Windows in a private house: views, design

The owners of standard apartments are not so much puzzled by the choice of windows as the owners of private houses. They are not limited in size, shape, or design. But it is important to dwell on the proper design, so that the interior and exterior are in harmony with the windows in a private house. Recommendations and a selection of photos given in this article will help you make a choice.

Number and location of window blocks

The number and size of windows are of great importance in the design of the house. Depends on these parameters how illuminated and warm the rooms will be. If the windows are large and there are many, then the rooms will be cold. If you make a few small openings, then the house will always be dark. Therefore, it is important to find a middle ground and rely on building standards.

The optimal ratio is 1:10. That is, for 10 square meters of the area of ​​all walls, glazing should be at least 1 square meter. These parameters should be followed when choosing the location and dimensions of the openings.

It is also important to consider the following patterns when choosing the location and size of windows in a private home.

1. Area and shape of the room. For elongated rooms, it is necessary to put two windows or more. In small rooms, a single opening in the middle of the wall will be enough.

2. The light side. If the room faces south or west, it is best to install large windows. They will provide maximum illumination. In addition, in such rooms, home plants feel much more comfortable.

3. The purpose of the room. In private homes, large windows are usually installed in the living room, study and other rooms that require good natural light and in which people are constantly present. Typically, such rooms are located on the southwestern side of the house when designing. In the bedroom, good lighting is not particularly needed. Therefore, the west or north side is assigned to it. One window unit will be enough. The same applies to the kitchen, pantries and utility rooms. Only they are usually placed on the north side.

window configuration

Dimensions of window openings

As a rule, there are the following standard sizes of windows in a private house.

  • Single leaf. The width of the opening is from 40 to 87 centimeters, the height is from 40 to 147 centimeters.
  • Bivalve. Width from 87 to 147 centimeters, height from 57 to 147 centimeters.
  • Tricuspid. Width from 177 to 207 centimeters, height from 117 to 147 centimeters.

Apertures are recommended to be placed at a height of 80-90 centimeters from the floor. This will provide a good overview of both a standing and a seated person. In addition, under the windowsill, you can put a table or other object. The upper edge of the block is preferably placed at a distance of 220-230 centimeters from the floor. For balconies, there are also standard options. The door size is 70-90 centimeters wide and 210-220 centimeters high.

Windows in a private house can be absolutely any size. Construction companies are ready to fulfill even a non-standard order of the most demanding client. The cost of openings made on an individual project will be much higher. But the house will have its own zest.

Next will be considered in more detail the types of window openings.

Panoramic windows

In private homes, large openings are increasingly being installed that open up a gorgeous view of the surrounding countryside. In addition, fully glazed walls radically change the appearance of the room and allow you to enjoy the natural light as much as possible.

However, not many owners of private houses decide on such delights, believing that panoramic windows are not suitable for harsh Russian climatic conditions. They believe that too large openings will allow the cold to pass through, which can cause a cold in the frosty winter. This stereotype does not allow many people to install windows in the bathroom, even in a city apartment.

Panoramic window

Fortunately, modern technology allows you not to worry about frost. Even a large window can be functional and warm. Provided that the design will meet all the requirements. As a rule, when it comes to panoramic views, plastic frames with three or more cameras are preferred.

A large window can be made from floor to ceiling or wall to wall, erasing the boundaries of space. Some daredevils generally completely glaze the room on three sides, if the design of the house allows it. For such purposes, the living room or bedroom is most suitable. The first room is ideal for watching the sunset, and the second is for awakening with the first rays of the sun. Of course, the choice of a panoramic window in a private house depends on the size of the opening and the overall design concept.

Tape glazing

It is a consecutive glass blocks that are arranged one after another. From the side it resembles a transparent tape. Its length and height depend on the type of room. In any case, such windows can add air and light to even the most austere design. It is worth noting that this option of enrichment with natural light is more suitable for rooms with high ceilings.

Most often, ribbon-type windows are included in the kitchen area in the design project of a private house. There, the glazing acts as an apron or part thereof, located in front of the working surfaces of the countertops. This arrangement of openings has several advantages. The main plus is that it provides excellent coverage of the most important kitchen areas. In addition, washing dishes or preparing to eat is much nicer when the view of the nature opens from the window. For some home owners, this is an opportunity to look after the site and the children walking on it.

Big windows

Glazing can only occupy a narrow strip or the entire wall above the surfaces of countertops. It all depends on whether it was planned to place the kitchen over the work area. There is also an option in which it is not necessary to sacrifice upper cabinets. In this case, parallel glazing between the tiers is performed. An example of the ribbon design of windows in a private house in the photo above can be found closer.

Of course, ribbon-type windows can be installed not only in the kitchen. They also harmoniously fit into the dining room, living room, bedroom and classrooms. Design can be done in a similar way, but it all depends on the imagination.

Custom windows

Today, they are increasingly moving away from the rectangular shape of windows in private homes. Construction companies have the opportunity to make openings of any configuration - round, oval, triangular, trapezoidal, diamond-shaped and so on. The unusual shape instantly changes the exterior of the building and sets a certain style for the interior. Of course, the manufacture of non-standard windows, especially in large quantities, will take a lot of time and can fly into a pretty penny. But financial and time costs are worth it to enjoy the creative look of the house and the original lighting.

