Detailed description of the Bernese Mountain Dog breed

City dwellers sometimes do not even know about the existence of the Bernese Mountain Dog breed. The description shows a large dog with a bright appearance that does not fit well with the realities of life in a small size. And if you have a green forest outside your windows, then you simply cannot find your best friend and companion. Hardy and strong, with excellent skills in guarding the herd, which means a landmark on the ground, this dog will be happy to accompany you on hunting and walking.

breed description Bernese Mountain Dog

Affectionate and gentle beast

Description of the breed Bernese Mountain Dog allows you to see a unique animal. It is distinguished not only by its beauty and impressive appearance, but also by its wonderful character. If you have children, you can be sure that the dog will become the best nanny who will not leave them for a minute.

Owner reviews fully confirm that this powerful, fearsome dog is actually a sweet creature, very kind and flexible, balanced and calm. Despite his love of the movement, the Sennenhund will patiently wait until you are done with your business and are going for a walk with him.


Description of the Bernese Mountain Dog breed will be incomplete, if not to mention its origins. These dogs lived close to people in the mountainous regions of Switzerland for a very long time. Until the end of the 19th century, elegant animals were named after the village, where they were very beloved and popular pets. The dog guarded and gave wool for yarn, brightened up loneliness.

A distinctive feature of animals was their versatility. It was a shepherd and watchman, as well as a friend and draft force. An ideal helper, which was necessary for the peasants to ease their difficult life. Such were the ancestors of the Bernese Mountain Dog. The description of the breed will not be complete unless a rare mind and strength are noted. Softness and gentleness are also the strengths of the breed, but this does not apply to strangers, but only to family members. But here the dog’s loyalty knows no bounds. She patiently treats even the most intrusive signs of attention of young children.

In the highlands, sometimes the dog was the only animal that could be harnessed to a harness and transported cargo. A hardy animal helped a person to perform household chores. But outside the peasant life, nothing was known about this breed. The situation changed at the beginning of the XIX century, when F. Shertenlyayb showed them at a local exhibition. Workers with the appearance of aristocrats made a splash, and the breed's popularity began to grow from year to year.

Bernese Mountain Dog breed description

At home

The first impression is given by a bright appearance, and then you fall in love with character, as the owners of the Bernese Mountain Dog say. Description of the breed does not convey all the charms of this creature. If you happen to communicate with him, then you will fall in love forever. This is such a sweet creature that it is simply impossible to remain indifferent to it. An outgoing dog gets along well with all members of his family. Sometimes he tries to impose his will, but not out of the desire to dominate, but in defense. A true shepherd, he himself will decide for a walk what can be dangerous, and act in accordance with the situation.

At the site

How does the Bernese Mountain Dog behave in relation to other animals? The breed description emphasizes the exceptional aging of these animals. In relation to other dogs on the site, he is rather complacently interested. No jumping, barking and whining, alertness or aggression. Serious professor, neither give nor take.

If other dogs openly attack him, he is able to fight back. Usually even males get along well with relatives. In relation to other people, too, is deprived of aggression. You can approach him, take a picture and even stroke. But despite external appeasement, he carefully assesses the situation. A vigilant and very attentive bertz will instantly notice something amiss and will warn the owner with his voice. If the situation requires, then he will enter the struggle himself. These dogs are “silent” by nature; you cannot hear barking from them unless absolutely necessary.

bernese mountain dog photo


Not for nothing that even at exhibitions they sometimes write in the description of the Great Bernese Mountain Dog breed. Growth at the withers from 58 to 70 cm, they are not much inferior to the St. Bernards. An adult dog weighs approximately 40 kg. Consider right away that a large dog cannot be raised without enough meat in the diet. The color is mostly dark, although this does not affect the exhibition rating.

At first glance, many pay attention to the dog’s chest. Powerful, wide, developed, it looks especially beautiful in leather harness. The body is compact, relatively small and muscular. The breed is characterized by a large head, which perfectly complements the powerful body. The ears are hanging, have the shape of a triangle. The biggest advantage of the breed is its beautiful coat. Puppies that look like a plush toy are especially adorable, although adult dogs also have an attractive appearance.


Good-naturedness just shows in the image of the Bernese Mountain Dog, this photo perfectly conveys. However, they will zealously protect their family members, and especially children. Holders of this breed notice that representatives are characterized by such features as self-confidence and cunning. Adults can easily defend the owners and their family members. Dog handlers repeatedly emphasize that these dogs have a sharp mind. Usually there are no problems with the content, especially when compared with representatives of fighting breeds.

If you like these dogs, then look for people in your city who already have Bernese Mountain Dog at home. The breed description, character and many other features are much better to learn from a person who already had experience with this dog. But even for a beginner, there is no problem keeping the shaggy handsome. Thanks to his sharp mind, curiosity and deep loyalty to the owner, you can be sure that you will find a common language with him.

bernese mountain dog breed description nature training method

Walking and driving

You need to walk with them constantly, because these dogs are big idlers. Responsible hard workers, at home get used to sleep a lot, so from puppyhood you need to accustom them to an active lifestyle. Although you don’t need to do anything special, the pet will copy your usual behavior. The meaning of this dog’s life is to serve its owner and members of his family.

But long cycling or hiking in the mountains is not the best option for pastime for these dogs. They can spend a tremendous amount of energy to perform a task, but only a short period of time. But for long runs, hunters and cops are much better suited. If necessary, arrange frequent rests and respite.


