The best puzzles about the plane

Riddles about the plane are readily guessed by children attending school and pre-school. Girls dream of seeing it with their own eyes, and boys attend thoughts about the profession of a pilot. There are several options for classes on this subject.


Riddles about the plane for children with a description are suitable for the age category from 5 to 7 years. The host should name a few characteristic signs, and the participant needs to guess what is at stake. For example, for this purpose there are several suitable options:

riddle about the plane

  • It has the ability to move. Presented in the form of an oblong shape. Often found with clouds.
  • This is the most formidable and powerful vehicle, similar to a cloud.
  • Flies up in the sky, but not a bird.
  • He quickly moves through the sky, leaving behind white streaks.
  • This is the only vehicle that can quickly transport people from one country to another.

Undoubtedly, the answer to all these tasks will be the word “airplane”. It is worth noting that not all children can know about its existence. Preliminarily, it is worthwhile to arrange a small lecture lesson, to show this vehicle in pictures, in a video or cartoons. If an intellectual event takes place within the walls of the kindergarten, then it is worthwhile to pre-arrange a small scene for young spectators.

In verse

Children of the older age category are able to guess riddles about the aircraft, which are presented in poetic form. A great example is the following assignments.

“He has everything: wings, nose and even tail.

Friends, believe me, I'm not so simple.

I have powerful motors

Who am I? Answer my friends soon! ”

* * * * *

“Without acceleration, it takes off high,

And sometimes it reminds a dragonfly.

The flight goes to the difficult

Well, of course, this is ... .. ".

riddle about the plane for children

“There are big wings, but it’s not a bird,

He, like her, flies in the sky.

He can hide in a few minutes

In white and fluffy clouds.

And when he takes off to heaven

And just picking up speed.

All people immediately clutch their ears.

What is it? This is a plane)".

About Carpet

Separately, you can come up with several puzzles about the carpet-plane. This is a magical and beautiful vehicle for air travel, known from the legendary tale. The task can be presented in the form of a small poem.

“He can fly quickly,

It’s not a rocket at all, but a plane.

But not ordinary, but painted,

It is not steel at all, but soft, linen.

With a beautiful fringe. "

Riddle about the carpet airplane

Riddles about the carpet-plane can also be presented in the form of leading questions:

  • Which vehicle can safely lie on the floor and suddenly rise up?
  • What is the name of an airplane made from fabric?
  • Which plane does not need a pilot? Even without it, he will perfectly cope with the flight.
  • This vehicle is repaired with patches.

Mysteries about the plane will be actively guessed by all children, both girls and boys. If desired, an incentive can be created for them to increase their interest noticeably. For example, you can make a small souvenir in the form of this vehicle. First you need to promise the children that the one who correctly copes with the task first will receive this memorable souvenir.


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