“Purpose: The Process of Continuous Improvement” - book by creator of the theory of constraints Eliyahu Goldratt

Eliyahu Goldratt is the creator of the theory of constraints. In his books, he has a red thread to carry out the idea of ​​the need to constantly set real tasks and strive for their timely resolution. Self-improvement is a mandatory process of becoming a person as an effective professional. Without constant work on yourself, no activity will be possible. An individual who does not work on his character, does not eradicate vices, cannot be considered successful and effective.

goal process continuous improvement

What is this book about?

This is a book about how we ourselves sometimes set barriers to success. “Purpose: The process of continuous improvement” is not a collection with the stated tips, but an integral work aimed at the competent self-realization of a person. The publication is aimed at a thoughtful reader who seeks to implement his plans, but does not yet know how to achieve them.

book purpose

What are we working for?

Many go to the service just for the money. The author considers this position to be flawed, since it does not allow the person to express himself. The maximum self-disclosure is possible only when a person engages in his beloved business, bringing him complete satisfaction. The book “Purpose: The Process of Continuous Improvement” will help the reader decide on personal plans and begin to work for the future.

Eliyahu Goldratt emphasizes the idea that with a clear goal, you can achieve anything. The fact is that until we have designated for ourselves a concrete vision of our own life, the desired cannot be any closer to us. It will not become a part of existence in the case when a person in every possible way avoids contacts with his close environment.

What are we working for? Eliyahu Goldratt says that the main thing is not only the achievement of the goal, but also the corresponding mental attitude. When a person does not believe in himself, he cannot do anything. He seems to give up in advance, not allowing the world to fully learn about himself. This happens for the reason that we stop concentrating energy on achievements, we spend it more on experiences. Books for the business of this author can correctly prioritize. Organizing yourself is an important task.

books for business

Overcoming the crisis

The book “Purpose: The Process of Continuous Improvement” will help to break the deadlock, overcome internal emptiness. In a situation of confusion, a person is unable to think on a large scale and correctly make decisions. The author talks about the need to take responsibility for everything that happens in life. What is happening should be understood only from the perspective of an incoming lesson, which you must try to accept and learn.

“Goal: Continuous Improvement Process” helps to sort out doubts. Overcoming any crisis (personal or in the workplace) begins from the moment you realize your mistake. Until this step has been taken, all other attempts to rectify the situation will prove futile. These techniques work great for resolving various conflicts in the workplace. Building future prospects is another step necessary to form a successful picture of the world.

eliyahu goldratt goal process continuous improvement

Purpose and money

How are our dreams related to finances? Is there a certain pattern here? Of course, yes. Elijah Goldratt talks about the need to see the final result. “Goal: The Process of Continuous Improvement” is a book that everyone should read, especially it will be useful to individuals who are going to become successful entrepreneurs.

To become a true professional, you will have to work hard. It is necessary at any stage of development of activity to be able to concentrate on the main thing. A successful person should always keep in his head a static picture of solid success and not recede from it. “Goal: Continuous Improvement Process” allows you to achieve high results by referring to your internal source. This book will be useful to everyone who wants to work on their own character.

goal process continuous improvement

Three basic questions

Usually, people who are going to develop their business are worried about the same fears and problems. There are three main questions that a novice businessman must answer to himself before starting: “Why should I do this?”, “Can I really succeed?”, “How can I achieve what I want?”

The first affects the level of human ambition. Dreams that ask to be embodied come to the fore here. The second question is aimed at revealing the level of anxiety, allows you to overcome doubts. The third - searches for prospects and opportunities that will help overcome emerging obstacles. The fact is that when we begin to approach the desired goal, then fate necessarily puts obstacles. A person must learn to overcome big and small difficulties on the way to the desired.

Thus, the book “Goal: The Process of Continuous Improvement” will be incredibly useful to those who want to begin their journey in any activity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F4159/

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