When is it better to go to St. Petersburg for a tour with children? Travel tips

The flow of tourists who want to visit the cultural capital of Russia will never run dry. So, when planning a trip to St. Petersburg with children, it is better to think over the most comfortable option in advance.

For one trip to get acquainted with all the miracles that Peter is so rich in will not work. Therefore, you need to decide what more you want to see. And if your plans include museums and art galleries, then the time of year is not very important, because all cultural attractions are not located in the open air. But if you want to stroll through beautiful parks and squares, admire the fountains and go on an excursion to the suburbs of St. Petersburg, then summer is the time when it is better to go to St. Petersburg!

Festive winter in St. Petersburg

Christmas tale in St. Petersburg

Of course, it is interesting to spend time in St. Petersburg with children during the winter holidays. Agree that it may be more interesting to celebrate the New Year in an unusually beautiful city on the Neva! On holidays, a special fairytale atmosphere reigns here. Staying on such a vacation, you need to plan everything in advance so as not to encounter unpleasant surprises.

When planning when it is better to go to St. Petersburg for the holidays, you need to book a hotel in advance (at least 2-3 months in advance). You must also take into account the fact that on these dates the cost of living rises. Yes, and it is better to take care of air or train tickets in advance.

Arriving in St. Petersburg in winter, you need to consider the climate. Winter is rather dank, and sometimes a temperature of -5 ° C is felt as -15 ° C. And not all pleasures will be available. You will not be able to ride a boat on the Neva or admire the fountains in Peterhof. But the winter Christmas Peter is amazingly beautiful - everywhere there are bright garlands, decorated Christmas trees in the squares and the endless atmosphere of the holiday.

It is worth visiting the traditional Christmas market, tasting delicious holiday treats and skating at the rink next to the Alexandrinsky Theater. Kids will definitely enjoy such holidays.

Spring in the city on the Neva

Spring tulips in Peterhof

For a visit to St. Petersburg with children, early spring is not the most favorable time. Given the climatic features of the city, in March-April it is rainy and foggy, often dank damp winds blow. The time when it is better to go to St. Petersburg in the spring begins around the middle of May. These days the lawns begin to be covered with young grass, and the protective boxes are removed from the sculptures in the Summer Garden (it is impossible to see them in winter).

In the spring it is worth taking a walk around the palace and park ensemble of Peterhof, whose fountains begin to work just in May. Devote a walk here all day, because in addition to the amazing fountains, several museums work here. And tired of excursions, you can just walk around the landscaped landscape park.

If a warm sunny day stands out, it can be spent riding a boat along the numerous canals and rivers of St. Petersburg. For a walk it is better to choose a small vessel with a capacity of 5-6 people. The captain of the ship, who is also the guide, will be happy to tell you many interesting stories about places past which the route will pass. Usually it passes under several picturesque bridges, tourists can admire St. Nicholas Cathedral in all its splendor.

White nights

White nights in St. Petersburg

Surprisingly, if you ask a randomly met person what time it is better to go to St. Petersburg, the answer will be unequivocal: on white nights. Of course, at this time the city is very beautiful, you can walk until late on the promenade and numerous parks and squares. During this period, you can wander around Tsarskoye Selo, climb the colonnade of St. Isaac's Cathedral, admire the fountains of Peterhof in the sun. And of course, look at the famous white nights.

But there are a few drawbacks to trips during this time, which are best taken into account when planning when it is better to go to St. Petersburg in the summer. White nights are considered a high season in the city, so the cost of hotel rooms increases significantly, and they must be booked in advance. In addition, large lines are lined up in museums and galleries. For example, a quiet walk through the halls of the Hermitage will not work, even if you book tickets online in advance.

And unfortunately, it’s not at all a fact that you can admire the white nights. After all, if the weather is cloudy and gloomy, then the nights will be ordinary.

Summer holidays

Oceanarium in St. Petersburg

When planning when it is better to go to St. Petersburg to rest, it is better to stop at the warm season. In July-August, the temperature in the city on the Neva is as comfortable as possible, although no one is safe from rains.

Museums and parks of the city are accessible all year round, but there are places that are better to visit all the same in summer. For example, the St. Petersburg Planetarium, one of the largest in Russia. In summer, the sky is almost cloudless, and observing the constellations and nebulae will be much more interesting.

When traveling with children, it is worth taking the time and visiting the largest amusement park "Divo Ostrov" located on Krestovsky Island. Everything is thought out here for a fun holiday with the whole family.

