The kindest and smartest dog - Newfoundland

Newfoundland is a very famous breed of dog. This breed, developed by Canadian fishermen, is often called a diver, which is not entirely correct. Diver - a kind of Newfoundland, whose homeland is the USSR. This breed is characterized by a wonderful balanced character that is suitable for families with young children.

Breed description

newfoundland dog

It is worth noting that this is a very hardy and large dog. Newfoundland has a thick, slightly wavy coat and undercoat, between the fingers he has membranes. The body of the animal must be muscular with very strong limbs. Color - black or brown, sometimes with white accents on the chest and legs. The weight of animals can reach 68 kg, height - 71 cm. Life expectancy - about 8-10 years.

A Newfoundland dog can be kept in an apartment, but it definitely needs good physical activity.


Such an animal is kindness itself, caring and curiosity. All the most positive qualities that a dog can possess are concentrated in this breed. Newfoundland gets along well with other animals, so worry about the fact that he will drive cats or other dogs, not worth it. Such a good-natured pet is not capable of harming any living creature, so Newfoundland can be kept for families who even have a baby. This long-haired giant is very attached to all members of the family and begins to yearn if someone disappears from his life.

newfoundland dog

A representative of this breed is also not suitable for protection, since he absolutely does not know how to bark. Although even without a frightening voice, he would scare anyone, it is unlikely that anyone would dare to approach such a giant as Newfoundland. The dog is very sensitive to criticism and increased voice, so no hard training methods when working with it are unacceptable. Although these animals are easy to train, they love to play. Often, trying to please the owner, the dog tries to guess what is expected of it before he hears the command.

The Newfoundland dog breed has one feature - these giants are not indifferent to water procedures. Seeing any body of water on the horizon, the dogs immediately run to swim. If you do not want to walk with a wet animal, consider this point, going, for example, to the embankment.

Another weakness of the pet is that he loves traveling. A trip in any form of transport is not a pleasure for most animals, but Newfoundland is ready to travel with the beloved host even the whole world.


newfoundland dog breed

As for the care of the dog, the most difficulties will be with the coat. These animals shed almost all year round, and to prevent tangling of thick hair, you need to comb out your four-legged friend 4 times a week with a brush with hard bristles. Especially troublesome with Newfoundland will be in spring and autumn, because at this time he will completely lose his undercoat.

You do not need to bathe your pet often, even though this dog is very fond of water. Newfoundland has wool with natural lubrication, which allows the animal to practically not get dirty and not get wet. To care for pet hair, it is recommended to use dry shampoo.

Newfoundland is prone to obesity. In order to prevent the accumulation of extra pounds, you need prolonged physical activity. In addition, dogs of this breed are not very prone to an active lifestyle. In company with a person, they will gladly go for a walk, but they themselves do not like to move too much.

Many owners note that this animal often drools. True, such a flaw will seem the most insignificant in comparison with the numerous advantages that a dog possesses. Newfoundland is a truly wonderful friend for all family members. If you choose this breed, we assure you, you will definitely never regret it.


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