How to raise a German shepherd: basics, rules, teams

German shepherd is an interesting breed of dog. They are excellent watchmen, guides, companions and guards.

However, it is very important to understand exactly how to raise a German shepherd in order to get a faithful and reliable friend. Training this breed will not cause any difficulty, and even a teenager can easily cope with this task.

Many dog โ€‹โ€‹owners do not know what to name a German shepherd so that the nickname fits the pet as much as possible. All puppies of the same litter are named after a single letter. The nickname should be the name of the nursery. The hereditary dog โ€‹โ€‹must have an official name, which also includes the nicknames of the parents.

For males, names such as Ajax, Archie, Baron, Black, Gray, Jack, Lord, Rex, Ram, Tyson are suitable. Female animals can be nicknamed Dessie, Jerry, Puma, Palm, Aza, Bert.

Breed features

Those who buy a puppy of this breed should know what a German shepherd looks like at different age periods. In addition, the nature and habits of the animal are important, as this affects the process of training and education. The standard of the German Shepherd Dog has changed over the course of several years, brought to the optimum performance, but has not undergone major changes.

Animals of different sexes have an external difference in gender. The boys are heavy, powerful, large. Girls are more obedient, miniature, mobile. The head of the animal is powerful, the ears of the German shepherd stand and have hard cartilage. In addition, they have a black edging.

Breed standards

When purchasing a German shepherd, the characteristics of the breed must be studied first. Due to the high intellectual abilities, the capabilities of this animal are quite wide. They are used to detain criminals, as guides for the blind, to search for weapons and drugs. In addition, these animals are attracted for filming in films.

Like other purebred dogs, a purebred German shepherd has excellent hearing, instinct and scent. She perfectly protects the territory and family members, gets along with children.

This breed is called universal. It has a complex of advantages that are inherent only to these animals. The main positive qualities of the breed:

  • easy to train;
  • very smart animal;
  • good watchman.

Even a novice can train such an animal, as the dog is very smart and easy to get along with. The animal easily perceives all commands and can make decisions independently. According to the characteristics of the breed, the German shepherd has a very developed intuition, feels the danger is approaching and is ready to immediately defend its owners. You donโ€™t even need to give a command for this.

How to choose a puppy

If you want to get a purebred German shepherd, then you need to get it in the most favorable period of the life of the animal itself. It is recommended to take a baby at the age of 1-2 months so that he does not have time to attach to the previous owner, since this process of this breed of dogs occurs rather quickly.

When choosing a puppy, one must take into account his pedigree and physical condition. When purchasing an animal, you should ask for health certificates and documents. If the pet will not participate in the German Shepherd Dog Show, then the pedigree is not important. However, in any case, you need to make sure that the dog is completely healthy. It is necessary to carefully examine it and, if necessary, consult a veterinarian who will conduct an examination and give a qualified assessment of the condition of the dog.

What is training for?

The intellectual development of this animal is rapid, which is why the training of the German shepherd must begin from the very birth of the puppy. Training is required to lay the foundations of dog behavior in society. The pet must be able to distinguish its owner from other people and not conflict with animals.

Puppy training

You can educate yourself or go to a dog training club, where experienced specialists will tell you what to do and how to train your pet in basic teams.

German shepherd training is needed so that the owner can control the dog, which without proper education can become dangerous to society. By their nature, they are quite alienated and can be wary and even aggressive towards strangers.

What to prepare for training

First of all, you need to allocate several hours of free time per day for a German Shepherd training course at home or in a group with other dogs. You also need to prepare comfortable sportswear in which it will be comfortable to actively move.

It is also important to bring a treat to encourage a pet that should be hungry during training. Be sure to have a leash with a collar and a ball for playing with you.

Puppy care

It is important not only to know how to raise a German shepherd, but also how to properly care for this animal. From the first months of birth, the dog should become a reliable companion. Responsibility for her condition and health completely depends on the owner, since no matter how smart the dog is, she will not be able to take care of herself. It is imperative to comply with such care rules as:

  • proper feeding;
  • vaccination;
  • health monitoring;
  • regular ear cleaning;
  • hair care;
  • uniform load distribution.

In addition to the main aspects of grooming, it is important to teach the pet to respond to the nickname. This skill should be formed in the process of raising a pet. In the first months, vaccination is necessary, which is why the owner must make all the required vaccinations so that there are no problems with the puppy's health.

Training during the game

It is important to adhere to the diet. Give the dog to eat at the same time, in the same place. Babies are fed three times a day. An adult German shepherd should eat twice a day.