And you can go to one of the three water parks of St. Petersburg or visit the large oceanarium located in the very center of the city. Kids will be impressed by the large underwater tunnel inside the main aquarium. It is equipped with a moving track, with which it is interesting to watch sharks and ramps swimming by.

Big and small ships

Holiday & quot; Scarlet Sails & quot; In St. Petersburg

When deciding when it is better to go to St. Petersburg, you need to take into account the possible interests of the children with whom the trip is planned. Peter is a city that stands on a large water, therefore it is here that you can see (and visit) many interesting ships. So, just walking along the Promenade des Anglais, you can admire the huge cruise liners moored right on the coast.

Plan a visit to the Naval Museum of St. Petersburg, which displays more than two thousand detailed models of ships, including the famous boat of Emperor Peter I. Here you can see old copper cannons cast in the distant 1618, and personal weapons of the emperor's family.

And here you can go aboard the icebreaker "Krasin", which became a branch of the Museum of the World Ocean. During the tour you will climb the captain’s bridge and visit the navigator’s cabin.

When planning when it is better to go to St. Petersburg, you can predict the time from June 18 to 23, when the enchanting holiday "Scarlet Sails" takes place in the city. At this time in the evening, a sailboat glides along the Neva with bright sails, which is accompanied by many fireworks and a laser show. Impressions guaranteed!

The best time for a photo

Autumn in St. Petersburg

Many residents of the city on the Neva are sure that the best time to see Peter and fall in love with him is early autumn. There are several answers to the question why it is better to go to St. Petersburg in September.

At this time, it is so pleasant to walk through the numerous parks and squares, literally swimming in golden leaves. Visit the Summer Garden, on the tracks of which there are always a lot of people walking. Or go along Nevsky Prospekt, walk to the Neva Embankment and turn from there to the Hermitage.

By the way, autumn is probably the time when it is better to go to St. Petersburg for an excursion. The influx of tourists in the city decreases slightly, the lines in museums become noticeably smaller. To visit the Hermitage, for example, you don’t have to wait several hours to wait for the opportunity to purchase an entrance ticket.

Although it is worthwhile to postpone acquaintance with museums on inclement days and spend more time outdoors. Memorable photos taken on a sunny autumn day in St. Petersburg sometimes resemble a colorful children's fairy tale.

Museums of the city: for adults and not so

A walk in the Hermitage

It is impossible to plan a trip to St. Petersburg and not think about visiting the Hermitage. But it will be necessary to think over the route through the museum, which will be of interest to children. Indeed, not every child will be able to withstand a long and often incomprehensible tour of the museum.

Guides of the famous museum are advised to show the kids the Egyptian gallery with real mummies, the Knight’s Hall, which will delight every boy. Girls will be delighted with the interiors of the palace chambers, an abundance of beautiful statues and paintings. Professionals recommend starting an acquaintance with painting from the Impressionist Gallery.

But you can plan an excursion to the unique Zoological Museum, where you will see mammoths found in permafrost in Siberia, and the skeleton of a huge 27-meter whale.

Girls will be interested in visiting the Puppet Museum, which houses more than a thousand different exhibits. And the boys will be happy to visit the Museum of Railway Transport, where huge shiny locomotives are standing right in the hall.

And in St. Petersburg there is a Museum of Chocolate, where you can not only learn a lot of interesting things about your favorite treat, but also get delicious hand-made chocolate.

The beginning of the theater season

Scene from the performance The Nutcracker, Mariinsky Theater

St. Petersburg is not in vain called the cultural capital of Russia. By tradition, in the fall, numerous theaters of the city announce the beginning of the season. When deciding when to go to St. Petersburg, you can plan a visit to one or more theatrical performances.

The repertoire of almost all the most famous theaters in the city includes performances for children. You can visit the Bolshoi Puppet Theater, whose performances are designed for children of different ages. And kids can be fascinated by a visit to the Skazkin Dom children's park , where the child can not only enjoy the colorful performance, but also take part in the action on stage.


Palace bridge in St. Petersburg

From about the end of April to November, until the Neva begins to ice, one of the most beautiful sights in the city takes place - bridges are being drawn. This unique action is accompanied by classical music and highlighting on the facades of historic buildings. Of course, this happens quite late, but the impression is worth it!

A definite answer to the question of which month is better to go to St. Petersburg with children, probably, does not exist. One thing is clear, you need to go when there is an opportunity and desire. After all, at the first visit to St. Petersburg you can only fall in love with this city, and not see all its sights!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4085/

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