Description of the breed of dogs Bernese Mountain Dog is supplemented by feedback from dog handlers who had the pleasure of working with them. They are well accustomed to living in an apartment and in a country house. The main thing is to remember that your pet needs to be outdoors as often as possible. The breed has excellent working qualities, but for their development will have to make a little effort, or rather, deal with the dog on an ongoing basis.

Great Bernese Mountain Dog breed description

Skills and abilities

Seeing photos of the Bernese Mountain Dog on a green lawn, we can confidently say that this is the most charming dog in the world. In order for your pet to be educated and restrained, to behave well on the street and in public places, you need to devote time to outdoor activities, as well as socialization.

Begin classes from 5-6 months. At this time, the commands of general obedience are worked out and fixed: “to me”, “near”, “sitting”, “lying”. By about a year you can sign up for a general training course with a professional dog handler. This will allow you to hone the acquired skills to automatism.

Closer to one and a half years, write down your pet for a course of protective and guard duty. By this age, the dog’s personality is fully formed, and you can begin to work on specialized programs. The Sennenhund is well aware of defense training.

dog breed bernese mountain dog description

Bernese Mountain Dog Training Technique

The character (the description of the breed interprets it as soft and flexible) allows these dogs to quickly and relatively easily learn any exercise. But you need to consider that your pet does not like to be bored and do the same thing every time. They like exercises where you can show your mind and ingenuity. Therefore, be sure to go with him to the equipped area, where other dogs are involved in addition to you, as well as there are slides and barriers. Training must be alternated with fun games so as not to overload the pet.

There is one important point that is missed when describing the breed. The Bernese Mountain Dog (reviews by dog ​​handlers call him the most grateful student) really wants to be useful to his master. Many of them work perfectly as nannies and guide dogs. Without coercion, with sincere joy he will carry a bag, tow a stroller or sled. There are frequent cases when, deprived of useful activity for the benefit of a person, a dog becomes ill with severe, somatic ailments.

The training methodology is quite simple, determine what you want from your dog, plan the exercises that you will perform, and most importantly, practice them systematically. Do not try to do several hours at a time. It is better to repeat exercises throughout the day in different situations. There are several key activities for self-development:

  • Work out the command “to me”. Whenever you want to suspect your pet, give him this command and be sure to praise after he completed the task.
  • The “near” team is another key skill. If you walk, then the dog should be slightly ahead of the owner without pulling the leash, or go flush with him. If the owner stops and gives a command, the dog should go around him and sit on the left side.
  • The sit command.
  • Prohibiting team "fu".

If you are going to feed your pet, first call him, that is, give the first command. After that follow “next”, “sit”. The dog went around the owner and sat on the left side. Now she is quietly waiting for her food. These are basic skills that will allow you to learn more complex things with an instructor.

bernese mountain dog breed description photos reviews

Content Features

Throughout the history of the breed, interference in its exterior has been minimal. Therefore, the dog retained its natural size and proportions that best meet the requirements for good health. But it has its own requirements for content and the Bernese Mountain Dog. The description of the breed, the photo of which clearly demonstrates greatness and power, says that for the most part there are no health problems. The only thing to consider is the likelihood of joint dysplasia. The dog is large and quite heavy, so the load on the skeleton and joints is large.

The task of each owner is to provide his pet with good nutrition and not to allow excessive load on the joints of the puppy and adolescent. Below we consider the features of building a diet.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Description of the breed (reviews, photos will allow you to make your own opinion) shows us a large dog, which was originally intended to graze a herd. Therefore, a private house or a country mansion is best suited for maintenance. Be sure to provide the ability to move normally. Content on the chain is not permissible. The ancestors of your pet are free shepherds, so all representatives of the breed feel the need for a leisurely detour and control of the entire territory. Aviary can be used occasionally, but do not keep the dog in it constantly. A berner can be kept in an apartment only on condition that the owners provide a long, daily stay in the fresh air.


In most cases, the Bernese Mountain Dog is a good appetite. Description of the breed, photos, reviews, character, allow us to imagine a good-natured bumpkin. In fact, this is partially true. They have a brutal appetite, and if you give them food on demand, then soon your pet will spend time mostly lying down. Excess weight is seriously harmful to health, so you need to strictly dose food.

You can buy ready-made concentrates or natural feed. But never mix dry concentrate and cereal. In this case, the dog will have an impaired digestion, constipation or bloating. You can give a portion of food in the morning, and in the evening porridge with meat. Concentrates are necessarily selected by well-known manufacturers, premium class. With natural feeding, the weight of a serving of meat should never be less than 600-750 grams per dog. But even more than the norm should not be given. And of course, no sweets, fatty and fried foods from the table.

What do you need to know?

Before deciding on the choice of a dog, you need to carefully study what constitutes the Bernese Mountain Dog. The description of the breed, the photo of which is given in the article, would be incomplete, if not to say about the main difficulties. Dogs will molt throughout the year. If the Berner will live in the house, then you need to discuss this issue with all family members. It requires special hair care, regular combing. Despite this, there will be no perfect cleanliness at home during molting.

Twice a week comb your pet with a special brush. So that the lumps of wool do not interfere with the dog, they need to be cut in time. In spring and autumn, wool will fall out especially actively. He has practically no smell, which is why cattle breeders used this breed to protect the herd. Wolves are well aware of the smell of dog hair. However, this does not eliminate the possibility of developing an allergic reaction, especially if Burnet is acquired for life in an apartment.


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