The place where the dog sleeps needs to be kept clean. Periodically, you need to bathe the animal in special shampoos or with laundry soap, as well as comb out the hair. When the dog is well-groomed, it will not create any discomfort in the house.

With the right approach, you can bring up a smart friend and a real guard, however, for this you need to make a little effort.

When to start training

Many breeders are interested in the question of how to raise a German shepherd and when it is best to start training. It is right to start training from the moment the puppy appears in the house. It is ideal to start in education from 1.5 months after the first vaccination of a pet. The best period for the assimilation of information is 2-3 months.

Immediately after acquiring a puppy, you need to establish the first contact with him, teach him to respond to his name, and also show his authority. To do this, you need to confidently look the puppy in the eyes from top to bottom and hold it by the paws. You should not be angry and irritable, even when the animal does not understand the command the first time.

The age of 2-4 months is considered the most important in raising a pet. It was during this period that it should learn the most common teams. At this time, the puppy can begin to trick, check the reaction and strength of character of its owner. You need to be patient and wait for the result. You can not go about the pet.

Until 6 months, the German shepherd is still considered a child, and after this begins a difficult teenage period. No need to be afraid to show cruelty in education, but you can not go too far. It is important to properly teach the puppy the commands and show that under any circumstances, the owner is considered the main one.

Basic rules of training

The general course of training involves training the animal in various weather conditions. However, a walk with a workout should last at least 1 hour. It is important to remember that in hot weather the dog gets tired much faster, so it is better to start classes in the summer early in the morning. Cold is not terrible for the animal, as thick coat protects it from hypothermia. When conducting training, you must comply with such rules as:

  • discipline;
  • courtesy;
  • order and mode.

Very often you want to let the puppy as much as possible, as he is very cute. However, one must remember that there must be discipline. From the first day you do not need to allow those actions that will be unacceptable to the owner when the dog grows up.

You need to take care of your pet, praise him for all the right things. No need to rush to be strict. Teams are first applied in the form of a game. The animal feels everything, so you need to be as kind as possible with it.

You need to feed the dog at the same time from his bowl. To do this, you need to take a separate place.

When answering the question of how to raise a German shepherd, you need to remember that training depends on what goals a person pursues, which dog he wants to see in front of him. Training a service animal is significantly different from training a pet. Lack of diligence or, conversely, too strict upbringing can directly affect the character of the dog. A German shepherd can grow cowardly or aggressive, despite the calm nature of this breed.

Team lay

The difficulties of training are largely associated with a high level of intelligence. The German Shepherd Dog needs to be perceived as its friend, as it perfectly assimilates all commands and can make decisions independently. Raising a puppy includes several important aspects, namely:

  • socialization;
  • adaptation;
  • behavior correction;
  • weaning from bad habits;
  • training.

The training course includes two stages: the initial, when the puppy is trained in elementary commands, and in-depth, which is aimed at learning special actions.


Despite the outward severity of this breed, the German Shepherd is very playful. Games are required in the process of socialization. You can start training only after the German shepherd gets used to the environment.

Games with dogs are often quite simple, they include hide and seek, jogging, catching up. You can play with items that the dog must bring. The gameplay helps to cultivate perseverance, initiative and courage. Therefore, the dog must be allowed to win. At the same time, no liberties should be allowed.

Do not play for a long time, as the puppy may overwork, resulting in loss of appetite. It is important to be careful that no one gets hurt, as these are the first signs of cruelty that the dog can identify as normal and will continue to do so in the future.

The duration of the training largely depends on the interest of the shepherd in the game, but you do not need to let it overwork.

Parenting by age

The German Shepherd has well-developed skills. But one does not need to think that without proper training and education, the pet will be able to independently turn into a dog that executes commands and understands the owner at a glance. Initially, you need to conduct training in the form of a game.

At the age of 1-2 months, the baby may well learn simple commands. The puppy needs to be taught to respond to his nickname. Calling is important with invocative intonation.

A puppy is taught to wear a collar and a muzzle, initially putting them on for 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the time.

Trained dog

German shepherds are prone to picking up litter and are falling on the street. It is necessary to immediately stop this with the command "Fu!". Sometimes this behavior is associated with a lack of vitamins and minerals. In this case, you need to review the pet's nutrition.

Walking on the street starts from about 3 months. It is at this age that they begin to accustom the baby to walk up the stairs. As soon as he learns to do this with the owner, you need to offer to do it to the dog herself, without support. At the same time, it is desirable to introduce the animal to a barrier that it must learn to overcome. Start from the smallest heights, which are constantly increasing. It is important to encourage the puppy by giving him goodies.

