How to grow blue irises. Varieties of irises

Characterized by sophisticated elegance, irises have long been used in decorative floriculture. Of all the abundance of species cultivated today around the world, blue and blue irises are invariably successful.

blue irises
They are recognized as the most exquisite flowers and are most often used to decorate garden interiors. But irises of blue and blue colors are only an impressive part of many species of this interesting plant and do not stand out in a special type. About the cultivation of irises, the rules of agricultural technology and competent care for them will be discussed in the proposed publication.

Species: Bearded Irises

There are almost seven hundred varieties of this culture, and each of them has its own admirers. An impressive category of plants with intricate flowers - bearded irises enjoys the well-deserved attention of flower growers. The name of this species comes from an exotic form of inflorescence, on the long petals of which there are fluffy processes-hairs. Bearded irises are classified by size: tall, medium, standard, curb, dwarf. The most common of the bearded category is the German iris.

irises landing and care in the open ground
The varieties and names in this group are stiff in English and are sometimes difficult to remember. Nevertheless, we will present the most popular and beloved in many countries of the world:

• Baltic Sea - corrugated blue iris with spectacular blue stripes.

• Bewilderbest - a culture with fringed purple flowers, streaked with yellow-white strokes.

• Acoma - a variety with beautiful cornflower inflorescences edged with a bright lavender strip.

Irises are not bearded

There is also a conditional group of non-bearded irises, consisting of species such as Siberian, Japanese, Louisiana, California, Swamp, spuria and other species cultures. The varieties of Siberian iris are remarkable , the color of the flowers of which includes the entire palette of blue-blue and violet shades.

white iris
White iris also belongs to the Siberian species , which is also a very conventional designation, since the shades of the flowers of this group vary from yellowish to soft pink and purple. When choosing a variety of Siberian species, the florist should remember that these flowers are devoid of aroma and, for all their sophistication, cannot be fragrant. Japanese iris (xiphoid, or Kempflera) with large flowers resembling an orchid in shape also has absolutely no smell.

Another representative of the non-bearded species group is Iris Spuria. Large, unusual, elegant and similar to bulbous xyphiums, Spuria is a hardy, hardy species. It includes such beautiful irises as:

• Lemon Touch - bright lemon with an outstanding dark golden signal, growing up to 1 m in height.

• Transfiguration - high (up to 1 m) purple or blue irises with a signal of the color of antique bronze.

• Stella Irene - magnificent purplish-black flowers with a small golden signal.

Specialty in the category of non-bearded irises are considered varieties of marsh iris, characterized in that it can develop qualitatively only in moist soils and is often used by landscape designers to decorate water bodies.

flowering irises
The predominant shades of flowers of this group of culture are yellow, pink, pale lilac. The most popular and sought after varieties:

• Golden Queen.

• Flore Pleno.

• Umkirch.

The blooming of irises is a magnificent sight. Various shapes and colors of flowers attract both experienced gardeners and novice summer residents. There is an opinion that the irrigation technology for caring for irises is laborious and tedious, however, some of the subtleties that a gardener needs to know will facilitate this exciting activity. Let's talk about growing irises, their preferences and requirements.

Irises: landing and care in the open ground. We take into account all the nuances

There are plant characteristics that you need to know:

• Irises are rhizome plants, which, growing horizontally, often expose rhizomes. For the winter they need to be covered, sprinkled with soil and peat, in the spring this layer is carefully removed.

blue iris

• These cultures categorically do not like organic matter, therefore humus and other organic fertilizers are unacceptable for them, the best nutrition is water-soluble mineral preparations ;.

• Rapid rhizome growth leads to a significant bias, often disrupting the intended composition. Correct landing will help to arrange the rows - irises are planted, focusing on a fan of leaves, it should be located along the row, and not across.

• Landing holes are made shallow. Excessive deepening of the rhizome will not allow the plant to bloom.

When and where to plant irises

To plant and transplant blue irises, like all others, you can in spring, autumn or summer, immediately after flowering. Transplants are needed every 3-5 years, since overgrown plants no longer give full bloom and gradually degenerate.

All irises are light and heat-loving; they prefer fertile, slightly acidic garden soils, well-drained and not subject to a close approach of groundwater. Before planting the crop, a selected plot of land is dug up, introducing phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (50-60 g / m 2 ). Excessive acidity of the soil is neutralized with wood ash or dolomite flour (200 g / m 2 ). Clay and loamy soils are diluted with peat and sand, and clay is added to sandy soils. Anticipating the landing, the site is treated with a fungicide, for example, Fundazol, or shed with a weak solution of manganese.

Spring planting

Acquired planting material, whether it be blue irises of bearded species or those belonging to unbearded brethren, is treated with growth stimulants, for example, Epin, Zircon or Ecogel. The long, dried up or decayed accessory roots are carefully cut, the rhizome is disinfected in a solution of manganese for 20-30 minutes.

iris varieties and names

The technology for planting bearded irises is as follows: sand is poured into the hole with a knoll, on which the rhizome is horizontally laid, the roots are straightened and covered with soil so that the top of the rhizome remains above ground level. Then the soil is compacted and well watered.

But the rhizomes of non-bearded varieties during planting, on the contrary, are slightly buried and mulched with peat or wood chips. The interval between plants should be maintained within half a meter.

Autumn transplants

In autumn or late summer, overgrown plants are usually transplanted. They do this after flowering until the end of September. They dig an iris bush with a pitchfork, divide the rhizome into annual links with a leaf scapula, carefully shorten the roots, removing the damaged areas, and place for 2-3 hours in a cherry-colored manganese solution. Then, to improve the elasticity of the tissues of the rhizomes, they are dried for 4-5 hours in the sun. Prepared delenki are planted as described above.

Care features: watering and weeding

Irises (except for bog species) need reasonable watering, strictly controlled during the period of budding. In this phase, the plant should receive a sufficient amount of moisture, at other times irises are watered only when the soil at the roots becomes completely dry.

beautiful irises

Weeds must be removed throughout the growing season. Weeding is carried out manually, without using the usual garden tools, since the roots close to the surface of the earth are damaged. A couple of times during the summer you have to loosen the soil under the plant to improve aeration of the roots. These manipulations are also carried out carefully, without violating the integrity of the rhizome shell.

Dried flowers must be removed, as pathogenic microorganisms or pests can settle in them. Both of them can significantly complicate the care of the plant and negatively affect its decorativeness.

Top dressing

For planted in spring fertilizer plants made during the preparation of the site, it is enough. In subsequent years, irises are fed once a season in the spring, during active growth with a solution of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. They are brought under the root. But you cannot fertilize irises during the flowering period.

Care after flowering

If an autumn transplant is not planned, then after the plant has finished blooming, it is necessary to cut the peduncles. The xiphoid leaves of iris retain a certain decorative effect until the colds. Especially beautiful leaves are famous for white iris. The leaves beginning to turn yellow are cut off, and the foliage is completely removed in late autumn, cutting it at a height of 10-15 cm above the ground.

We have listed the main stages in growing a crop such as irises. Planting and care in the open ground upon closer inspection are completely uncomplicated, and the exquisite beauty of the plant will make the grower forget about some of the difficulties in gardening agricultural technology.


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