Crochet children's panama: step-by-step master class

A headpiece is not only a beautiful accessory, but also a necessary attribute when protecting from the negative effects of the environment. And especially it is necessary for young children. In the material presented below, we will talk about how to crochet a panama hat.

Choose knitting threads

Many beginning craftsmen, having gone to the needlework store, are immediately lost, not knowing what type of yarn to use for the conceived product. However, experienced needlewomen advise choosing special children's yarn for knitting children's things. It is very soft, pleasant to the touch and definitely will not cause allergies. Any color is suitable, but it is better to pay attention to beautiful and rich shades. Moreover, we perform a crochet panama hat for the hot season, when every person tries to be bright and noticeable.

crochet panama hat

We select the tool for work

In order for the conceived product to turn out beautiful and neat, you need to prepare a good hook. But what is hidden under this epithet, most novice masters do not represent. And then experienced needlewomen come to the rescue. They say that for knitting any product, including the studied panama, the hook should choose the one that is made of metal. Especially if the beginner too tightens the loops. Its size should match the yarn. For knitting a patterned and openwork fabric, as well as various hats, a tool equal to the thickness of the thread is more suitable. In addition, it is important to study it carefully. And if defects, "burrs" and roughness are detected, it is better to consider a different hook.

Take measurements

Professional knitters often talk about how important it is to crochet a panama hat, which will definitely fit the baby in size. Otherwise, the headgear may not fit or it will constantly fly off. What will force the beginning master to do the job again. To prevent this, you should knit according to certain values. Moreover, it is more reasonable to determine the parameters of a specific child, rather than using standard ones.

crochet panama hat for baby

So, having prepared a centimeter tape, a piece of paper and a pencil, we proceed to take measurements:

  • Head circumference;
  • headgear height.

Anyway, for whom we crochet a panama hat - for a girl or a boy, we determine the first parameter by placing the centimeter parallel to the floor just above the eyebrows. The second is perpendicular to the floor, from one ear to the other through the crown. The horizontal measurement is recorded immediately, the vertical - first we divide by 2.

We prepare a sample of the pattern and calculate the desired units of measurement

Another secret that professional knitters love to share is to pre-calculate the number of loops and rows. This will greatly facilitate the knitting process. Because you don’t have to prepare a full-sized pattern or constantly check with a centimeter tape. To do this, prepare a sample pattern. We knit it using the selected knitting needles and yarn. To perform a crochet panama, too large a sample is required. A square with a side of ten centimeters is enough.

crochet baby hat

Having carried out the manipulations described above, we begin to study the technology for calculating the units needed for knitting. To do this, we consider how many loops and rows fit in the sample. And we divide each value by 10. Then we multiply the parameters obtained by dividing the horizontal measure by the girth of the head, and the vertical one by the height of the headgear. If necessary, round off the final values ​​to an integer and mark them next to the previously removed parameters. It is on them that we will knit a children's panama.

Start knitting a panama hat

Experienced needlewomen say that linking the product under study is very simple, but you need to start right. To do this, we take yarn, a hook and a leaf with our calculations. Then we wind the thread twice on the index finger and middle finger of the left hand folded together. The resulting loop is carefully removed and tied, moving in a circle. After making 6 loops, we connect the first and last together. Then slowly pull at the initial end, closing the center. Next, we knit in a spiral. At the same time, the masters advise themselves to add new loops, thereby forming a circle. However, beginners who are afraid that they will not be able to cope with the task themselves can use one of the crochet panama schemes presented below.

panama map

We knit the conceived product in length

Having prepared the circle of the desired diameter, proceed to the next step. We knit a panama hat, also moving in a spiral, but no longer adding new loops. We rely on our calculations and count the number of rows in the headdress. When it is possible to reach the value calculated earlier, break the thread, hide from the wrong side and tie. Or first add fishnet ruffles. We decorate the finished children's panama at our discretion. If you wish, you can make another item of clothing, for example, a blouse, skirt or bag. And then you get an original knitted set for the summer.

Decorate the finished accessory with fields

Many mothers and their daughters prefer a hat-like panama. Such a product can also be made with your own hands. The initial stage is similar to the steps described above. But further technology is slightly different. We study it in the current paragraph.

crochet hat

So, having connected the main part of the summer panama, we do not break the thread. We bind the product in a spiral, starting to form a circle of the desired size. We make additions by eye, the width of the fields is adjustable, focusing on the desire of the child or your taste. Having tied the part of the desired size, we select the edging with ruffles or finish the work.

As you can see, crocheting a panama hat for a girl or boy is not difficult at all. The main thing is to carry out competent training.


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