At 4 months, the German shepherd needs to be trained intensely, all the while complicating the exercises. In addition, sequential alternation of commands is introduced. If in the future there will be guard, service or security work, then you need to teach the baby to bark at strangers. Outsiders should not be allowed to treat the dog or play with it.

By the age of 6 months, the German Shepherd puppy is already large and his character is beginning to change. The owner does not need to succumb to the provocation of the dog, as it will become naughty. By the age of 8 months, protective qualities appear, and in males leadership inclinations may appear. Adult trained German shepherd dogs are very obedient and able to become protectors and assistants of their owners.

Animal training

It is important to understand that education and training must occur simultaneously. This will allow the formation of conditioned reflexes and animal skills. It is this process that allows you to control the behavior of the dog, which must immediately respond to any commands.

There are certain differences between simple education and training, which is why these processes should be carried out simultaneously. Raising a shepherd dog is quite simple, as she is very smart and quickly understands what can and cannot be done. The training process is based on compliance with the basic principles, namely:

  • absolute trust in the owner;
  • promotion;
  • animal health;
  • patience.

It is very important to teach your dog to practice. The shepherd must understand the differences between a simple walk and training. The standard of the German Shepherd Dog is that it can be taught at any age. There are several types of training, namely:

  • test;
  • social;
  • amateur;
  • sports.

Test - an initial course that allows you to lay down the basic principles. This is a simple pet education with a set of standard commands. Social - raising a dog that is manageable and safe for society. It includes training for guide and defenders.

Team sit

Amateur - the training course does not follow certain rules, and the owner simply teaches the dog commands. Sports allows you to prepare the animal for sporting events. A professional course is conducted only for animals that are being prepared for service.

Main teams

Many people who want to buy a puppy of this breed are interested in how to teach the German Shepherd to teams. Training necessarily requires consistency and organization. Best of all, a dog learns commands in a calm and familiar place. At the initial stage, the duration of classes should be no more than 15 minutes. Once the puppy has mastered the command, you can proceed to the next task. The program of basic skills must include such commands as:

  • vote;
  • to lie;
  • sit;
  • to me;
  • aport;
  • beside.

To teach the Voice team, the puppy needs to be shown a treat, you can even let it smell, but so that he couldnโ€™t take it. Usually the pet begins to bark loudly, showing impatience. As soon as the puppy started to do this, you need to immediately give a command and give him treats.

The team "Sit" the pet begins to learn from 2 months of age. To do this, a dog is called up by saying a command and holding a piece of his favorite treat while putting him a little behind the head of the animal. In order for the puppy to reach the treat, he needs to sit down. However, you need to give a treat after the team is fully executed.

Dog training club

The puppy's Lying command needs to be taught only after it has mastered the previous exercise. In this case, the used treat is as if offered to the animal, but at the same time the hand with the treat is lowered in front of it. When the dog lays down, he is kept in this position and only after that they give a reward.

The command "Walk" should be performed by every educated dog. During the walk you need to unfasten the puppy from the leash and give a command.

The skill โ€œNearโ€ will help ensure comfortable movement with your pet. The puppy should not run in front of the owner or pull it in different directions. For him to walk side by side, he must first be forced to, and at the same time, all movements should be corrected with a leash. After some time, you can start using a longer leash. Later, the puppy will learn to walk nearby without additional ammunition.

A well-trained dog should respond to the call of the owner in any conditions and with various irritating factors. For this, a reflex based on positive emotions is developed. During the walk, the puppy is periodically called to himself to encourage him for the correct execution of the โ€œTo meโ€ command. Such actions on the part of the host cause pleasant associations in the animal.

The Aport team is associated with the puppy's interest in toys and fun.The toy is thrown so that the dog sees it. At the same time the command is pronounced: โ€œAportโ€. As soon as the pet finds and takes it, you need to say: "To me." If the puppy did everything right and approached the owner, you need to give him a treat.

When to contact an instructor

Self-training of a German shepherd dog may not bring any results, despite the high learning ability of this breed. In this case, you need to contact the cynological club.

Professional training

Often the problem is the wrong motivation for the dog, and fixing it is pretty easy.

The most common mistakes in parenting

Everyone dreams that the acquired puppy will grow into a smart dog, which will clearly follow the commands and observe discipline. However, many make mistakes in the process of raising a pet. These include:

  • use of physical violence;
  • rare workouts;
  • lack of attention from the owner;
  • insufficient mental and physical exercises;
  • instability in bans.

The course of training should be consistent. This is quite difficult to accomplish, but necessary. Only observing the basic rules, you can raise a smart and obedient pet.


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