Perhaps the second most popular after standard rectangular openings are arched windows. They are distinguished by the fact that they have a convex-curved top. Such configurations were inherent in medieval castles. But they perfectly emphasize the classic lines of the modern interior. There are also semi-arch options that are most often chosen for the upper floors.

Round windows

Round windows in a private house also look original. The photo above shows how they can look. When looking at such porthole openings, a maritime theme or a fabulous Hobbiton immediately comes to mind. But it is not necessary to design the room and facade of the house in the appropriate style. The traditional furnishings also blend in well with the round windows.

Non-standard glazing looks even more advantageous if dark ceilings contrast with the light finish of the room. This design looks fresh and instantly attracts attention.

Corner windows

This design has only recently begun to be used by construction designers. The point is that the two windows dock at right angles. The result is a glass corner. You can make quite large openings and abandon the frame in the docking area. Then it will give the impression that the room has a certain portal to nature. Some are not ready for such a bold decision and prefer to adhere to the traditional design with frames. You can see this version of the design of windows in a private house in the photo below.

Corner window

Hinged and pivot windows

As a rule, this type of glazing is made for small openings. Most often in the kitchen and in utility rooms (bathroom, laundry, pantry and corridors). Typically, manufacturers offer to make such options from plastic, which today is at the peak of popularity in the construction industry. Buyers are attracted by the fact that the frames do not allow the cold from the street. They are easy to care for and they can be produced in any color. As a rule, people prefer to install white, beige and brown sashes in a private house.

Plastic windows can open in several ways. The most popular is the standard rotary movement of the door. Hinged opening is in great demand, in which the sash is vertically at an angle of 45 degrees. Also, customers are often asked to make a "winter airing", in which only a small gap remains. This is very important if you need a natural flow of air with high humidity.

Turning windows are especially interesting. They rotate on a horizontal or vertical axis. Such designs are ideally combined with round wings, giving the room even more originality.

Any option is suitable for a private house, the question is only in personal convenience. Experts recommend ordering pivoting and hinged windows with locks. They keep the leaf open and prevent it from closing. You can calmly ventilate the room or pass food through the window in the kitchen so that it can be taken to the gazebo.

Roof windows

Attic and attic spaces are a difficult item in the organization of living rooms. Typically, the roof has a design that does not allow the installation of traditional windows. In the attic, you can not place a library, an office or a nursery until a sufficiently high level of illumination is provided. Therefore, it is necessary to think over the purpose of the attic and the design of windows in a private house in advance.

Roof windows

In a pitched roof, you can make both the usual vertical and inclined glazing. Modern technologies allow you to set openings at an angle of 15-90 degrees. They can be both wooden and plastic. Windows in a private house in the attic should conveniently open. For this, several designs have been developed.

  • Luke. Opens on the side axis.
  • Combined system. Opens along the middle and upper axis.
  • Slow-turn window. The flaps rotate and open along the middle axis.

Depending on the design, you can hang blinds, curtains, roller shutters on the windows or even install a remote opening system. Some private house owners prefer attic balconies. This is also an excellent solution to the issue of illumination.

Material and texture selection

Many modern houses are fully decorated in a country style or just using any elements. For such an interior and exterior, wooden frames are more suitable. But the market leader, of course, can be called plastic windows. They are considered energy-saving and more unpretentious in care. Of course, such windows in a private house are not the most original solution. If you want to kill two birds with one stone, you can order profiles with a polymer film. She is able to recreate absolutely any texture. It can be just a bright color, an imitation of steel or wood. By the way, the film can also be ordered on the glass itself to make beautiful stained glass drawings on it or to close oneself from prying eyes.

But even when choosing a standard plastic white window, it is possible to show individuality. For example, instead of the black seal, which is located between the glass and the frame, you can order gray. This will smooth the contrast and visually expand the space. Dark window frames concentrate on themselves all eyes. Therefore, their design should pay special attention, giving preference to refined textiles.

Window design in a private house

Examples of glazing in a private house

To arouse the imagination to create a project, you can consider examples of openings in different rooms.

The drawing room is one of the most important rooms in which guests pass first. Usually this is a fairly spacious room, so it should have good lighting. In a private house, floor windows will be an excellent solution. They can be narrow or wide. If you stay on the first option, the interior of the room will resemble a European-style room. Wide openings can open a picturesque panoramic view.

In the bedroom you can combine several small windows of various shapes. Near the bed it is appropriate to make tape glazing. And on another wall you can put an arched, round or polygonal window.

A high corner window is perfect for the bathroom. It will look great in combination with a one-color stained-glass film that covers two-thirds of the glass.

Children's bedroom should be as safe as possible. Therefore, it is better to install windows with clips that the child will not be able to open on their own. On the inside, the window can be bright in color to match the walls. Children will definitely appreciate this design.

It is not easy to answer the question of which windows in a private house are better to install. The choice of design depends on personal taste preferences and room parameters. All the nuances are best decided in advance at the design stage.


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