Pepper Disease - What Gardeners Need to Know

Pepper is a very popular culture among gardeners. This is primarily due to the fact that pepper is rich in vitamins and mineral salts, not to mention the excellent taste. For example, it contains more vitamin C than in many other popular vegetable crops. Sweet peppers are used by housewives for cooking vegetable dishes, salads, during pickling and pickling.

pepper disease

When growing pepper, it is important to follow preventive measures to protect the crop from damage by diseases and pests: observe the alternation of vegetable crops, destroy post-harvest waste in a timely manner, disinfect in greenhouses and greenhouses where pepper is grown, and pickle planting seeds.

Pepper diseases are most pronounced with increased soil and air humidity, so it is very important to create optimal conditions for plants and regularly loosen the soil. You should also remove damaged fruits and leaves in time to prevent the active spread of the disease.

Litracnose is a pepper disease affecting the roots and bases of stems. It can occur at any stage of plant development. If pepper is infected with lytracnose, then its roots are usually covered with brown spots, and the plant itself is significantly behind in growth. On the fruits affected by the disease, watery spots appear, which are actively increasing in size. If pepper disease lytracnose is just beginning to develop, you can treat the plants with a 0.4% solution of copper chloroxide or Bordeaux liquid (it is better to use a 1% solution).

pepper in the greenhouse

The black leg is a pepper disease known to all gardeners. The stem of the plant in the basal part usually darkens, then it actively thins and rots. Ill specimens should be removed, and then the soil should be treated with copper sulfate solution . The black leg can affect both seedlings and young pepper in the greenhouse, as well as adult plants in the beds.

With verticillous wilting, the lower leaves of the plant begin to gradually dry, and in the lower part of the stems and on the roots, a discoloration of the vascular bundles can be noticed. If this pepper disease began to progress, then the plant must be removed. Sick specimens are also removed and with fusarnose wilt (VILT), with such an ailment, the apical shoots of the plant wither and turn yellow.

Pepper disease, such as gray rot, usually appears on all parts of the plant. On dead leaves and stems, spots of grayish color appear, which then acquire a dark gray color and become covered with spores. The disease is most actively manifested in thickened plantings, in greenhouses and hotbeds, as well as in the process of storing fruits.

pepper diseases

Pepper viral diseases become more active when high humidity is observed in summer . Plants infected with viruses do not develop well, and the fruits of such plants are usually small, and the leaves may have an unnatural color. Screening planting material and protecting against aphids, which is a carrier of viral diseases, can be preventive measures to prevent a massive pepper infection by a viral infection.


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