Name Aliya: meaning of name, character and destiny. Famous people named Aliya

This name sounds like a song. It caresses the ear, is associated with something gentle, light, fabulous. In Russia, most often Tatar girls are named Aliya. The meaning of the name is: "sublime", "divine." Such an interpretation obliges the beauty to be at an altitude from an early age. It should be noted that girls with this name perform their task by 5 points.

The meaning and origin of the name Aliya

It is generally accepted that the female name Aliya is derived from the male Muslim Ali. It is most common in the countries of the Islamic world, although some historians believe that its roots are Jewish. True, this hypothesis is not supported by most linguists, since among beautiful Arabic names it can be found much more often than among Jewish names. Most scholars believe it has Arabic roots. From this language, the name is translated as follows: "precious", "gift of heaven."

Name Aliya character and fate

Name Aliya: meaning of the name, translation

This name is written in Arabic علية. It means "exalted," "higher." Such is the literal translation of the word "Aliya." The name in Islam is quite common. They are called not only commoners, but also blue blood people. So, the name Aliya was born by the Queen of Jordan, the third wife of King Hussein ibn Talal Aliya al-Hussein.


From a very early age, babies with this name recognize themselves as beauties. The girls who are so called do indeed often have outstanding looks. Even if the attractiveness is low, most people around him will consider this child to be charming. The point here is the ability to file yourself, and this Aliya studies in childhood. She loves to spin in front of a mirror, try on her mother’s outfits and study jars of makeup. She is confident in her irresistibility. This feeling is transmitted to everyone around her.

Famous people named Aliya

Considering the meaning of the name Aliyah for a girl, it should be noted that it gives the child cheerfulness, cheerful disposition and great independence. Little Alia always knows what is right and what is not, what is possible and impossible. At the same time, it’s easy for parents to be with her - the girl easily takes someone else’s point of view, if you insist on it, she quickly switches to something else. The paradise of little Alia is already visible here - she has her own opinion on everything, but she does not seek to defend it.

A child with this name often likes dancing, sports - such activities where you can show yourself to society. It should be noted that in these classes the girl often achieves high results.


With the onset of youth, much changes in the behavior of a girl named Alia. Character and fate undergo significant changes, which depend on the upbringing and the environment in which the girl lives.

One of the most significant transformations taking place with Aliya during this period is related to her perception of herself. In childhood, she is confident in her own irresistibility. Having matured, the young lady begins to doubt herself and look for flaws in her appearance and figure. However, this is characteristic of many teenagers who have any name. Aliya does not come to self-abasement, but self-esteem in this period can greatly underestimate.

Self-doubt has a negative effect on many moments of her life in the future. So, believing that she can’t cope with something complicated, Aliya sets goals for herself easier than she can achieve. Many girls choose an educational institution easier, because they believe that they will not be able to study in a prestigious institution. Some of them refuse to defend their choice of a future profession, going to where the parents indicate. Even overcoming her own indecision, Aliya acts very carefully, as the self-esteem that shook at the moment of growing up does not give her the right to make a mistake. Related to this is the fear of taking responsibility.

All this passes with age, but fear of adventures and excessive alertness can remain with the girl for life.

Having matured, Aliya is faced with one more of her drawbacks - inability to plan. This applies to finance, and study, and personal time. Because of this, she often gets into unpleasant situations.

The girl is kind, does not know the feeling of envy. Numerous girlfriends can safely tell her about their acquisitions and successes. Alia will only sincerely rejoice for them. There is no grudge in her either. She forgets offenses easily and simply, without building plans for revenge.

Girls bearing this beautiful Arabic name often marry at a young age and refuse to realize themselves in society, content with the roles of wife and mother.


Having become a woman, Aliya once again relies on her appearance. She is very feminine, able to impress, tactful and polite.

The meaning of the name Aliya for a girl

It also reveals a certain flexibility of moral principles - in her case, the expression “the end justifies the means” is 100% valid. Aliya will never go for a crime or outright vileness. However, she can easily change her point of view if her well-being or achievement of any goals require it.

Aliya is an interesting and strong personality. She has a living mind, she is characterized by enthusiasm. She can change this world, take a place among the most talented and outstanding, create a masterpiece, make a discovery, become famous. Even housewives who bear the name Aliya find themselves in some kind of needlework or, for example, in floriculture. In these ladies, a tremendous power is hidden that men who have become companions of life unmistakably feel.

There are also negative aspects in women with the name Aliya. They can be insecure, infantile, uninitiated. That's why so few women with this name reveal their huge potential. Most often they are content with modest professions (secretary, librarian) or do not work at all.

Specialists involved in onomastics, are trying on all sides to reveal the meaning of the name Aliyah. The name is beautiful, kind, bright. In order for the girl who wears it to become happy, parents from childhood must educate in her responsibility, the ability to achieve her goals.

