German shepherd: breed history

Dogs have lived with humans since time immemorial. The ancestors of all modern breeds are molossoid and shepherd dogs. Breeding allowed to obtain hundreds of breeds, each of which has its own characteristics, both exterior and characterological. One of the universal dogs can be considered a German shepherd. The history of this breed begins at the end of the XVIII century. Since then, its representatives have changed greatly in appearance, but retained the main characteristics - a brilliant mind, amazing learning abilities, and exceptional contact.

history of the german shepherd

Breed background

Of course, this was due to human needs. The history of the German Shepherd has several centuries, and its exterior is the most recognizable. And it was like that. Man needed a dog that could take on the task of protecting livestock. The most important characteristics - the animal must be strong, very smart and moderately flexible. In addition, it became important condition on the possibility of keeping pets in an urban environment. The task was quite serious.

Founder of the breed

They became Max Stefanitz. He took on the task of breeding such a breed and it was from him that the history of the German shepherd went. Judging by the results, he well understood the task. He had at his disposal an old German shepherd. She became the progenitor of the future breed.

The history of the German Shepherd began in 1882. It was then that her first representative was registered, which became a male named Greif. He worked perfectly, guarding the herd without scaring the sheep. But in terms of external parameters, the dog did not arrange a breeder, it was dirty white in color, and it was assumed that the appearance should be noble.

Second branch

The work did not end there, and the history of the German Shepherd was just beginning. After 7 years, another male was selected from a number of litters. He had a calm character, a balanced nervous system and the appearance of a real gentleman. The dog was distinguished by high intelligence, had a strong skeleton.

But the history of the German Shepherd breed in Russia began much later. The first representatives were imported from Germany only in 1924. At first, connoisseurs of the breed faced certain problems that affected the speed of distribution of these amazing animals. But then several cynological clubs appeared in the country, and things went smoothly. The history of the origin of the German shepherd is a whole era, the work of many people, which allowed today to communicate with a wonderful dog.

history of the german shepherd

Breed description

If you decide to get yourself a large dog, then you must first weigh the pros and cons. First of all, evaluate your capabilities. The German Shepherd, like other representatives of large breeds, requires a lot of time and attention. This applies primarily to long walks and training.

It does not hurt to get acquainted with the history of the origin of the breed. The German Shepherd is a dog that has a very developed instinct for protecting its loved ones. They get along well with children. Problems can only be in relationships with new pets. Usually shepherd dogs get along well with those whom they met at an early age. An adult dog may not accept a new cat or puppy, but it almost always treats children favorably. In extreme cases, a professional dog handler will help solve the problem of the relationship of the shepherd and the new dog.


German shepherd breed history

They were taken out to protect the herd, so do not be surprised at the excellent watchdog qualities. The history of the emergence of the German Shepherd is a long selection and honing of such qualities as devotion and courage, energy and power, and high intelligence. This is a unique creature that can be both a policeman and a nanny, a companion and comrade, a loyal defender. This is the best friend who will not fail and will not leave. No wonder they, along with the border guards, carry out heavy duty, and then often together go to the reserve.

This is a great watchman, but it is not recommended to tie the dog in one place. Let her run around the territory, she has enough intelligence to assess the situation herself and make decisions. If a dog witnesses a penetration into the territory, then it will not need a team to block it. It is in her blood. And, of course, a large yard will warm up and splash energy.

What changes have occurred in the XX century

german shepherd origin story

At this time, the breed is experiencing a second peak in popularity. The history of the German Shepherd allows you to trace a milestone in the official dog breeding. The original purpose is the protection of the herd. But times began to change rapidly. As the breed grew rapidly, livestock declined. Large herds became the prerogative of large collective farms, where free walking was impossible and the need for protection was no longer needed. Therefore, breeders began to look for new options for using the dog.

Huge potential

This was not a secret at the time of the birth of the breed. The history of the German Shepherd is a gradual disclosure by a person of the potential of his four-legged friend. Actually, the unique qualities of these animals were not a discovery for anyone.

