunch. This remarkable trait increases the consumer qualities of berries by an order of magnitude: grapes leave the very first from the counter. The shape of the fruits is remarkable - elongated conical berries end with a flirty, slightly curved, pointed nose.

pink oak grape variety description

The color of ripe berries is saturated dark pink. At the ripening stage, the color of the fruit is green. A feature of the culture is that the clusters on the bushes remain green for a long time, but then the color changes with enviable speed: they turn from green into lilac-pink fruits in just a few days.

Breeding rules

Dubovsky pink grapes, the description of which is presented in the publication, has established itself as unpretentious. Experienced growers note the remarkable ease of survival of cuttings. Having quickly taken root, they begin to grow intensively and give the first crop more often in the second year, less often in the third. Vaccinations are also practiced on healthy strong bushes of any variety in a culture with a well-developed root system. This vine gives the first harvest in the same year.

Grapes are a thermophilic culture that develops well in fertile, breathable soils, well lit by the sun. Since the article is about a winter-hardy hybrid, we will consider the algorithm for planting a crop precisely in conditions of temperate and northern latitudes. The site is selected protected from through winds and without a close approach of groundwater. Many growers are advised to make a bulk ridge, and plant a seedling in the fall, which is considered the easiest option.

Preparation for landing

A landing pit is arranged depending on the size of the root system of the seedling. The usual depth is from 0.2 to 0.5 m.

oak pink grapes reviews
A layer of drainage (crushed stone or gravel) is laid at the bottom of the pit, humus mixed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer is introduced. A pipe with a sufficiently wide diameter (from 10 cm) is installed in the center of the pit, it will serve as an excellent conductor for supplying water and the necessary fertilizing. Before planting, the roots of the seedling are dipped in a bucket with a mash box, consisting of clay and rotted manure in a ratio of 2/1. The stems of the plant are cut for 2-3 buds, the sections are sealed with paraffin.

Landing technology

A seedling is placed in the prepared pit, carefully spreading the roots. They fill up the hole, carefully tamp and pour it with warm water. The soil around the seedling is mulched with humus, compost or wood chips.

grape variety oak pink reviews

When planting several vines, the interval between them is not less than 1.5 m. The listed stages and their correct execution will allow you to quickly take root in a culture such as Dubovsky pink grapes. Reviews of gardeners cultivating this hybrid agree on its excellent adaptive properties.

Crop care

Like all grape varieties, Dubovsky pink requires the formation of a bush, for which they install a simple trellis, consisting of pillars and wire stretched between them. The growing vine is tied to it, setting the desired direction.

The main grooming measures are weeding, loosening the soil, timely watering and top dressing. The Dubovskaya pink grape variety is no exception. Reviews of winegrowers emphasize that the most painstaking care is necessary for the culture in the first three years.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4081/

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