Labrador (mineral): description, application, photo

Small beautiful trinkets have always been a weakness of man. Natural mineral products are especially appreciated. What is there to be surprised at, because nature is capable of creating beauty that is amazing even after careful processing. Labrador is a mineral whose beauty has given rise to many legends. Aesthetes believe that products from Labrador bring into their lives the living charm of nature, mysticism, that this stone revives faith in itself and allows one to foresee the future, magicians are confident that through this stone you can influence people. What is this mysterious mineral, why is so much attention paid to it?

labrador mineral

A bit of history

It is believed that the Labrador is a mineral that was still known to cavemen. Admirers of legends associate this stone with the ancient civilization of Hyperborea. It was they who brought the cave earthlings pieces of a Labrador, after their country was destroyed by a natural cataclysm. The surviving Hyperboreans were able to give up all the benefits, but failed to forget the beauty that was frozen in this stone.

Officially, the history of the stone is counted from 1770. It was then that in North America, in one of the provinces of Canada, a deposit of stone was discovered, which was called "Labrador". The mineral, the description of which was made by scientists, was named according to the place of the first mining (Labrador Peninsula).

Labrador mineral origin


Labrador is a representative of the group of minerals of lime-sodium feldspars. These are common rock-forming minerals that make up about 50% of the mass of the earth's crust. When decaying, feldspars form clays and sedimentary rocks.

Be sure to indicate that Labrador (a class of mineral - silicates) has a complex chemical composition. In total, there are about 800 types of silicate formations. They make up almost 90% of the lithosphere minerals.

The chemical composition of the Labrador is a continuous isomorphic series consisting of sodium-calcium aluminosilicates. The definition of "isomorphic" is used because the elements can replace each other in covalent compounds.

Mineral properties

The main properties of the mineral are double cleavage and double refraction. This suggests that Labrador is a mineral that breaks into plates according to crystallographic planes. And the ray of light that fell perpendicular to the surface of the labrador is split into two streams.

labrador mineral class

Another property for which the Labrador is especially valued is its bright rainbow overflows with blue, blue, green, yellowish and reddish hues. This is due to the overlapping of light waves in the plates of which the stone consists.

The mineral is considered solid, but it crumbles if it is squeezed and cracked during a direct impact. Labrador can melt and dissolve in acids.


Labrador is a mineral whose origin is associated with the crystallization of major magmas. The rock obtained as a result of natural processes is called labradorite, and it consists of a labradorite and impurities of pyroxenes and other ores.

Where do they get it?

Labrador deposits are being developed in Canada (Newfoundland, Labrador). The mineral is found in Mexico, the USA and Brazil, found on the island of Madagascar. There are deposits in the Leningrad region and Yakutia (Russia), Volyn and Zhytomyr regions (Ukraine), as well as in Finland, Australia and India.

mineral labrador photo

Varieties of Labrador

At different times, the Labrador was called the black moonstone, bull’s eye, peacock stone, sun stone and lynx eye.

Based on crystallographic and optical parameters, the following varieties are officially identified:

  1. Spectrolyte, that is, a Labrador cast in all colors of the rainbow. A similar mineral is most often found in Finland.
  2. Black moonstone. This is a subspecies of a labrador with a blue and blue tint. Unique developments of the blue labrador are in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine.
  3. Sun stone, that is, Labrador is a mineral casting in gold. The main production is carried out in Oregon (USA).

Labrador Mineral Description

The main application of the material

Initially, the Labrador was actively used as a facing material. The mineral adorned the exterior and interior of rich buildings. But the Labrador is not only part of the decoration of old buildings, it is also used to decorate more modern architectural monuments. Labrador plates were used to decorate the Lenin Mausoleum on Red Square in Moscow, and several stations of the Moscow metro were also decorated with minerals.

Labrador is a mineral, the use of which is possible not only in construction. Small and large crafts were made from it. Boxes and snuffboxes from Labrador were especially popular. Wealthy citizens could afford to order sculptures. And the stone was used for jewelry and talismans. If we talk about jewelry, it was pendants, earrings, brooches and rings. Each product was considered unique, since it was not possible to get exactly the same things. But it’s worth talking about the talismans separately.

Labrador Mineral Properties

The magical properties of a Labrador

In magic circles, the Labrador is considered a special stone. It enhances the natural propensity for clairvoyance and predictions. And Labrador is a mineral whose properties are aimed at increasing the potential of any sorcerer and healer. Even weak abilities increase significantly if you wear an amulet from a Labrador. But there is one limitation: you can use the power of the stone only for good purposes. If the mage is about to do harm, then the Labrador can transfer the alleged damage to his master.

It is believed that the stone is able to absorb negative energy. But the main thing is that he transforms it into positive flows. Labrador amulets were often placed in inconspicuous niches in the hallway of the house. Thus, the house received protection from evil people and averted trouble.

Labrador can serve as a mascot for people of art, especially for writers, poets and artists. The mineral enhances inspiration and brings glory. In addition, the stone was used to attract patrons, because in the presence of stone rich patrons always wanted to do more good.

Labrador jewelry and charms were worn on unmarried girls. They served as a guard against temptations and embodied the purity and chastity of their mistresses.

Modern astrologers are very good at Labrador. They recommend jewelry made of this material for almost all signs. The only caveat is that you cannot give your charms to strangers. Foreign hands should not touch the mascots from the Labrador.

labrador mineral application


Doctors are very skeptical about this area of ​​alternative medicine. However, the number of fans of lithotherapy is quite large. The theory that minerals and stones have a number of therapeutic properties originated somewhere in the vastness of India.

With respect to the Labrador, lithotherapists are confident that it has a restorative effect. In addition to wearing jewelry, you can conduct massages using stones and insist water on this mineral. Such an effect relieves pain in the joints and spine, eliminates inflammation of the genitourinary system, restores erectile function, and so on.

It is believed that statuettes and crafts from Labrador can calm, remove overexcitation and avert nightmares. Lithotherapy recommends a labrador for the treatment of depression and insomnia.

Believe it or not, everyone decides for himself. Lithotherapy has no scientific evidence, but nobody really tried to refute the positive effect.

A special influence is exerted by mascots and jewelry from a Labrador on people experiencing pathological dependence. Addicts, smokers and gamers are recommended to wear rings of this stone.

labrador mineral

The mineral Labrador, whose photo can be seen above, will not leave indifferent even the biggest skeptic. It excites imagination and captivates with a variety of tints and shades. This is a very beautiful stone that can be used for different purposes. If you want, wear it as a talisman, if you want, decorate the interior. In any case, to surround yourself with beautiful things is useful, remember this.


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