The brilliant successes of the German Shepherd attracted attention. Very soon, the police and dog training services began joint trials, and after only two years, rules for the training and use of police shepherds were developed. 13 years later, in 1914, came to the conclusion that dogs can be used with great success in the army. In 1925, the first championship was held.

history of the german shepherd

Wartime assistant

The First World War was a key event in the history of the German Shepherd. The birth of the breed occurred much earlier, but it was during this period that it came out of the shade. The best assistant in the world - she began to lead in military nurseries. This applies not only to the German army, but also to the allied forces.

World War II caused great damage to dog breeding. This statement is true for this breed. But thanks to true lovers, the history of the emergence of the German Shepherd found its continuation. Pedigree dogs were kept, with which it became possible to continue the line. But, as you know, after the war the country broke up into two camps. Since then, in each of them, two lines of the same breed led in parallel. As a result, today we can see that dogs participate in the exhibitions, which are quite different from each other on the exterior.

Modern trend

German Shepherd Breeding History

The last two decades, one can observe an active increase in the number of breeding nurseries. This was made possible thanks to the cooperation of dog breeders from different countries and continents with strict adherence to recommendations. From year to year a large number of breeders appear who are able to compete with colleagues from Germany. This means that the breed has a great future. And how could it be otherwise, because these are dogs that are unique in their characteristics.

general characteristics

The history of the German Shepherd is long and very interesting. There were ups and downs. The breed was erected on a pedestal and considered the best among the likes. In the post-war years, on the contrary, was stigmatized by killer dogs. She was the most numerous and popular, and after almost disappeared.

Such close attention to the breed is due primarily to its characteristics. The dog quickly gets used to the owner, is loyal and loyal. Despite the fact that the family chooses one owner for himself, he patronizes everyone else. At the same time, its strength is its easy adaptation to new people. As a service dog, she is calm about changing her owner and works great with different people. This greatly distinguishes it from another outstanding breed - the Rottweiler. With all the advantages, these beauties are very difficult to endure separation from their beloved master.

Care and maintenance

Getting a representative of this breed, you need to be well aware of your act. The history of the emergence of the German Shepherd allows us to understand that this is a true hard worker, it was originally intended for life in the field. Therefore, long hair and thick undercoat are natural. It must be remembered that dogs molt very much. They need to be combed out, if not daily, then every other day for sure. In addition, they are very demanding on physical activity. With them you need to walk a lot, every day. Clicking seeds on the site does not work, you need to train your pet physically and mentally. If on weekends you prefer to lie on the couch, then this breed is definitely not for you.

These animals do not require special care, but you need to constantly monitor the condition of the teeth and ears. It is important to clean the teeth and give the animal large beef mosles. Wipe your ears a couple of times a week with a cotton pad. Getting a German shepherd, think about the fact that you have to fork out for its food. If dry, then a super-premium class. Most owners choose natural food, but you can’t save on food. You will need meat trimmings, entrails, cereals, vegetables, eggs and cottage cheese. As a result, you will have to spend not only a rather large amount, but also a lot of time to purchase products and prepare a sufficient amount of feed.

Instead of a conclusion

Shepherd family

Today, the breed has again become one of the most sought after. Shepherd dogs serve on the border and in the police, work together with people in guarded facilities. They make excellent guide dogs, bloodhounds. Shepherd will be happy in any home. This is a great guard, reliable friend and nanny for children. Yes, these dogs have a rather strong smell, which stops them from making such a choice. But they usually smell after water procedures or bathing in the river. It is good enough to dry the dog with a towel, and then with a hairdryer and the problem will be solved.

In modern realities, the problem of breed cleanliness is increasingly being raised. In pursuit of profit, breeders and some dog training centers are ready to sell pedigrees to all dogs that are at least a bit like a shepherd. Therefore, they then participate in breeding, and the line is replenished with unnecessary characteristics. Related breeds that are also made out through clubs are not rare.

In this regard, you need to be very careful in choosing a puppy. Make inquiries about the club and the breeder, take an interest in the documents of the puppies' parents. Today all information can be checked. It's not just the documents themselves. Their presence is a guarantee of good health for your pet. If the puppy appears as a result of a planned or accidental mating between close relatives or sick animals, you can get a bunch of problems instead of a dream.


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