How many km from Penza to Moscow on different modes of transport

If you are going on a trip or business trip, you should find out how far you have to get, where you can stop and relax along the way.

Today we consider the trip Penza - Moscow. First, let's figure out how many km are from Penza to Moscow. In a straight line, this distance is about 560 km.

Consider the available options for such a trip.

By car

This is the most common option in order to get from Penza to Moscow. By car, how many kilometers will this route take? If you go along the highway M-5 "Ural", then 641. The trip will take place in the Penza region and the Republic of Mordovia, then in the Ryazan and Moscow regions.

On the way, you will have to stop at a gas station at least twice. There are no problems with them on the highway. On the way you can have a snack. Fortunately there are plenty of places for this. Various cafes and eateries are located all the way. If you wish, you can call in Ryazan, an old Russian city with beautiful architecture and cozy streets.

If you choose this method of transportation, then understand that the roads are in poor condition in some places. Closer to Moscow they are better, but if you have planned such a trip for the weekend, be prepared for traffic jams. These days, many Muscovites go to their summer cottages.

By train

If you choose this method, the question of how many kilometers from Penza to Moscow will not be so relevant. Rather, I wonder how long such a trip will take. Depending on the type of train and time of day, such a trip will last from 11 to 13 hours. There are both direct and passing trains. Tickets will cost from 900 (seating) to 13,300 rubles (lux).

By plane

The fastest way to do this is by plane. Ternovka Airport is located within the city, which is undoubtedly convenient.

Penza Airport

Travel time will be about one and a half hours. Ticket price from 3900 rubles.

By bus

How many km from Penza to Moscow, if you get by bus? About the same as on a car. Buses depart from the bus station in the center of Penza several times a day. The road will take 10-12 hours.

Penza Bus Station

Tickets can be purchased at the box office and on specialized sites. The cost of 1376 rubles.

The distance between these cities is small, so you need to choose from the available options according to your needs and financial capabilities, rather than spending time thinking how many kilometers are from Penza to Moscow.


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