Medal and Order "For Merit to the Fatherland"

The mystery of the origin of the rewards is hidden in the deep past. The first reward marks were introduced in ancient Rome. This distinctive symbolism was made in the form of a medallion. The Romans called it "Thaler." The science that studies awards is called “faleristics.”

The origins of the concept of "order"

Then the orders appeared. Previously, they were not like the usual rewards. Initially, an order is a society of people distinguished by special attributes, for example, estate, rank, lifestyle or belief. Crusaders made stripes in the form of a cross. This was a sign of distinction of their commonality and belonging to the order. Entrance to the order was allowed only to representatives of the nobility, duly proved themselves. Therefore, admission to the order was considered an encouragement. Over time, the stripes transformed into separate objects. Now it has become possible to wear them around the neck or attach to the chest. And so the distinctive signs (medals and orders) that were familiar to us appeared.

The birth of state awards

03/02/92 - the date of birth of the “state” level awards in post-Soviet Russia. On this March day, a decree was issued in the Presidium of the Supreme Council. In 2013, the issue of the same position was issued, which continues to operate today. It classifies gracifications and regulates everything connected with them. According to the document, to reward the laureates they use titles (highest and honorary), medals, orders and other personal rewards.

medal of the Order of Merit to the Fatherland

Degrees of medals and orders

Distinctive items such as medals or orders are often graduated in degrees. These solemn rewards are given successively, according to seniority: first lower, then more honorable.

The year 1994 was marked by the introduction of several state awards of the highest degree of honor. An especially important position among them has been occupied and still holds the Order of Merit for the Fatherland (Decree 442 of 03/02/94). It is handed over by the head of state twice a year.

Order of Merit to the Fatherland

How to get distinctive rewards?

People with the citizenship of Russia and some other countries can be awarded this honor for especially noteworthy actions, such as:

  • strengthening Russian statehood;
  • progressive growth of the social and economic component of the state;
  • introduction of innovations in the scientific and research fields;
  • the spread of art;
  • popularization of culture;
  • achievement of brilliant sports records;
  • maintaining the interaction and solidarity of people around the world;
  • development of integrated state defense.

The degree (significance level) of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" is four. By seniority: from the first to the fourth. The medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" follows. She has two levels of significance. Senior is the first. You can become a person who has been awarded the highest award by first receiving a medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland (both levels).

Order of Merit to the Fatherland 2

Extraordinary rewarding

However, there are exceptional situations when out of turn people are awarded the heroes of the Russian Federation, acting order-bearers of other highest awards, “folk” actors, singers, etc. In addition, the President of the Russian Federation has the right to an extraordinary assignment of the Order of Merit to the Fatherland to people who do not have other government awards or high ranks in their assets.

The kit includes: a certificate, a badge with a block, a star and trims with ribbons. Moreover, in the set of the first two levels there is both a sign and a star, and the last two - only a sign.

Order of Merit to the Fatherland 1

Appearance of Distinguishing Awards

E.I.I. became the creator of the appearance of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" and a large number of other Russian gracifications. Ukhnalev (1931-2015) - a famous artist. Thanks to his talent, each part of the set is a work of “faler” art. The prototype of this award was the Order of St. Vladimir, awarded to outstanding representatives of Tsarist Russia.

Stars of both degrees look the same. They differ only in size. The radius of the circumscribed circle is R = 82 mm and R = 72 mm of stars of the first and second degrees, respectively. The center is a gilded double-headed eagle on a silver disc. Around it sparkles with gold letters the inscription: "The Benefits of Honor and Glory" (it is red and perfectly shades it). These words symbolize the motto of this award. The motto, by the way, is taken from the prototype. A spiky star completes the ensemble. On the reverse side, below, a number is stamped. The sign is made in the form of a cross. His sticks expand from the center to the periphery. On the contour they have a gilded edging. Inside the edging, the background is purple. The center of the sign is decorated with a convex gilded coat of arms - a two-headed eagle. In the center of the back side, the motto is repeated, and under it the number of the award. Signs of all levels look the same. They differ in size and type of wearing. A cross of degree 4 is worn on a block attached to the chest, the rest on a special ribbon hung on the neck.

Order of Merit for Fatherland Benefits

Dimensional characteristics

Linear dimensions of the cross and ribbon:

  • 60 mm - the length of the vertical and horizontal cross sticks, 100 mm - the width of the ribbon (Order of Merit to the Fatherland, 1st degree) ;
  • 50 mm - the length of the cross sticks, 45 mm - ribbon (Order of Merit to the Fatherland, 2nd degree);
  • 40 mm - sticks, 24 mm - tape (order of the 3rd degree);
  • 40 mm and 24 mm - respectively, 4th degree.

With outstanding achievements in the military industry, two crossed swords are added to the bar and the cross ring.

First winners

Over the years the prize has existed, more than four thousand people have become its laureates. More than thirty - full gentlemen of all levels. The first two laureates: M.T. Kalashnikov (1919-2013) - the great weapons designer and D.I. Kozlov (1919-2009) - the greatest designer of the space and rocket industry. The first full-fledged laureate - E.S. Stroyev (born 1937), politician, doctor of economic sciences, member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Benefits for reward owners

The Order of Merit to the Fatherland does not imply automatically accrued benefits. However, there is another option.

The presence of this award in the list of awards gives its owner the right to receive the title "Veteran of Labor" with all the benefits expected. There is, of course, one “but” - you need sufficient work experience (25 years - men, 20 - women, or according to length of service).


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