Family life

Most girls with this wonderful name realize themselves in family life. Alia’s wife is excellent. She knows how to file herself, likes to look good, is always tactful. Her husband will not be ashamed to appear with her at the most prestigious event. She always listens carefully, gives advice. Aliya will do well with both children and the household. She will not dispute spouse status as the head of the family.

Beautiful arabic names

Most often, Alia chooses a well-to-do man as her husband, who knows how to make good money and is generous. Not wanting to deal with financial problems on her own, Aliya tries to resolve this issue with the help of successful marriage. It can not be said that she goes down the aisle solely for convenience. Without warm feelings for her chosen one, this woman will not create a family nest. However, even looking closely at the candidates for her hand and heart, Aliya automatically crosses out everyone whose status and material level do not suit her. She is simply not initially ready to build a relationship with them, so among her fans there are no losers and financially unsettled ones.

The man who will make a good party for Aliya is always strong, with the will and weight in society. It is such a cavalier that Aliya will respect, listen to his opinion. She will erect it on her own pedestal and will do everything that depends on her for his comfort in life.


In terms of physical health, Alia has several “weak” organs. One of them is the respiratory system. Women with this name often suffer from asthma, bronchitis. They are strongly discouraged from smoking. They also need to pay attention to the kidneys - do not catch a cold, dress warmer in the cold season. But in general, the health of the fairer women, bearing the name Aliyah, can be estimated at a solid "four." With proper personal care, they do not have any dangerous diseases.


If a girl bears the name Aliya, the meaning of the name will also affect compatibility with members of the opposite sex. Of course, this is not the only true data, but most specialists engaged in onomastics, adhere to the following opinion:

Alia will be happily married to men named:

  • Rashid.
  • Michael.
  • Victor.
  • Alexander.
  • Rail.
  • Aydar.
  • Mansour.
  • Anwar.

Aliya may have difficulty with men whose name is:

  • Dmitriy.
  • Innocent.
  • Hermann.
  • Mstislav.

Famous people named Aliya

This melodic name has already taken a certain place in history thanks to the extraordinary women who wore it. All of them share common features, such as determination, femininity and charm. We will name only a few of them.

Brave sniper

Alia Moldagulova

One of the brightest representatives of the name is the famous sniper girl of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union Alia Moldagulova. A Kazakh by nationality, she experienced all the horrors of the besieged Leningrad, life in an orphanage, and the difficulties of learning to sniper in war. At 17, she went to the front as a volunteer and made a considerable contribution to the victory of our country. In total, during her short life, Alia Moldagulova destroyed 78 German soldiers and officers.

During the Leningrad-Novgorod operation at a critical moment for the attack, she raised the morale of the soldiers, rising to their full height and urging them to continue the offensive. The girl was injured, but continued to repel the enemy’s counterattack. Moreover, she was able to join in hand-to-hand combat. The wound was fatal.

Posthumously, this young Kazakh woman, who preferred the short name Leah, was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. She was awarded the Order of Lenin, streets in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Astana, Karaganda and Aktobe are named after her. The documentary "Ali" by Mansur Sagatov and the feature film "Snipers" by Bolotbek Shamshiev were shot about her.

Lovely gymnast

Gymnast Aliya Garaeva

Another famous representative of this name is gymnast Aliya Garaeva. The girl she is beautiful, feminine and very hardworking.

Aliya Garaeva is a Tatar by nationality, was born in Yekaterinburg, in the family of the rhythmic gymnastics coach Vasilina Garaeva. Until 2005, she represented Russia, performed both in individual and group competitions. After 2005, Garayeva began to play for Azerbaijan for a number of reasons, including the huge competition in Russian gymnastics and the spiritual proximity of the color of this country.

Aliya is a repeated winner of the World and European Championships. She ended her sports career in 2012, taking fourth place at the Olympics. Now the girl lives in Azerbaijan, is studying a new role for herself as a wife and dreams of acting in films.

Queen of Drafts

Aliya Mansurovna Aminova by ethnicity Bashkir. The girl is only 26 years old, and she has already become the winner of the European Championship, numerous international tournaments, a member of the Russian team.

Alia name in islam

The mystery of the name

Aliya can be selfish and stubborn. These are the most important secrets of this name. Consider the forces of nature that patronize her:

  • Her planet is Saturn (sixth from the Sun).
  • The stone is beryl. Its varieties include aquamarine and emerald.
  • The plant is a lovely camellia.
  • Libra.
  • The color of the name is beige.
  • The tree is maple.
  • The animal is an iguana.


According to statistics, in Russia, the name Aliya is 79th most popular. Girls and women, whose name is that, accounts for 0.1% of the total number of women.


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